Albiol: I'm trying to play to the level of Pepe, Carvalho and Rafa

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Albiol:  I'm trying to play to the level of Pepe, Carvalho and Rafa Empty Albiol: I'm trying to play to the level of Pepe, Carvalho and Rafa

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:20 pm

Interesting that Varane is already considered one of the elite CBs by his teammates. I must give Crimson credit on this one... I thought the gap between playing for Lens in League 1 and Madrid would be a tough one for the kid. So far, he's shining. Hope it carries to the season.


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Albiol:  I'm trying to play to the level of Pepe, Carvalho and Rafa Empty Re: Albiol: I'm trying to play to the level of Pepe, Carvalho and Rafa

Post by Mr Nick09 Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:39 pm

he hasnt played competition yet sportsczy, we cant yet tell how he adjusts to the gap. Maybe he will do well, but for now, he is still in preseason. Canales was doing well too at this stage last year, we will see how Varane's mental holds up when the hellish rhythm of real madrid takes over in september.
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Albiol:  I'm trying to play to the level of Pepe, Carvalho and Rafa Empty Re: Albiol: I'm trying to play to the level of Pepe, Carvalho and Rafa

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:21 pm

I agree Nick. I just expected the beginning to be hell for him (preseason included) until he figured out where he fit. That's usually the hardest part... to suddenly not be the best, fastest, and more athletic player on a team is a shock. But it seems that he has that kind of talent that he's able to compete with Madrid players immediately.

That's surprising to me.

As far as Canales, he was never physical enough even in the preseason last year. Neymar is going to have the same problem early imo, which is why we should bring him on with ease like Barca did with Messi. He needs to fill out a lot.


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Albiol:  I'm trying to play to the level of Pepe, Carvalho and Rafa Empty Re: Albiol: I'm trying to play to the level of Pepe, Carvalho and Rafa

Post by FalcaoPunch Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:50 pm

Doing well in practice and having a good 45 minutes against la galaxy...anf technically hes shining?

I would wait till his 3rd or in la liga to determine if hes.shining.
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Albiol:  I'm trying to play to the level of Pepe, Carvalho and Rafa Empty Re: Albiol: I'm trying to play to the level of Pepe, Carvalho and Rafa

Post by FennecFox7 Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:54 pm

Good luck to the kid.
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