League of Legends
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Re: League of Legends
I consider myself a bad farmer, which is the reason I used to main jungle and support, altho I improved it with some experience and watching some LCS (especially farming under tower) but from my experience with Yasuo and Draven when they were f2p they are incredibly easy to farm with. Still that streak it's a very remarkable achievement, 14 consecutive wins FFS. You just can't always have the upper hand as a team so you must have hard carried a lot of these, good job.
That's one of the concerns I have with my playing style, I can't carry for shit even if im feed with a lategame carry. If there's one other guy feed as much as me or close to it then we most likely win the game but when it's only me and the rest of the team feeding or mediocre at best I just end up to be not good enough, or to fall in everyone else's mediocrity. And I know it's something I lack because I've witnessed a lot of games where there's this one guy who would just single-handedly hard carry and make everyone else play better. I just can't. (unless I'm a fed Cho and can safely 1v5)
Another concern with my playing-style I have is that I can't deal for shit with splitpush. For example we're 15 kills ahead, but always pushed under our tower, we win the teamfight, recall because we're all low and when we return to lanethey are again pushing and pushing and nothing else. Then they get a dragon because we're pushing the minions out of our towers, they get a tower and a kill because they send a second man top whereas we had one defending it and if they do happen to win one teamfight they get inside our base. My playing-style is too teamfight focus, all I want to do is just teamfight and then push towers/get dragons/barons, but if whenever you start grouping, you do a teamfight the opponent just backs it off and in the meantime gets a tower or two, IDK. At least when the game is revolved around constant teamfighting we usually win the game or at least lose while being less frustrated than losing to *bleep* splitpush.
Recently I did the most epic backdoor ever, at least that I've ever witnessed. So im Teemo, we managed to take one inhib tower so I decide to camp there. I camped there hard, for a good 10-15 minutes (even got an AFK warning), my team lost two teamfights 4v5, enemy got baron and a nexus towerand at that point you see your team losing, you see no minions coming down that lane that I almost fell for the temptation to just recall and help your team or do the inhibitor without minion but I resisted it and when a big minion wave came I managed to clean inhi and the whole base. I was with the nashor hurricane build, so lots of AS, and took the towers fast but I think the enemy lacked time reactions, they recalled when I already got a nexus tower and half the other, probably underestimated my backdoor power or even forgot that I was in that match.
That's one of the concerns I have with my playing style, I can't carry for shit even if im feed with a lategame carry. If there's one other guy feed as much as me or close to it then we most likely win the game but when it's only me and the rest of the team feeding or mediocre at best I just end up to be not good enough, or to fall in everyone else's mediocrity. And I know it's something I lack because I've witnessed a lot of games where there's this one guy who would just single-handedly hard carry and make everyone else play better. I just can't. (unless I'm a fed Cho and can safely 1v5)
Another concern with my playing-style I have is that I can't deal for shit with splitpush. For example we're 15 kills ahead, but always pushed under our tower, we win the teamfight, recall because we're all low and when we return to lanethey are again pushing and pushing and nothing else. Then they get a dragon because we're pushing the minions out of our towers, they get a tower and a kill because they send a second man top whereas we had one defending it and if they do happen to win one teamfight they get inside our base. My playing-style is too teamfight focus, all I want to do is just teamfight and then push towers/get dragons/barons, but if whenever you start grouping, you do a teamfight the opponent just backs it off and in the meantime gets a tower or two, IDK. At least when the game is revolved around constant teamfighting we usually win the game or at least lose while being less frustrated than losing to *bleep* splitpush.
Recently I did the most epic backdoor ever, at least that I've ever witnessed. So im Teemo, we managed to take one inhib tower so I decide to camp there. I camped there hard, for a good 10-15 minutes (even got an AFK warning), my team lost two teamfights 4v5, enemy got baron and a nexus towerand at that point you see your team losing, you see no minions coming down that lane that I almost fell for the temptation to just recall and help your team or do the inhibitor without minion but I resisted it and when a big minion wave came I managed to clean inhi and the whole base. I was with the nashor hurricane build, so lots of AS, and took the towers fast but I think the enemy lacked time reactions, they recalled when I already got a nexus tower and half the other, probably underestimated my backdoor power or even forgot that I was in that match.
Katy Perry- First Team
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Re: League of Legends
hmm. Yasuo is sure as hell incredibly easy to farm with. I'd say he is easily in the Top 10 easiest farm in the game and really high at that too . But i have to say here , it really isn't so simple as you may think to farm like this , even with Yasuo and especially Draven and i hope i can help you understand why and use this info to help your farming get better. Imho , farming is more about knowledge and focus rather than mechanics , at least for most champs that is. It's just that farming is/gets easier if your mechanics are , let's say at least "decent" .
Yasuo . His kit is amazing for farming . Q spammable with no cost which can last hit many creeps for the same dmg , high dmg overall , good AS overall , hurricane helps a lot to get cs that it's over there but you shouldn't really attempt to reach , E is just OP in it's overall usage despite all the nerfs and can guarantee some otherwise lost cs and on top of it , activating q whilst your e is on the way , creates an AOE knockup which is both fun to use and effective in getting cs and quickly at that too.
Overall farming capability : 10/10 . Easily. BUT******
If you focus heavily on farming the minions during laning phase , you miss out in one of Yasuo's biggest mental and agressive advantages : the usability , availability and overall effectiveness of his E , Sweeping Blade.
You use Yasuo's farming prowess fast and hard and carelessly to get that CS go UP .. and you miss the ability to get in , trade against the enemy midlaner like a fkn boss and swag the fk out like the Ronin swaglord you are , whilst he loses cs , hp , calm and belief in his ability to win lane. SO, what i want to say here : YES , easy to farm with , BUT , if you lack the balance between farming and trading , you may gain a lot of cs but you won't be playing Yasuo to his full potential.
If you focus heavily on trades and all-ins , but miss a lot of cs / lose important amount of cs often because of it , you're still doing it wrong /could do much better . Great Yasuos plan out their strategy wave upon wave and the master Yasuos do both great CS and win trades the safest way possible . How ?? By taking 100% advantage of the minion waves . Best tip i was given about Yasuo , learn everything that is to know about minion waves and where they are going to be at any given time , at all times in the game . Needless to say my Yasuo improved fkloads after that .
