David Horrocks (Coach at FMR): Man City said they'd build their team around him (Rashford).

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David Horrocks (Coach at FMR): Man City said they'd build their team around him (Rashford).  Empty David Horrocks (Coach at FMR): Man City said they'd build their team around him (Rashford).

Post by Glory Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:12 am

An interesting revelation. A bit old article though. But still valid I guess.
There were reports that a City's youth coach rejected Rashford owing to his small size. So this must have happened way before that. Manchester City assuring the kid they would build the team around him. Proud (Do clubs normally do that lol, i mean big clubs, such false promises)
Anyway City's loss is our gain I guess. Smile
That statement is also a testament of his ability I believe.


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