The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

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The Official WWE Thread - Part 29 - Page 21 Empty Re: The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

Post by M99 Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:56 pm

Finn Balor's crowning moment of winning the Universal title over Seth Rollins at SummerSlam may be for naught as he was injured, believed to be from a powerbomb into the barricade spot in the match last night.

The severity of the injury is unknown at this point as he's scheduled for an evaluation today at television but his arm was in a sling and there was fear he would need surgery.

If he's unable to perform for more than a few weeks, it'll require some major overhauls in creative plans since his title was scheduled to
headline all the Raw brand shows.

We will attempt to get updated information on the situation, but if the injury will keep him out of action, it will likely be addressed on Raw later today.

Balor appeared with new WWE Women's Champion Charlotte on today's Good Morning America and was not wearing any type of sling.


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Post by Firenze Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:59 pm

why is balor getting an insane push, srs question as I've never watched him wrestle. I always hear how he isn't GOAT in the ring or anything. Ditto on his promo stuff and he doesn't have 'the look'. Also was shocked to see he was 35 so not like he's someone the WWE can groom to be their next huge star.
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The Official WWE Thread - Part 29 - Page 21 Empty Re: The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:00 pm

The powerbomb into the barricade spot didn't look right at all.

Although I think it was more on Balor than Rollins if I'm honest, he took it in such a way that it was never going to be safe.

Same with Sasha Banks and the way she takes some of these bumps, it doesn't look right at all.
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The Official WWE Thread - Part 29 - Page 21 Empty Re: The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:04 pm

Firenze wrote:why is balor getting an insane push, srs question as I've never watched him wrestle. I always hear how he isn't GOAT in the ring or anything. Ditto on his promo stuff and he doesn't have 'the look'. Also was shocked to see he was 35 so not like he's someone the WWE can groom to be their next huge star.

HHH loves him lol.

Although tbh he has pretty much everything they want. The look, great in ring worker (although I have certain criticisms of certain aspects of his in ring work), he's loved by the crowd and he sells merch as well as anyone.

Also the Demon king thing is a factor too as they can market the *bleep* out of it, I can't comment too much on his mic skills as I haven't seen enough to comment.

It does make me laugh they are pushing him over Rollins though as Rollins is younger and IMO better in every aspect. But they want Rollins to be a heel seemingly.
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Post by M99 Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:10 pm

Balor has been a huge success, he was among the top merch sellers without stepping foot in the main roster. I liked other NXT guys like Zayn over him but yeah, Balor made WWE the most money.
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Post by Casciavit Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:12 pm

I missed the first hour of the PPV because I forgot it would start an hour earlier. Laughing

Cena vs AJ: I've already given my thoughts. I thought their MITB match was better. The crowd was 10/10 last night, but the match started to develop into a spam of near falls after like 5 minutes. Either way, MOTN.

Ambrose vs Ziggler: OMFG. Ziggler was buried hard rofl Ambrose was pretty much mocking him, with Ziggler getting little offense. Then Ziggler had that KFC commercial hahaha. It was a 15 minutes squash match for Ambrose, I was pleased. However, during this match and for the rest of the event the crowd was awful.

Rollins vs Balor: *bleep* Brooklyn. They ruined this match. Yes, the belt is ugly, and yes some of the chants were funny "delete, delete, delete", but it once again showed a smark crowd hijacking the match to put themselves over. The match itself was underwhelming until it picked up the pace at end, but the crowd did it no favors. Balor is going to get a super push, and he's going to have to prove himself. A title in one month is a super push ffs.

Rusev vs Reigns: So, they pretty much did 'Reigns beats up wrestler x in an attempt to get cheers' because if they didn't, their match would have been hijacked as well. The crowd was quiet for the brawl, but the spear at the end got a pop.

Orton vs Lesnar: I didn't have much faith in the match because  I knew where it would be going. A 10 minute suplex city spam, Orton gets 2 minutes of offense where he does his finisher then Brock finishes him off. I LOVED the ending. IT made Brock look like a legit badass. It was scripted, but I guess the gash on Randy's head was more than Bork expected.

Brock is essentially a heel now, and someone is going over him at Wrestlemania 33. But I mean like who? No new star would look credible in doing so. They've wrote themselves into a corner.
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Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:19 pm

The Rusev and Reigns stuff really annoyed me.

They should have done the beatdown on RAW and the match on the PPV not the other way round. I think the feud in general has potential but in isolation it looked bad.