Overall , Yasuo is very very easy to get good farm even for mediocre-bad farmers , but there's a cost for those who just want the easy cs (usually to rekt latah .. sigh ) . You miss out on his true potential in lane , which is a devastating thing most of the times. An agressive Yasuo who can trade and get out whilst winning the farming war will absolutely REKT you if you don't devote resources to stop him. But yeah , the high CS never saved the countless average Joe Yasuos from losing their games. To be both great at farming and at what Yasuo really is great at , well that's really hard to accomplish for most players , despite Yasuo being incredibly easy to farm with.
As for Draven , all i am going to say is , wave clear . The only thing he has going for him is the dmg , his farming is not at all easy. Sure you will guarantee many cs just because of the dmg... u don't need to be great at last hits when you can just rekt the minions mainly because of raw ad . But what happens when you have to clear a wave/waves fast?? lel you can't do that really , or you will do it at a significant cost . You either take more time , which is the last thing you want to waste in this game , or use more mana , which will leave you open to all kind of risks with Draven. Draven's mana and it's usage is so gutted , that you must plan ahead where and when you will use your mana , cause much of Draven's power depends on his mana really. Try 2v2 or teamfight with mana available for either ult , or just use his abilities once each , just good luck to you. You could maybe get statik shiv to help , but you will miss out on phantom dancer , which more than often is the correct AS item on Draven . Not necessarily core anymore , but most of the time it's still PD for Draven .
Farming with Draven , nope , not easy . There are many other ADCs that are so much easier to farm with. Never mind his mechanical style which requires you to be absolutely focused to not step near their danger zone , you actually have to do that fast enough to catch up with things in the game , which simply you cannot always manage , too many examples to make note here. Never mind frequently using abilities on farming with draven ; it will leave you at 30-50% mana very very fast. Which you will sorely miss on when the all-in comes. All Draven has going for him about farming is his powerfull Q and that's simply it. When forced to farm without Q his last hit is really pathetic and you will probably miss cs however good you are because draven auto without q is miserable . Spamming W helps a ton but isn't really an efficient option to wave clear faster because you will be out of mana in no time and actually using E does nothing unless you max it , which you shouldn't . Never. EVER . Just raw dmg isn't easy farm , may be simple farm in early game... but later on? When almost EVERY other adc has better wave clear than you?? nah , nothing easy in Draven's farm , just simple. And still , many many adc players don't know how to farm properly with Draven , and especially MAKE USE OF HIS PASSIVE while doing so.
Most think his passive is only worthy for his first kill , while in reality you can get so much ahead by farming for his passive. Most dravens activate Q , auto and auto right again to add that normal auto on the creeps... lel. You miss out on so many axes and never mind if you happen to miss some too. I usually go higher than 150 axes to get first kill and 100 axes for the 2nd kill and then i am fed . That's how i win games with Draven , using his passive and my good farming , to get ahead and stay ahead. And if it fails?? Never mind m8 , i ll just farm some more , get 200+ axes and try my best to even KS a kill. Yeap , back in
Yasuo . His kit is amazing for farming . Q spammable with no cost which can last hit many creeps for the same dmg , high dmg overall , good AS overall , hurricane helps a lot to get cs that it's over there but you shouldn't really attempt to reach , E is just OP in it's overall usage despite all the nerfs and can guarantee some otherwise lost cs and on top of it , activating q whilst your e is on the way , creates an AOE knockup which is both fun to use and effective in getting cs and quickly at that too.
Overall farming capability : 10/10 . Easily. BUT******
If you focus heavily on farming the minions during laning phase , you miss out in one of Yasuo's biggest mental and agressive advantages : the usability , availability and overall effectiveness of his E , Sweeping Blade.
You use Yasuo's farming prowess fast and hard and carelessly to get that CS go UP .. and you miss the ability to get in , trade against the enemy midlaner like a fkn boss and swag the fk out like the Ronin swaglord you are , whilst he loses cs , hp , calm and belief in his ability to win lane. SO, what i want to say here : YES , easy to farm with , BUT , if you lack the balance between farming and trading , you may gain a lot of cs but you won't be playing Yasuo to his full potential.
If you focus heavily on trades and all-ins , but miss a lot of cs / lose important amount of cs often because of it , you're still doing it wrong /could do much better . Great Yasuos plan out their strategy wave upon wave and the master Yasuos do both great CS and win trades the safest way possible . How ?? By taking 100% advantage of the minion waves . Best tip i was given about Yasuo , learn everything that is to know about minion waves and where they are going to be at any given time , at all times in the game . Needless to say my Yasuo improved fkloads after that .
Overall , Yasuo is very very easy to get good farm even for mediocre-bad farmers , but there's a cost for those who just want the easy cs (usually to rekt latah .. sigh ) . You miss out on his true potential in lane , which is a devastating thing most of the times. An agressive Yasuo who can trade and get out whilst winning the farming war will absolutely REKT you if you don't devote resources to stop him. But yeah , the high CS never saved the countless average Joe Yasuos from losing their games. To be both great at farming and at what Yasuo really is great at , well that's really hard to accomplish for most players , despite Yasuo being incredibly easy to farm with.
As for Draven , all i am going to say is , wave clear . The only thing he has going for him is the dmg , his farming is not at all easy. Sure you will guarantee many cs just because of the dmg... u don't need to be great at last hits when you can just rekt the minions mainly because of raw ad . But what happens when you have to clear a wave/waves fast?? lel you can't do that really , or you will do it at a significant cost . You either take more time , which is the last thing you want to waste in this game , or use more mana , which will leave you open to all kind of risks with Draven. Draven's mana and it's usage is so gutted , that you must plan ahead where and when you will use your mana , cause much of Draven's power depends on his mana really. Try 2v2 or teamfight with mana available for either ult , or just use his abilities once each , just good luck to you. You could maybe get statik shiv to help , but you will miss out on phantom dancer , which more than often is the correct AS item on Draven . Not necessarily core anymore , but most of the time it's still PD for Draven .
