Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by Luca Sun Mar 14, 2021 3:46 am

Pirlo has these remaining matches. He’s made rookie mistakes this season because that’s exactly what he is. If we do go young and for a revolution, I don’t mind keeping Pirlo but I’m saying this because it’s Pirlo. If it was anyone else I would be in favour of dropping him but he’s a legend and I would hate to see us drop him if we are intending a revolution which will bring growing pains

Alternatively, if we keep largely the same squad then it probably won’t make sense to keep him because I don’t see this group working with his system

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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by Warrior Sun Mar 14, 2021 4:47 am

We can let Pirlo manage the B team, it would not be a dishonor for him, we'll remember the circumstances of his debut season. Whoever gave him this job deserves more than half the blame.

Revolution or not, we need a coach with experience, who has seen problems before, can adapt his tactics to players at disposal. No guarantees the squad will be any better next season.

If we talk of sells first... not much are untouchables (rightly so)
The only guys who got zero chance of leaving are Szczesny and Chiesa i think. Although i am not Chiesa's biggest fan, he just arrived and plays good lately, he's also italian. Szczesny no need to explain. Could include De Ligt but always watch out for Raiola. The old guard i don't believe nobody is a pillar anymore. Hope Chiellini retires while Buffon goes to Parma where he keeps playing til 50 years old and conceding in every single match. I've finally accepted his banterous end of career.

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Post by rincon Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:32 am

I'm not on the "fire Pirlo ASAP" team. Yes, clearly we've had a disappointing season, losing to Porto was a huge disappointment, and losing the scudetto to Inter was expected  but still sucks. Problem with putting this all on Pirlo is that this season has been insane in terms of injuries, covid, and the schedule.

Pirlo had no preseason, played every 3 days for months, and had to juggle a squad with constant injuries or sickness. To the point were all season long we've had to see players filling in different roles from their own, and come back straight from injury to starting lineup. I don't think he has done particularly bad in these circumstances, definitely not great either, but enough to be optimistic. Let's see these last matches to see if there is hope for the relationship.

The Arthur hate I don't understand. He is clearly our most important midfielder and has shown that he makes our midfield actually function when is on the pitch. His injury coincided exactly with our run of bad form this year and our midfield looking midtable again. The whole "sideways pass merchant" thing is just cynical. He is extremely difficult to disposses and always finds a passing outlet, which makes him invaluable against teams that press the backline.

The real tragedy in midfield this season is Bentancur. Last season with Sarri he was at his best, now he looks absolutely useless. Sell him if there is a good offer. McKennie is back up level, the hype around him is because of 0 expectations and because of American media. He has shown enough to be glad to have him, but as a back up, let's hope he improves. Ramsey should go (come at me @RealGunner), way too unavailable for the kind of salary he makes.

Chiesa has been an incredible signing. Fantastic player to have, our highlight of the season. Kulusevski started really hot and has since looked completely lost. He had to fill in as striker due to all the injuries and did not do well. Very raw talent. Morata is back to being a sulky teenager after his initial good form, I still don't like him, too moody, too patchy, either amazing or simply shit. I'd be glad to improve on him but I figure his loan will be extended.

Only position I would touch of our backline is left back. Alex/Frabotta don't really offer a lot besides fine defense. Everyone else has been a stud at the back this season. Particularly Cuadrado and Danilo, amazing seasons by them.

Dybala has been injured or sick the entire season, terrible misfortune. Another burden on Pirlo, to play the whole season without last year's mvp. Ronaldo is Ronaldo, enough said.
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Post by rincon Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:44 am

Covid has the team broke, added to Ronaldo's wages (along with others) and there is very little budget.

Szczesny, Buffon, Pinsoglio
Cuadrado, Danilo, Chiellini, Bonucci, De Ligt, Demiral, Alex Sandro, Frabotta
Arthur, Rabiot, McKennie, Bentancur, Ramsey
Chiesa, Kulusevski, Dybala, Ronaldo, Morata

I would sell the ones with a strike. I suspect that Bentancur will be given a chance, maybe sell Rabiot then. Demiral might be sold for funds, not too much of a problem there. Promote Dragusin to the first team.

I'd replace Alex with Gosens and Frabotta with Luca Pellegrini. Also apparently Bernardeschi is a left back and has done well there. Figure out in these last matches if that's worth sticking to, or sell him.

The midfield signing of Locatelli has become the new Chiesa: big constant rumors and inevitability. Get it done ASAP, he would transform that midfield. For the last spot, given the lack of budget, I would like De Paul. I think only @Robespierre and I rate him here, but his mix of technique, leadership, and work rate would do wonders for us.

One of Ronaldo and Dybala might need to be sold for financial reasons. I'd like to keep both, it'll be sad if it happens. Given the age I'd say sell Ronaldo, but we will be worse for it. There is no winning here, either one leaving will worsen our team. The replacement depends on who leaves.
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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by Warrior Mon Mar 15, 2021 9:22 am

Locatelli and De Paul is a good start. I rate them more than Rabiot and Bentancur... or any duo from our midfield really

Although i don't know how they played this season. But they were showing promising stuff before.

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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by rincon Mon Mar 15, 2021 9:30 am

Warrior wrote:Locatelli and De Paul is a good start. I rate them more than Rabiot and Bentancur... or any duo from our midfield really

Although i don't know how they played this season. But they were showing promising stuff before.

They've both confirmed their level this season.