That spear was amazing though lol.
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Post by Casciavit Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:43 pm

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how isnt he a heel ffs
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Post by Casciavit Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:13 pm

Mick Foley:

I have long felt, and often spoken about the element of magic needed to make a good match great and a great match classic.
Finn Balor and Seth Rollins had a GREAT match last night - a match that I was HONORED to watch from ringside. But instead of that element of magic necessary to turn that great match into a classic, what Finn and Seth got instead was the stench of self-congratulatory snarkiness from a a very vocal minority of the sold-out Barklay's Center. But a couple thousand self-important chanters, mixed in with 14,000 other people who genuinely WANT TO WATCH THE FREAKING MATCH is an awful distraction.
Yes, the chants were clever. Maybe the look of the Universal Championship isn't the one that I personally wouldn't have wanted. But remember the Hardcore Title? It was supposed to be a joke when it was presented to me – broken pieces of metal held together by duct tape. But we made that title mean something by busting our asses to show it's worth. As Seth Rollins writes in his tweet, a title is about more than appearance; it's about what it represents for the men fighting for it. Remember the WWE title I won from The Rock – that moment that has gone down as among the greatest in Monday Night Raw history? Did you know that title belt reeked of beer and mildew, and stunk up my bag every day for the 37 days (or whatever the exact number was) that I held it? Did you know that I didn't give an F about the beer and mildew... or what it looked like, what color it was, if it spun or had my name on it? I only cared about the hard work that had gone into winning it, and that those responsible for running the company felt that I was worthy of holding it.
There are so many times when WWE fans act in a way that makes me proud. Last night was not one of them. Last night, that vocal minority in attendance - who thought their clever chants about their displeasure toward the aesthetic design of a FREAKING belt were more important than the two guys busting their asses to have the best match possible, made me feel ashamed.
I hope some of those people who were chanting about the Universal Championship - many of whom are Finn Balor fans - will read this article, and realize that Finn flew his family in from Ireland to be part of the event last night. I hope they will take a good look at themselves in the mirror, and realize they made the evening a little less special for him by trying to make the evening about themselves.
There is a reason why Seth Rollins simple, yet eloquent statement received 10,000 RT's from around the world. People agreed with him! Most of them would have loved to be sitting in the seats of those self-important fans - with that element of magic in the air that would have turned their great match into a classic.
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The Official WWE Thread - Part 29 - Page 21 Empty Re: The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:29 pm


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Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:03 pm

Balor injury confirmed, Seth trying to keep his spot like a prime 70s wrassler Molenation

Seriously though that's sad.
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Post by RealGunner Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:08 am

Not read any posts above as i havent seen SS yet.

But came to post this

rofl rofl rofl

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The Official WWE Thread - Part 29 - Page 21 Empty Re: The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

Post by Casciavit Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:13 am

From Meltzer:

The ending of the Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar SummerSlam match, which went pretty much as planned, led to a verbal and somewhat physical confrontation between Lesnar and Chris Jericho last night.

According to multiple sources, Jericho came to the gorilla position just as the match ended, apparently to see if Orton was okay and to find out what exactly happened. He asked Michael Hayes what the finish was or if that was the finish. Hayes wouldn't answer him at which point Jericho said, "That's bullsh*t."

Jericho said that just as Lesnar came back from the ring. Lesnar thought he was talking about his match, and called Jericho a pussy according to one version, or "shut up" according to another, and to mind his own business. The two got face-to-face and started exchanging words, with one version saying they were shouting at each other the whole time.

Lesnar pushed Jericho with his fingers, and Jericho did what was described as the "Rousey-Tate" foreheed press. One version also had Jericho shoving Lesnar to the wall at one point.

They got tangled up against the wall and Lesnar told Jericho to punch him or kiss him. Paul "HHH" Levesque jumped in quickly and broke it up. It was heated enough that they went back at it at which time Vince McMahon broke it up. Jericho started yelling about Lesnar and McMahon told Jericho that it was all a work and to be professional.

Levesque reportedly told McMahon that Lesnar started it, and Jericho was just standing up for himself but there were more words exchanged.

Jericho saw Orton and got mad, which everyone noted was because he was concerned with Orton's health and safety. Orton reportedly assured him that he knew the way everything was coming.