Farming with Draven , nope , not easy . There are many other ADCs that are so much easier to farm with. Never mind his mechanical style which requires you to be absolutely focused to not step near their danger zone , you actually have to do that fast enough to catch up with things in the game , which simply you cannot always manage , too many examples to make note here. Never mind frequently using abilities on farming with draven ; it will leave you at 30-50% mana very very fast. Which you will sorely miss on when the all-in comes. All Draven has going for him about farming is his powerfull Q and that's simply it. When forced to farm without Q his last hit is really pathetic and you will probably miss cs however good you are because draven auto without q is miserable . Spamming W helps a ton but isn't really an efficient option to wave clear faster because you will be out of mana in no time and actually using E does nothing unless you max it , which you shouldn't . Never. EVER . Just raw dmg isn't easy farm , may be simple farm in early game... but later on? When almost EVERY other adc has better wave clear than you?? nah , nothing easy in Draven's farm , just simple. And still , many many adc players don't know how to farm properly with Draven , and especially MAKE USE OF HIS PASSIVE while doing so.
Most think his passive is only worthy for his first kill , while in reality you can get so much ahead by farming for his passive. Most dravens activate Q , auto and auto right again to add that normal auto on the creeps... lel. You miss out on so many axes and never mind if you happen to miss some too. I usually go higher than 150 axes to get first kill and 100 axes for the 2nd kill and then i am fed . That's how i win games with Draven , using his passive and my good farming , to get ahead and stay ahead. And if it fails?? Never mind m8 , i ll just farm some more , get 200+ axes and try my best to even KS a kill. Yeap , back in
Dante- Fan Favorite
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Re: League of Legends
El Shaarawy wrote:I haven't played ranked in a year , i just mostly play ARAM these days. But i do have a story
I once went into a game where i was the pick leader, League being League i banned what i thought were OP champs at the time. I picked Kha, and we went into the game. Minute 14 i had 6 kills/1 death. Enemy team said they were going to report me for DDOSing (because we all DDOS in a Silver game right). I just walk up to Ziggs mid, EWQ and E out. Of course Ziggs said: "lol you're so bad", and i didn't respond in all chat. After game he wanted to 1v1 me and we went ahead, 3 games he told me to pick any champ and that he can beat me with Ziggs only. Of course i picked Zed/Talon/Fizz and destroyed him. Seeing as that i never got this far with a butthurt player, i didn't know what his reaction was going to be like.
Nor will i ever, he hasn't been online, to my knowledge, ever since
wow. i've managed to force a few ragequits myself but such a story is really rare to be able to tell . I may change my definition of rekt after this
Also , won my 7th provisional game out of 10. 7 wins in a row With Draven , 9-2-4 , 202 cs , 29:48 game.
Both ranked and Draven win streaks live on
Sadly i was bronze 1 last season , so unless i make at least 9 wins , i am pretty sure it's either silver V-IV , or silver III for me. It's a pitty for all the effort and dat win streak elsewise just escaping bronze i am trully grateful . No matter what happens in the next 3 games , i am getting that Gold V this season .
No matter what. There's literaly no Silver player that i cannot handle , well , true Silver players that is , not folks with Gold-even Plat MMR going up. Although i did get the better out of a Syndra who was plat last season in midlane in game 6 . Had my Ice Biatch , Lissandra. I was first pick , instalock Lissandra and he chose Syndra without a 2nd thought to ... probably counter me??? lol i smiled so wickedly when he did this . I was like , u want to fk with my Liss?? you a cheecky one? bring it bro
i finished the game 5-4-17 and he was like 4-11-something . His teammates said he was mad and flamed a lot, probably thought he could rekt me just by countering Lissandra.. Good thing i also play Syndra. good days in league for me , that's for sure.
Dante- Fan Favorite
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Re: League of Legends
ok so i managed 9 wins and 1 defeat in provisionals . As for the defeat , i have to thank 'a smurf ' , there was a Rengar dude which was simply the best rengar i've ever seen in any of my own games so far and he completely obliterated us (32-4-9 get fkd). I was Lee Sin and i hadn't played for a while in the jungle , got rekt and fed everyone . I couldn't have fed more even if i worked for Unicef in Africa . I got Silver II in the end .
9-1 = Silver II
ty Rito
to be honest though , i fully deserve it. I should have climbed out of bronze 1 last season , even if i just stopped at Silver V. I would be Gold V already. With 31+ LP a win... all i needed was a couple of days , worst case scenario. Serves me well.
But oh well , i am satisfied with my effort. OP GG site says my MMR is 1500 , which is Gold V. It's not 100% accurate but i am somewhere there more or less , to be honest , i am quite sure i am getting to Gold V before this season ends. I am not going to tryhard for more cause let's face it , summer. Can't play as much as i have during winter even if i wanted to .
9-1 = Silver II
ty Rito
to be honest though , i fully deserve it. I should have climbed out of bronze 1 last season , even if i just stopped at Silver V. I would be Gold V already. With 31+ LP a win... all i needed was a couple of days , worst case scenario. Serves me well.
But oh well , i am satisfied with my effort. OP GG site says my MMR is 1500 , which is Gold V. It's not 100% accurate but i am somewhere there more or less , to be honest , i am quite sure i am getting to Gold V before this season ends. I am not going to tryhard for more cause let's face it , summer. Can't play as much as i have during winter even if i wanted to .
