Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe"

the xcx
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Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe" Empty Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe"

Post by guest7 Sat 5 May 2012 - 23:26


he isn't even joking
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Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe" Empty Re: Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe"

Post by the xcx Sat 5 May 2012 - 23:29

those 3 trophies what they won last year, are meant to go for the previous campign. They still havent won the CDR tho.
the xcx
the xcx
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Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe" Empty Re: Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe"

Post by billionmillion Sat 5 May 2012 - 23:31

is he counting messi's golden shoe too?
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Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe" Empty Re: Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe"

Post by McAgger Sat 5 May 2012 - 23:34

I think he's counting Messi's pichichi and Valdes' Zamora Very Happy
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Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe" Empty Re: Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe"

Post by guest7 Sat 5 May 2012 - 23:36

Golden Shoe + Zamora + Balon d'Or + CDR = most successful club in Europe :bow:
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Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe" Empty Re: Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe"

Post by harhar11 Sun 6 May 2012 - 0:07

He is right though. Small trophies, but we all remember how real madrid celebrated one of those small trophies last year :coffee: Razz

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Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe" Empty Re: Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe"

Post by Mr Nick09 Sun 6 May 2012 - 0:17

harhar11 wrote:He is right though. Small trophies, but we all remember how real madrid celebrated one of those small trophies last year :coffee: Razz

because we smooshed the mighty barca in a final, that was glorious
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Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe" Empty Re: Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe"

Post by billionmillion Sun 6 May 2012 - 0:30

your sig takes me to porn sites
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Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe" Empty Re: Rosell: "We have won 3 trophies so far and we can win the fourth, we can be the most successful club in Europe"

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