Jericho got worked.
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The Official WWE Thread - Part 29 - Page 21 Empty Re: The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:16 am

Shame Sad
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The Official WWE Thread - Part 29 - Page 21 Empty Re: The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

Post by Pedram Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:26 am

Casciavit wrote:From Meltzer:

The ending of the Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar SummerSlam match, which went pretty much as planned, led to a verbal and somewhat physical confrontation between Lesnar and Chris Jericho last night.

According to multiple sources, Jericho came to the gorilla position just as the match ended, apparently to see if Orton was okay and to find out what exactly happened. He asked Michael Hayes what the finish was or if that was the finish. Hayes wouldn't answer him at which point Jericho said, "That's bullsh*t."

Jericho said that just as Lesnar came back from the ring. Lesnar thought he was talking about his match, and called Jericho a pussy according to one version, or "shut up" according to another, and to mind his own business. The two got face-to-face and started exchanging words, with one version saying they were shouting at each other the whole time.

Lesnar pushed Jericho with his fingers, and Jericho did what was described as the "Rousey-Tate" foreheed press. One version also had Jericho shoving Lesnar to the wall at one point.

They got tangled up against the wall and Lesnar told Jericho to punch him or kiss him. Paul "HHH" Levesque jumped in quickly and broke it up. It was heated enough that they went back at it at which time Vince McMahon broke it up. Jericho started yelling about Lesnar and McMahon told Jericho that it was all a work and to be professional.

Levesque reportedly told McMahon that Lesnar started it, and Jericho was just standing up for himself but there were more words exchanged.

Jericho saw Orton and got mad, which everyone noted was because he was concerned with Orton's health and safety. Orton reportedly assured him that he knew the way everything was coming.

Jericho got worked.

So Jericho didn't know this was supposed to happen ? hmm always thought superstars are aware of each other's storylines.
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Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:29 am

No lol.

Not sure why you thought that anyway tbh. Other talent don't know about storylines they are not involved with.

Absolutely no reason why Vince would let the likes of Jericho the finish of anything but his own match.
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The Official WWE Thread - Part 29 - Page 21 Empty Re: The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

Post by Casciavit Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:53 am

Great Leader Sprucenuce wrote:

Shame Sad

Wow, I wonder whether he's going to get another push at that level after what happened.
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The Official WWE Thread - Part 29 - Page 21 Empty Re: The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

Post by Firenze Tue Aug 23, 2016 1:37 am


balor has some insanely shit luck

you know what this means though right

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The Official WWE Thread - Part 29 - Page 21 Empty Re: The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Tue Aug 23, 2016 10:40 am

Watching some of the stuff on YouTube, I'm assuming that because they are transitioning to Bayley and Charlotte that the rumors of Sasha dropping the belt because she needed time off for injuries were true.

As for the title, I suspect Owens or Rollins are going to win it. As they are the only ones not involved in a storyline, they could just scrap the Reigns and Rusev feud and go straight back to Reigns again but I doubt it.
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The Official WWE Thread - Part 29 - Page 21 Empty Re: The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

Post by Kaladin Tue Aug 23, 2016 5:33 pm

I think Big Cass can be in the mix as well, remember reading Vince has a huge boner for him

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The Official WWE Thread - Part 29 - Page 21 Empty Re: The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

Post by Tomwin Lannister Tue Aug 23, 2016 5:34 pm

If Cas had like 20 pounds of lean muscle extra Vince would have him as champ already.
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Post by zizzle Tue Aug 23, 2016 6:04 pm

If they learned anything from the Reigns experiment they should keep Cass as far away from the title as possible. It's between Rollins and Owens.

Waiting to see who's gonna challenge Ambrose for the title on SD. I'm hoping AJ fukin styles
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The Official WWE Thread - Part 29 - Page 21 Empty Re: The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

Post by Tomwin Lannister Tue Aug 23, 2016 6:17 pm

yeah should be AJ

Hell especially after an actual legit Cena win he should be champ soon.
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The Official WWE Thread - Part 29 - Page 21 Empty Re: The Official WWE Thread - Part 29

Post by Kaladin Tue Aug 23, 2016 6:17 pm

AJ should be the champ after Ambrose

btw, Dudleys retired, anyone else thinking The Revival might get called up hmm

Also why is curb stomp banned while Coup de grace is fine lol

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Post by Tomwin Lannister Tue Aug 23, 2016 6:21 pm

Curb Stomp banned, WWE give green light for 290 pound MMA fighter to elbow a guy with concussion problems in the head rofl

Prime WWE is Prime.
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Post by Kaladin Tue Aug 23, 2016 6:24 pm


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