Dante- Fan Favorite
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Re: League of Legends
June 1st standings across the 4 major regions:
SBENU Champions Summer 2015 (Korea)
Tencent LoL Pro League 2015 Summer Season (China)
League of Legends Championship Series Summer Split (North America)
League of Legends Championship Series Summer (Europe)
SBENU Champions Summer 2015 (Korea)
Rank | Team | W | L |
1 | CJ Entus | 3 | 0 |
2 | SK Telecom T1 | 2 | 0 |
3 | KT Rolster | 2 | 1 |
4 | Jin Air Green Wings | 2 | 1 |
5 | KOO Tigers | 1 | 1 |
6 | Longzhu Incredible Miracle | 1 | 1 |
7 | Samsung Galaxy | 1 | 2 |
8 | Najin e-mFire | 1 | 2 |
9 | Anarchy | 1 | 3 |
10 | SBENU SONICBOOM | 0 | 3 |
Rank | Team | Points | W | L | D |
1 | Invictus Gaming | 9 | 3 | 1 | 0 |
2 | Qiao Gu | 7 | 2 | 0 | 1 |
3 | Edward Gaming | 7 | 2 | 0 | 1 |
4 | Snake | 7 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
5 | OMG | 6 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
6 | Royal Never Give Up | 6 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
7 | Master3 | 6 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
8 | Unlimited Potential | 4 | 0 | 1 | 4 |
9 | LGD Gaming | 3 | 0 | 1 | 3 |
10 | Vici Gaming | 3 | 0 | 1 | 3 |
11 | Team WE | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 |
12 | King | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 |
Rank | Team | W | L |
1 | Counter Logic Gaming | 2 | 0 |
1 | Team Liquid | 2 | 0 |
2 | Cloud9 | 1 | 1 |
2 | Enemy Esport | 1 | 1 |
2 | Gravity | 1 | 1 |
2 | Team Dignitas | 1 | 1 |
2 | Team Impulse | 1 | 1 |
2 | Team SoloMid | 1 | 1 |
3 | Team 8 | 0 | 2 |
3 | Team Dragon Knights | 0 | 2 |
Rank | Team | W | L |
1 | Fnatic | 2 | 0 |
1 | Origen | 2 | 0 |
2 | Copenhagen Wolves | 1 | 1 |
2 | Elements | 1 | 1 |
2 | Giants Gaming | 1 | 1 |
2 | H2K | 1 | 1 |
2 | ROCCAT | 1 | 1 |
2 | Unicorns Of Love | 1 | 1 |
3 | Gambit Gaming | 0 | 2 |
3 | SK Gaming | 0 | 2 |
Bellabong- First Team
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Re: League of Legends
Congrats Dante !
@Phritz, Its amazing how Fnatic is on top despite the roster changes
@Phritz, Its amazing how Fnatic is on top despite the roster changes
Kaladin- Stormblessed
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Re: League of Legends
Fnatic is probably better now than with the S4 roster . Huni is a beast who can play against anybody in the Top lane and his play is generaly top tier and i think he's much better than Soaz anyway ( he's also hilarious i love the dude ) , Febiven is easily in the top 3 midlaners in Europe right now , although still lacks in comparison to the top midlaners in the world atm . I don't see in him anything trully special like i see in Faker , Pawn , Dade and even Bjergsen . I think Febiven is Froggen/Keane level tbh , impressive , but not up there with the best of the best. Reignover idk , he seems a responsive teammate at least , even though i am still not impressed by his plays and more importantly , how he's willing to concede control over his jungle at times . Compared to Bengi or ClearLove , well you can't even compared them really. He's far from their level . Damnit Bengi and ClearLove play jungle like it's a whole different beast .. the control and pressure they put out on the map is unparalleled .
Yellowstar and Rekkles are well proven on the European LCS and are very ambitious as well . Rekkles just sealed their participation at Worlds , if there was any doubt by now. From the first game i saw of Rekkles last season , i knew this lad would become big at ADC , he was really impressive. Right now he's absolutely EU's best ADC .
I don't understand why people praise Forg1ven to be the best adc in EU LCS . They are on a similar level as individuals , but Rekkles is much better as a teammate and is less concerned on roflstomping his lane but win the objectives , therefore the better player. Forg1ven is all about himself , his lane and his KDA-CS , if the entire team doesn't uplift him , they lose. His champion pool is quite embarrrasing and he has an eccentric view about some things in the game , such as his hate for Sivir , because she's easy to play . He's not wrong , but a pro player thinking like that won't really be the best he can be . Or he doesnt play Kalista because he thinks he would become worst at other ADCs. WTF?? I won't presume to know better , but when you give up on such a strong pick every single game for such a personal reason , well then , you deserve what's coming to you.
Yellowstar and Rekkles are well proven on the European LCS and are very ambitious as well . Rekkles just sealed their participation at Worlds , if there was any doubt by now. From the first game i saw of Rekkles last season , i knew this lad would become big at ADC , he was really impressive. Right now he's absolutely EU's best ADC .
I don't understand why people praise Forg1ven to be the best adc in EU LCS . They are on a similar level as individuals , but Rekkles is much better as a teammate and is less concerned on roflstomping his lane but win the objectives , therefore the better player. Forg1ven is all about himself , his lane and his KDA-CS , if the entire team doesn't uplift him , they lose. His champion pool is quite embarrrasing and he has an eccentric view about some things in the game , such as his hate for Sivir , because she's easy to play . He's not wrong , but a pro player thinking like that won't really be the best he can be . Or he doesnt play Kalista because he thinks he would become worst at other ADCs. WTF?? I won't presume to know better , but when you give up on such a strong pick every single game for such a personal reason , well then , you deserve what's coming to you.
Dante- Fan Favorite
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Re: League of Legends
as for myself , i must say , all these succesfull games with Draven have taken their toll in my midlaning ability.. i don't know why but it is incredibly frustrating so far.
I am currently undefeated with Draven in ranked , i have 6 games 6 wins. But my Lissandra , Azir and Zed , usually my main picks at mid have suffered a lot for it , because i played a lot of Draven recently . Also my Syndra , Cassiopeia and Ahri , idk why but i am not nearly as successful as i was . Thankfully my Yasuo is still a beast (most of the time)
Tbh , i am still not sure , am i slowly but surely becoming an ADC main , or is it that i play with Gold players and i can't win as much as i used to ?? Truth be told , it's not my laning that suffers , it's the ganks. Silver junglers v Gold junglers is a whole different story and i've yet to adapt .
I don't know really. Draven i've played a ton , i don't care what the opponent is as long as i play well . But when i mid , the ganks are just too good these days .. it's a miracle if i don't use flash to escape anymore , whereas against Silver junglers , i used to bait kills and even double kills.
Bit hard for me , this is how i've lost most of my games in ranked these days. My laning is usually enough-very good , my champion pool is more than enough for high silver-low gold , my teamfight is at least decent , my mehonix are better than ever.. but the ganks
i am legit scared to pursue my agressive playstyle , because of the ganks . And when i play passively , lane becomes a farmfest , i can't roam and usually , 3+ people jump over at midlane and shit happen . It's either i risk playing agressive or hope the inevitable doesn't come at midlane. It legit sucks that i can't play how i am used to , the way i can do my best and how i like to play . I put so much pressure on the enemy midlaner that the jungler just camps me in most of my games and i don't have an answer for that , because your average gold jungler is something that i am really not used to yet .
