Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far

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Our best player so far

Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Vote_lcap59%Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Vote_rcap 59% 
[ 13 ]
Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Vote_lcap14%Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Vote_rcap 14% 
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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Vote_lcap14%Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Vote_rcap 14% 
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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Vote_lcap0%Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Vote_rcap 0% 
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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Vote_lcap0%Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Vote_rcap 0% 
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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Vote_lcap5%Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Vote_rcap 5% 
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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Vote_lcap8%Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Vote_rcap 8% 
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Total Votes : 22

Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Empty Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far

Post by pasquale22 Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:00 pm

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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Empty Re: Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far

Post by pasquale22 Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:04 pm

I find this very hard to choose because as good as Pirlo's been marchisio has supported him enormously . Not to mention the stability lich and barza have given the defence
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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Empty Re: Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far

Post by Camurrìa.Sto.Stronzo Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:23 pm

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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Empty Re: Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far

Post by Luca Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:59 pm

Pirlo, I agree that Marchisio has become just as important as he does the dirty work AND is involved in the attack but Pirlo edges him.

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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Empty Re: Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far

Post by Juventude Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:19 pm

It's not even close... Pirlo.
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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Empty Re: Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far

Post by zarola Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:08 pm

Ohhh... that awkward moment when you're the only one who voted for barzagli.

Pirlo has had bad games and still juve won. Barzagli has been your only defender who has always been fantastic. When pirlo is in pirlo mode he's the most important but overall for this juve barzagli takes it for me.
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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Empty Re: Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far

Post by juventus101 Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:11 pm

Marchisio. Been just as consistent as Pirlo but on the tacticalside of the game so hes more quiet than Pirlo, plus dominated Inter, when Pirlo slipped up quite a bit against them. I also think Matri has a case for himself being better than Pirlo so far.
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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Empty Re: Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far

Post by juve_gigi Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:14 pm

1. Pirlo

2. Marchisio

3. Barzagli
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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Empty Re: Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far

Post by The_ItalianFool Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:53 pm

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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Empty Re: Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far

Post by Il Pinguino Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:17 am

The_ItalianFool wrote:Pepe.
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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Empty Re: Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far

Post by pasquale22 Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:24 am

Whoever voted other was I'm guessing voting for amauri yes? The kitchen is always nice and clean on matchday.
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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Empty Re: Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far

Post by lucianomoggi Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:41 am

my ratings go like this;


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Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far Empty Re: Heading into the International break who has been our best player so far

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