Although with the sale of one of our big forwards we would need a replacement there as well, probably a CF backup and a LW if Ronaldo is the one who leaves. Without thinking of their replacement, these are already more coherent teams imo:

Ronaldo - Morata - Chiesa
Locatelli - Arthur - De Paul
Gosens - De Ligt - Bonucci - Cuadrado

Morata - Dybala
Chiesa - Locatelli - Arthur - De Paul
Gosens - De Ligt - Bonucci - Cuadrado
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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by adun101 Fri Mar 19, 2021 6:37 am

Pirlo was anointed by Agnelli and he recently got Elkaan's blessing, so he's here to stay. And he should, he did a good job, all things considered. I heard Paratici will be extended in the following months, which it's fine, even if I'm starting to have concerns.

Ronaldo seems to be unsellable, so he'll stay, maybe even get an extension, which will lower his annual cost

Ramsey, Bernardeschi and one of Chiellini or Bonucci (probably the former) have to go.

We'll also need to sell some players in order to make some money, so Dybala and Rabiot are the obvious ones, but, if you can get Donnarumma on a "free," then Szczesny is a no brainer. Probably to United, they wanted him one or two years ago and, if I'm not mistaken, are looking for a keeper.

Probably Demiral, too, because he's awful on the left and I doubt he wants to be second choice on the right, behind de Ligt.

Frabotta will create a plusvalenza, but only in a swap, no cash

As for buying, the heavy money should be invested at midfield and left back, but not on Locatelli, De Paul or Gosens. They're alright, but nothing special and not worth what their teams are asking for. Pogba, SMS or Zaniolo are the profiles we should be looking for. I don't have names for left back, but certainly someone better than a more athletic Lichsteiner

Next priority is a right back who can sub for Cuadrado and replace in a year, or two max. Same with a central defender that can play on the left and replace Bonucci in the long run

Then you need some regular backups for left back, right sided CB, central mid and maybe winger

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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by Hapless_Hans Fri Mar 19, 2021 8:36 am

anointed by Agnelli, doesn't really mean anything tbh, AFAIK Agnelli is not a priest and he's certainly not the pope
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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by adun101 Fri Mar 19, 2021 2:07 pm

Hapless_Hans wrote:anointed by Agnelli, doesn't really mean anything tbh, AFAIK Agnelli is not a priest and he's certainly not the pope

As far as Juventus are concerned, Agnelli is the pope and his cousin is God

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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by rincon Wed May 26, 2021 11:51 am

La Repubblica reporting that Paratici will leave the club after 11 years. His contract ends this year so they have to chose to renew or part ways.
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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by S Wed May 26, 2021 12:27 pm

He's gone.
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Post by farfan Wed May 26, 2021 12:39 pm

JJ should go for Luis Campos. The man built two teams that snatched the title from PSG in an otherwise one-horse league.
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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by rincon Wed May 26, 2021 3:36 pm

Official, Paratici will leave Juve
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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by Luca Wed May 26, 2021 3:41 pm

I’m very excited about this news. We need some fresh ideas

Pirlo next?

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Post by S Wed May 26, 2021 3:46 pm

Well deserved. He played a big part in this current mess. Would be nice to see Nedved get the boot too along with the winemaker ofcourse. Go for a complete overhaul.
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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by S Wed May 26, 2021 3:50 pm

And this could also mean EuroMax coming back where he belongs
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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by S Wed May 26, 2021 4:21 pm

We will be doing some business with Atletico this summer. Watch out.

Lots of rumors about Bentancur being swapped for one of Atletico's players. Dybala has been mentioned too. Lets see how this develops.
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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by S Wed May 26, 2021 4:39 pm

Yes please

Shame it dint work out for us but we need to restart from scratch and build a proper team rather than some half assed Galactico project
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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by Firenze Wed May 26, 2021 4:51 pm

come home ffs
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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by Kaladin Wed May 26, 2021 4:54 pm

S wrote:

Yes please

Shame it dint work out for us but we need to restart from scratch and build a proper team rather than some half assed Galactico project

Brah CR is the least of your problems, that degenerate midfield you got will finish you 6th next season

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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by S Wed May 26, 2021 5:12 pm

The cost to keep him is too much atm. He's not the problem but we gotta think about the future too.

I hope to see us build a more well rounded team with the money Ronaldo leaving will clear up. Otherwise it's going to be more of the same shit next summer with us having to rely on scraps to upgrade the rest of the team, especially midfield.

Besides most if not all Italian clubs right now will be in serious cost cutting mode.

I think there might be a reason he dint want to play the last game with us. He's pretty much a goner imo.
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Post by Luca Wed May 26, 2021 5:18 pm

I think it’s a win-win. It he stays, he’s good for 30 league goals plus whatever in the CL. If he leaves, it frees a lot of resources for other players/positions

At this point, we’re probably looking at another manager, which would be 4 managerial changes in 4 seasons- even if Allegri is the one chosen, and has familiarity with the team, it’s still another disruption

We have veterans leaving, like Chiellini and Buffon. We have a lot of question marks around players like Dybala and Ronaldo

Many changes I feel are coming

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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by Warrior Wed May 26, 2021 7:24 pm

So... Paratici out, Allegri in, Ronaldo out

Is it christmas today ??

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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by adun101 Thu May 27, 2021 1:38 am

Paratici out and the man responsible for this mess is still here and he even wants to bring his pal back. Banter club

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Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023 - Page 11 Empty Re: Juventus summer 2020 special - now summer 2023

Post by S Thu May 27, 2021 10:46 am

Paratici out

Allegri in

Inter imploding

What a great start to the mercato already cheers
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Post by S Thu May 27, 2021 7:26 pm

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