Not sure what to do tbh , it really sucks
I am currently undefeated with Draven in ranked , i have 6 games 6 wins. But my Lissandra , Azir and Zed , usually my main picks at mid have suffered a lot for it , because i played a lot of Draven recently . Also my Syndra , Cassiopeia and Ahri , idk why but i am not nearly as successful as i was . Thankfully my Yasuo is still a beast (most of the time)
Tbh , i am still not sure , am i slowly but surely becoming an ADC main , or is it that i play with Gold players and i can't win as much as i used to ?? Truth be told , it's not my laning that suffers , it's the ganks. Silver junglers v Gold junglers is a whole different story and i've yet to adapt .
I don't know really. Draven i've played a ton , i don't care what the opponent is as long as i play well . But when i mid , the ganks are just too good these days .. it's a miracle if i don't use flash to escape anymore , whereas against Silver junglers , i used to bait kills and even double kills.
Bit hard for me , this is how i've lost most of my games in ranked these days. My laning is usually enough-very good , my champion pool is more than enough for high silver-low gold , my teamfight is at least decent , my mehonix are better than ever.. but the ganks
i am legit scared to pursue my agressive playstyle , because of the ganks . And when i play passively , lane becomes a farmfest , i can't roam and usually , 3+ people jump over at midlane and shit happen . It's either i risk playing agressive or hope the inevitable doesn't come at midlane. It legit sucks that i can't play how i am used to , the way i can do my best and how i like to play . I put so much pressure on the enemy midlaner that the jungler just camps me in most of my games and i don't have an answer for that , because your average gold jungler is something that i am really not used to yet .
Not sure what to do tbh , it really sucks
Dante- Fan Favorite
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Re: League of Legends
Dante do you have a minute to talk about our Lord and Saviour Ward?
Jokes aside guessing/calculating what the Jungler is doing and what he would want to do is one of the many skills you need to learn in League Can't help much with that though cause it's also one of my weakest points and tbh it's pretty hard this season with the variety of routes junglers can take. You pretty much need to actively think
Have op.gg record a game and link me to it and I'll point out to you the cues you can pick up on when you can play aggressively (as well as other mistakes I'll notice) or not; part of actually getting good is not knowing how to kill/pressure the enemy but when to do so.
I lost it at Thorins tweet about Forgiven picking Sivir last night
Fnatic is going to get really scary. Most teams strategy against Fnatic was to try and force the 2v2 (and win it because Steeelback) because otherwise Huni will just dumpster your team in a laneswap. That avenue of winning simply isn't viable anymore
Jokes aside guessing/calculating what the Jungler is doing and what he would want to do is one of the many skills you need to learn in League Can't help much with that though cause it's also one of my weakest points and tbh it's pretty hard this season with the variety of routes junglers can take. You pretty much need to actively think
Have op.gg record a game and link me to it and I'll point out to you the cues you can pick up on when you can play aggressively (as well as other mistakes I'll notice) or not; part of actually getting good is not knowing how to kill/pressure the enemy but when to do so.
I lost it at Thorins tweet about Forgiven picking Sivir last night
You either die a hero carry ADC or you live to see yourself become a clean-up support b**** ADC
Fnatic is going to get really scary. Most teams strategy against Fnatic was to try and force the 2v2 (and win it because Steeelback) because otherwise Huni will just dumpster your team in a laneswap. That avenue of winning simply isn't viable anymore
Bellabong- First Team
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Re: League of Legends
I ward . I do. I ward a lot , even as ADC . Recently i've been making sure to upgrade the trinket in almost all of my games , because of what's happening to me with the ganks. Quite often i am only behind the supports in wards , i never forget to ward or buy wards . BUT . I've noticed something you said though and that's what i do wrong tbh. It's the timing. The when to do so. When to pressure/kill e.t.c .
I do it at a time so early on , that i force the jungler to make me a priority target and i can't deal with it most of the time . It ruins my game very early and against better players , it's very hard to come back. That's probably it.
I should probably adapt and be a bit less agressive pre 10mins and more methodical .
Calculating/guessing where the jungler is. Well , i can only do that so often and it depends , usually , on my knowledge of the enemy champ jungler. And that's only for the very first few minutes , i can never keep it up. :/
I will work on this .
As for the op.gg record , man i appreciate it . But i don't want to waste your time really . If it happens and i record a game , i will link you to it , i will make sure it won't be a long one . In any case , even post-advice is fine with me .
Truth be told however , it's rare i had someone better than me point me out my mistakes and all , by watching a full game that is . It would really help me out .
My biggest issue atm , i am not sure if it's mental or in-game , is the ganks . It sounds bronzie and i know it , but it's the truth. Not sure if it was the sample of games , but man. Either i rekt in lane or not , even when we are on par , the enemy jungler will shit on me at some point and i find it incredibly hard to come back after that.
I think it's probably my mentality , because i used to exploit the junglers most of the time rather than be afraid of them .
anyway , when i have a link , i'll post it here.
I ward . I do. I ward a lot , even as ADC . Recently i've been making sure to upgrade the trinket in almost all of my games , because of what's happening to me with the ganks. Quite often i am only behind the supports in wards , i never forget to ward or buy wards . BUT . I've noticed something you said though and that's what i do wrong tbh. It's the timing. The when to do so. When to pressure/kill e.t.c .
I do it at a time so early on , that i force the jungler to make me a priority target and i can't deal with it most of the time . It ruins my game very early and against better players , it's very hard to come back. That's probably it.
I should probably adapt and be a bit less agressive pre 10mins and more methodical .
Calculating/guessing where the jungler is. Well , i can only do that so often and it depends , usually , on my knowledge of the enemy champ jungler. And that's only for the very first few minutes , i can never keep it up. :/
I will work on this .
As for the op.gg record , man i appreciate it . But i don't want to waste your time really . If it happens and i record a game , i will link you to it , i will make sure it won't be a long one . In any case , even post-advice is fine with me .
Truth be told however , it's rare i had someone better than me point me out my mistakes and all , by watching a full game that is . It would really help me out .
My biggest issue atm , i am not sure if it's mental or in-game , is the ganks . It sounds bronzie and i know it , but it's the truth. Not sure if it was the sample of games , but man. Either i rekt in lane or not , even when we are on par , the enemy jungler will shit on me at some point and i find it incredibly hard to come back after that.
I think it's probably my mentality , because i used to exploit the junglers most of the time rather than be afraid of them .
anyway , when i have a link , i'll post it here.
Dante- Fan Favorite
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Re: League of Legends
Don't worry about it being a waste of time for me or not - it wouldn't be
The Unkillable Demon King - ESPN Magazine article on Faker
The Unkillable Demon King - ESPN Magazine article on Faker
Bellabong- First Team
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Re: League of Legends
Anyone still play this game?
Aha, I just started playing again after a 2 year hiatus. Lots of change, but seems pretty much the same. Communicate, be civil, farm and don't feed leads to wins the majority of the time.
Really interested in trying out Azir though.
Aha, I just started playing again after a 2 year hiatus. Lots of change, but seems pretty much the same. Communicate, be civil, farm and don't feed leads to wins the majority of the time.
Really interested in trying out Azir though.
Curtinho- First Team
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Re: League of Legends
Curtinho wrote:Anyone still play this game?
Aha, I just started playing again after a 2 year hiatus. Lots of change, but seems pretty much the same. Communicate, be civil, farm and don't feed leads to wins the majority of the time.
Really interested in trying out Azir though.
Still playing myself , i made it to gold 2 , 1-2 weeks ago (easy?)
As for Azir , strange enough , i also wanted to try out Azir after my break , from August 2014 to January 2015 . I main Azir since i got back in the game , tried him out and loved the champ .
My experience with Azir was fun and rewarding , although the learning process was one of the most difficult i had with any champ . It didn't take me long at all , but those first Azir games were terrible lol .Azir is one of the best champs in the game imho , but utterly unforgiving and demanding to master . If you are/were high elo , i'd say the learning process will be smoother , but still punishing enough.
However , after the most recent nerfs... he's still viable and particularly strong in the right hands , but there's no doubt , Azir just got that much harder to play and win games . I still main Azir anyway , but i can easily tell the difference , sadly.. You basically picked the worst time to try out Azir lol . Almost the entire season he was OP , but not anymore . I got from Silver 2 to Gold 2 with Azir , 63% winrate in ranked atm . Fairly certain if i tryhard a little i can get into Platinum , that is if i can get Azir in most of my games .
Overall , if you like Azir i'd say go ahead and play as much as you can, but you should know he really isn't in the best state right now .
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Re: League of Legends
Bellabong- First Team
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Re: League of Legends
I can streams! ^.^
I can streams! ^.^
Bellabong- First Team
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Re: League of Legends
Twitch recording feature is handy
Bellabong- First Team
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Re: League of Legends
That was a nice play @ ~43:40
Kaladin- Stormblessed
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Re: League of Legends
Followed you Phritz
Saw the one you linked here , indeed it was a nice comeback . Was surprised about how easily they lost the last teamfight tho . I think they had already given up believing they could win this game at that point , no back up plan either(i guess) .. they just gathered up and went to die at your base
Your team's LeBlanc was pretty good , but also quite annoying in game . Is it LB players ?? Because i have seen some LBs who were the exact same , if not worse on the occasion .. dude was annoying af everytime anything bad had occurred , however you handled it very well , i'd say that was one of the main reasons you won , how you all handled LB's bs . Eventually he had to just shut up lol
What do you think of Kindred btw ??
Dat Ori and the blind forest feel
Saw the one you linked here , indeed it was a nice comeback . Was surprised about how easily they lost the last teamfight tho . I think they had already given up believing they could win this game at that point , no back up plan either(i guess) .. they just gathered up and went to die at your base
Your team's LeBlanc was pretty good , but also quite annoying in game . Is it LB players ?? Because i have seen some LBs who were the exact same , if not worse on the occasion .. dude was annoying af everytime anything bad had occurred , however you handled it very well , i'd say that was one of the main reasons you won , how you all handled LB's bs . Eventually he had to just shut up lol
What do you think of Kindred btw ??
Dat Ori and the blind forest feel
Dante- Fan Favorite
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Re: League of Legends
Well in that last team fight all the divers (Rene randomly goes in, Lee and Diana are forced tofollow) came in one by one and completely ditched their backline; no matter how tanky there's no way they could stand up to the dps of our front and backline and poof: comeback complete =D
Oh god you guys have probs seen my rusty fails as well xD (that trying to reel in Zyra while snared and casting ult... but I was snared and ulted comically)
LB's will be LB's and I can't usually be bothered to check what's going on in chat xD
Oh god you guys have probs seen my rusty fails as well xD (that trying to reel in Zyra while snared and casting ult... but I was snared and ulted comically)
LB's will be LB's and I can't usually be bothered to check what's going on in chat xD
Last edited by Phritz on Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
Bellabong- First Team
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Re: League of Legends
Have you seen Scarra's reaction?
Anyways, i'm so pumped for worlds, even though i'm not playing as religiously as before, i've found watching competitive league more entertaining funnily enough.
Will fanatic walk over all the teams or will they go bust? How many rounds until CLG are eliminated (Poor xmithie ). I have no idea on the eastern asian teams, but SKT and OMG are the ones to loo out for. It seems for the first time in years, Europe might have a legitimate chance in this worlds.
I'm so excited!
Will any game come close to this?
Anyways, i'm so pumped for worlds, even though i'm not playing as religiously as before, i've found watching competitive league more entertaining funnily enough.
Will fanatic walk over all the teams or will they go bust? How many rounds until CLG are eliminated (Poor xmithie ). I have no idea on the eastern asian teams, but SKT and OMG are the ones to loo out for. It seems for the first time in years, Europe might have a legitimate chance in this worlds.
I'm so excited!
Will any game come close to this?
Kaladin- Stormblessed
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Re: League of Legends
Phritz wrote:Well in that last team fight all the divers (Rene randomly goes in, Lee and Diana are forced tofollow) came in one by one and completely ditched their backline; no matter how tanky there's no way they could stand up to the dps of our front and backline and poof: comeback complete =D
Oh god you guys have probs seen my rusty fails as well xD (that trying to reel in Zyra while snared and casting ult... but I was snared and ulted comically)
LB's will be LB's and I can't usually be bothered to check what's going on in chat xD
Yeah i noticed a few blunders lol , but anyway , even in one's best games you can find many similar mistakes and all .. as far as one can see why and how it was a mistake , it's all that matters i guess. Funny thing is , as i was watching that moment with Zyra , i kinda expected it to go wrong , i was thinking , what does he want to do there.. lol it was funny if anything
but yeah lol , i've done way worse things than that situation with Zyra , good or bad game . Once at mid , i ulted the open space with Azir , i tried to predict their move and they were just 3 people in front of me seeing me waste my ult in front of them.. Funny thing is i shurima-drifted to do it , they just stood there doing nothing , while i used all my abilities and did 0 dmg , basically i did absolutely nothing. They all instantly typed lol/lmao in chat
El Shaarawy wrote:Have you seen Scarra's reaction?
Anyways, i'm so pumped for worlds, even though i'm not playing as religiously as before, i've found watching competitive league more entertaining funnily enough.
Will fanatic walk over all the teams or will they go bust? How many rounds until CLG are eliminated (Poor xmithie ). I have no idea on the eastern asian teams, but SKT and OMG are the ones to loo out for. It seems for the first time in years, Europe might have a legitimate chance in this worlds.
I'm so excited!
Will any game come close to this?
yeah i saw it at reddit i think
As for worlds , my opinion is european teams(Fnatic) have a small chance to win worlds , yes.. Not impossible by any means. They at least have everything to reach the semis , but i think that's where they will go out eventually. As much as i like the team and their players , i am kinda pessimistic about them making the finals , at least that's what i think right now . H2K are pretty doomed to begin with , not going to say much. Origen , well... their group is the group of death , unless Peke especially but also the rest , raise their game tremendously .. i really doubt they are getting out of the group. Would like them to go through , however i do think it's highly unlikely . At least they have better chances than TSM
CLG i think they will make it out of the groups as 2nd, but they will also falter pretty soon after it . Not sure what to say about NA LCS teams , last season while i was pretty green with all things lol i valued them , but this season where i understand and follow the game more ... let's just say they don't stand a chance against Chinese/Korean teams . They just aren't on the same level , neither as a team nor as individuals .
I am mostly eager to see EDG at Worlds .. Many don't think they can win Worlds right now , they had their ups and downs in their last few months , but i remember IEM and they have amazing players . If they can play at the same level / better than what they did at IEM , I think it will either be SKT or EDG to win worlds . I surely expect one of the 2 to be the ones who will throw Fnatic out .
In the end though , i think SKT will be the first team to win Worlds a 2nd time . they have Faker , Marin , Bengi , .. Easyhoon , Bang and Wolf are no pushovers too. And they have Faker . If he wants to prove he's the best player this game has ever seen , he will pretty much have to prove it again by winning worlds a 2nd time and honestly , SKT have the team to do it , it's not just Faker . Marin and Bengi especially , they are amazing players who can play against anyone and anything . Their bot , Bang and Wolf , is also very solid , however i seem them struggling sometimes in laning phase , although they always make it up later on . When they don't , i remember SKT losing . We'll see i guess , but i will be really surprised if they don't make the finals , i just don't see who can throw them out before the last Bo5.
As for that game with XPUKE .. the game has changed a lot , but i do think we are in for some really unforgettable games. Eagerly waiting for Worlds
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Re: League of Legends
Completely forgot about EDG, but yeah like you said the general opinion is that SKT will probably win it. However, i don't think it'll be a walk in the park imo. I do have a feeling that C9 might surprise some ppl, despite their awful campaign, i really think Hai is underrated as a leader and shotcaller (inb4 that zed play last year ) i have a feeling that they might upset some teams, not challenge for the trophy, but pull off some decent moves. As for Origen, i'm not sure really, times they have shimmers of that great old Fnatic, but other times they completely drop the ball, i dont like xpuke tbh, comes off as an alpha douche (though he toned that down a bit now) i do like soaz however, i wish him the best as i still think he can be amazing. TSM, i hope they crash out, i hate their bjerg and 4 wards comp, only thing i used to like about them is xpecial's bantz and dyrus ( cant wait for his 20 page essay after worlds). I hate Regi, i hate Cristiano Bjergson. Finally, CLG are frauds imo, they'll get found out in their first game lmao, once everyone realizes that doublelift is CLG, they'll get destroyed, not even their fake wins can convince me
All in all, i'm cautiously optimistic on fnatic's chances, but i wouldn't be surprised if SKT/OMG/EDG swept up the competition, worlds is a whole other setting compared to domestic comps, you'll see crazy picks, and westerners won't know how to deal with it imo
All in all, i'm cautiously optimistic on fnatic's chances, but i wouldn't be surprised if SKT/OMG/EDG swept up the competition, worlds is a whole other setting compared to domestic comps, you'll see crazy picks, and westerners won't know how to deal with it imo
Kaladin- Stormblessed
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Re: League of Legends
Cristiano Bjergson
We're on the same page , for the most part.. i also used to think C9 would be the surprise , however , seeing how Balls is well , balls right now (: , and how everyone expects them to do something crazy this worlds.. i think the pressure will get the worst out of them really. As long as they are the underdogs and they feel like it , maybe they can manage a surprise , however i really don't think they have what it takes to even get out of their group ..
CLG on the other hand , it's like you said , Doublelift-Aphro is their main source of power and their recent success may hide a lot of their weaknesses , (especially in late game shotcalling) , however they do seem in better shape than C9 , imo at least.. Much better top , equal/ slightly better bot , mid/jungle is worse but it remains to be seen just how much Huhi will impact their games .. But yeah , who knows really , maybe they get rekt soon enough , it's their first so who knows. Remains to be seen , but i do think they have better chances than C9 to at least get out of their group. C9 was great fun to watch as they made their way to Worlds , however what they did to get there will probably not work at Worlds , the better teams won't leave unpunished such messy/random plays.. No way they will be allowed games like those against Liquid or the rest they had up untill now , Fnatic/Invictus are way more solid than that. Some of those games felt like soloq to me lol . IDK , i am probably wrong about this , we'll see.
TSM are pretty much doomed , and even tho i don't really like them , i kinda wish Dyrus retired on a high note , he's been a legend in his own right for NA and obviously TSM . But yeah , they will get rekt unless some miracle happens lol . Also curious what Dyrus will be saying after worlds , not at all versed in the drama and normaly i don't really bother with this stuff (like with Link? and other random drama) , i don't really care to learn why this or that pro-nerd had his jimmies rustled tbh , but just for the lulz because it's Dyrus, i am curious
I also like Hai . He's getting criticized for his jungle ways but nobody questions his overall qualities as you said , in fact he got a lot of praise in recent times. Not sure if he will prove enough to get them out of their group , but he will certainly be one of their strengths . As for Peke/Soaz , not just Peke but Soaz as well , both alpha douches imho , but who cares , they are great players in their own right and i do wish to see them doing well at Worlds anyhow . I think they can actually get out of their group as 2nd , but it will be very very close , if they do it , somehow.. They have experience and a pretty solid team , i won't write them off, though i don't believe much in their chances either ..we'll see , their games should be a lot of fun to watch .
EDG with Pawn , ClearLove , Deft ... some of the best in the world . On their day , they can win against SKT , i agree , SKT won't have a walk in the park by any means . I want at least 1 of these two teams to be in the finals , even though i am not a fan of any lol team , both teams have great players who i enjoy watching . So i hope that at least one of them will make it to the finals.
Regardless of what they will be doing after groups , can't wait for SKT - EDG in the group stage , this game is so hype ffs , Pawn v Faker , Bengi v Clearlove , Marin v Koro , Deft plays , Bang-Wolf roams , SKT revenge hype or get rekt again e.t.c.
Players i am most hyped for at worlds
Top : Marin
Jungle : ClearLove
Mid : Faker
Bot : Deft
Support : Yellowstar
We're on the same page , for the most part.. i also used to think C9 would be the surprise , however , seeing how Balls is well , balls right now (: , and how everyone expects them to do something crazy this worlds.. i think the pressure will get the worst out of them really. As long as they are the underdogs and they feel like it , maybe they can manage a surprise , however i really don't think they have what it takes to even get out of their group ..
CLG on the other hand , it's like you said , Doublelift-Aphro is their main source of power and their recent success may hide a lot of their weaknesses , (especially in late game shotcalling) , however they do seem in better shape than C9 , imo at least.. Much better top , equal/ slightly better bot , mid/jungle is worse but it remains to be seen just how much Huhi will impact their games .. But yeah , who knows really , maybe they get rekt soon enough , it's their first so who knows. Remains to be seen , but i do think they have better chances than C9 to at least get out of their group. C9 was great fun to watch as they made their way to Worlds , however what they did to get there will probably not work at Worlds , the better teams won't leave unpunished such messy/random plays.. No way they will be allowed games like those against Liquid or the rest they had up untill now , Fnatic/Invictus are way more solid than that. Some of those games felt like soloq to me lol . IDK , i am probably wrong about this , we'll see.
TSM are pretty much doomed , and even tho i don't really like them , i kinda wish Dyrus retired on a high note , he's been a legend in his own right for NA and obviously TSM . But yeah , they will get rekt unless some miracle happens lol . Also curious what Dyrus will be saying after worlds , not at all versed in the drama and normaly i don't really bother with this stuff (like with Link? and other random drama) , i don't really care to learn why this or that pro-nerd had his jimmies rustled tbh , but just for the lulz because it's Dyrus, i am curious
I also like Hai . He's getting criticized for his jungle ways but nobody questions his overall qualities as you said , in fact he got a lot of praise in recent times. Not sure if he will prove enough to get them out of their group , but he will certainly be one of their strengths . As for Peke/Soaz , not just Peke but Soaz as well , both alpha douches imho , but who cares , they are great players in their own right and i do wish to see them doing well at Worlds anyhow . I think they can actually get out of their group as 2nd , but it will be very very close , if they do it , somehow.. They have experience and a pretty solid team , i won't write them off, though i don't believe much in their chances either ..we'll see , their games should be a lot of fun to watch .
EDG with Pawn , ClearLove , Deft ... some of the best in the world . On their day , they can win against SKT , i agree , SKT won't have a walk in the park by any means . I want at least 1 of these two teams to be in the finals , even though i am not a fan of any lol team , both teams have great players who i enjoy watching . So i hope that at least one of them will make it to the finals.
Regardless of what they will be doing after groups , can't wait for SKT - EDG in the group stage , this game is so hype ffs , Pawn v Faker , Bengi v Clearlove , Marin v Koro , Deft plays , Bang-Wolf roams , SKT revenge hype or get rekt again e.t.c.
Players i am most hyped for at worlds
Top : Marin
Jungle : ClearLove
Mid : Faker
Bot : Deft
Support : Yellowstar
Dante- Fan Favorite
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Re: League of Legends
ffs im getting fired up by reading some of the names (cant wait)
For me players i can't wait to see (bias included )
Top: Soaz
Junge: Hai
Mid: Faker (surprise)
Bot: Doublelift
Support: Yellowstar
For me players i can't wait to see (bias included )
Top: Soaz
Junge: Hai
Mid: Faker (surprise)
Bot: Doublelift
Support: Yellowstar
Kaladin- Stormblessed
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Re: League of Legends
It will be really interesting. Since coming back I really don't know what I want to main anymore. At first it seemed like Top/Jungle were my favourites, but as I play ADC more I'm really starting to enjoy that lane as well. I think it's a little tougher to play solo-q as an ADC because of the reliance on a laning partner, but it's also more rewarding and almost forces you to be more aware/a better player.
I think Kalista will be my next buy.
Also I was playing ranked last night and asked someone to gift me Captain Fortune as a joke and my support (Leona) said that if we won the game he would. We won, and afterwards he said he didn't have enough RP so he mystery gifted me a skin (even though I was only kidding) and I got Blood Lord Vlad which was pretty sweet.
As far as Worlds go...I have Koo > CLG, Fnatic > Invictus, SKT > EDG and LGD > Origen.
SKT probably win it all, but I could see EDG or even Fnatic being surprise winners.
I think Kalista will be my next buy.
Also I was playing ranked last night and asked someone to gift me Captain Fortune as a joke and my support (Leona) said that if we won the game he would. We won, and afterwards he said he didn't have enough RP so he mystery gifted me a skin (even though I was only kidding) and I got Blood Lord Vlad which was pretty sweet.
As far as Worlds go...I have Koo > CLG, Fnatic > Invictus, SKT > EDG and LGD > Origen.
SKT probably win it all, but I could see EDG or even Fnatic being surprise winners.
Curtinho- First Team
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Re: League of Legends
I'm actually considering attending the QFs since they're in London
Kaladin- Stormblessed
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