US Presidential Race

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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by Guest Thu May 05, 2016 12:09 pm

VivaStPauli wrote:He's not a winner though, he's an inheritor, and if people were truly tired of BS, they'd call Trump out on 80% of what he says being pure lies.

They're just fascinated by his huge ego, and his entire campaign is a disgrace.
I understand, of course, why he's popular. I just think he shouldn't be.

That said, I still prefer him over Ted Cruz, while I think Trump is a dumbass, and a borderline-fascist xenophobe, I think he's lying about his more extreme positions to get attention, he'll probably get much more mellow in office.

Cruz is an evangelical nutjob, I don't want anyone near the red button that thinks the Apocalypse might be a good thing for a lot of people.

Thing is, to the vast majority of poor Americans that his campaign speaks to, being an inheritor makes you a winner in their eyes.

They don't want to work.


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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by VivaStPauli Thu May 05, 2016 12:20 pm

Yeah I know, and even more people just plain don't care where his money comes from.

I'm just calling it out as utterly retarded. The only thing I will give Trump is that he's probably the best-managed media personality I know, excluding actual entertainers.
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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by Pedram Thu May 05, 2016 12:25 pm

Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee for president, and this fact alarms ideological conservatives for several reasons.

1) They think he will lose badly to Hillary Clinton, perhaps so badly that Republicans lose control of both houses of Congress.

2) They are afraid he will damage the brand of the Republican Party, making it harder to win future elections.

3) They believe he lacks the temperament and character to serve as president.

These are all good reasons to be alarmed. But there is also a fourth reason for alarm that is perhaps the most alarming of all for conservatives:

His nomination could signal the death of orthodox conservatism as one of the two main forces in American public policy, since he is running away with the nomination despite being exposed as a non-conservative.

Trump is the candidate who finally figured out how to exploit the fact that much of the Republican voter base does not share the policy preferences of the Republican donor class, and that it is therefore possible to win the nomination without being saddled with their unpopular policy preferences.

He will not be the last candidate to understand this.

Future candidates will seek to rebuild Trump's coalition, and they will follow in his footsteps by opposing free trade, promising to protect entitlements from cuts, questioning the value of America's commitment to military alliances, and shrugging at social changes like the growing acceptance of transgenderism.

All three of the supposed "legs" of the Republican coalition stool - libertarian economics, social conservatism, and militarism - are at risk from Trump and the populist-imitator candidates he will spawn.
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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by DeletedUser#1 Thu May 05, 2016 12:28 pm

Loooool, inheritor

plenty of people inherit a lot of money, only to lose/stangate it by blowing it on cocain, hookers, gambling and wrong investment.

To turn a 1M loan, into 10B with towers and brand all over the world, and giving work and jobs to tens of thousands of people is nothing short of exceptional.

The fact that you haters fail to even give credit to that, just shows your blind hate. To be fair, not surprising from Viva as he's german and Germans are cucked from early age into hating masculinity and strong masculine alpha leaders and characters (Only Swedes are worse in that regard), so it's a hopeless cause. He's probably planning to leave Germany in protest if AfD come to power soon Laughing

Thanks for Betty for at least arguing, instead of petty one liners, I don't know who you support in this elections or your political stance, but best of luck

I just saw a PM Arq had sent me in November about how far-left this forum is, and it's pointless battle, and I believe I have him in the new forum I write in. Forum for like-minded men discussing culture, society, politics and game...good stuff.

Anyways, PM me with your charity offers if you're willing to take the bet for GE, and we will sort it out in November.

Until then, be safe and best of luck in Euros !!

Come on Poland !!!!!!

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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by Pedram Thu May 05, 2016 12:38 pm

Internet is generally liberal judging by how much the subreddit /r/politics/ has been taken over by Sanders supporters. conservatives either don't post in forums or they prefer to lurk.

But actually goal legacy is far from a liberal stronghold, we have some prominent moderates and conservative voices in this forum like DuringTheWar, Betty La Fea, Sportsczy etc.

Last edited by Pedram on Thu May 05, 2016 12:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by VivaStPauli Thu May 05, 2016 12:40 pm

Natalie Portman wrote:To turn a 1M loan, into 10B with towers and brand all over the world, and giving work and jobs to tens of thousands of people is nothing short of exceptional.

The 1m loan part is not true, neither is the 10b net worth, and you're intentionally ignoring the numerous bailouts he's received.

To be fair, not surprising from Viva as he's german and Germans are cucked from early age into hating masculinity and strong masculine alpha leaders and characters (Only Swedes are worse in that regard)

My beard is bigger than yours, pretty boy.

He's probably planning to leave Germany in protest if AfD come to power soon
Meh, we've been through worse. And where would I go that hasn't some kind of idiotic right-wing fringe? Even the Scandinavian countries have their problems with xenophobia.

I just saw a PM Arq had sent me in November about how far-left this forum is, and it's pointless battle, and I believe I have him in the new forum I write in. Forum for like-minded men discussing culture, society, politics and game...good stuff.

If you only discuss with like-minded people you fashion yourself a bubble that no proper discourse can penetrate, that's how you end up with verifiably insane people like Rick Santorum who only ever talk to people they know will agree with them. Don't do that to yourself.

Because while you're a weird conspiracy-nut and have this weird bio of being a xenophobic kid of immigrants, you at least try to discuss stuff, so there's hope yet. And if you stopped getting all your news from right-wing conspiracy blogs, you might even mellow out a bit in the long run, so of course go where you please, but I strongly advice anyone to frequent places where different opinions clash.

Also, with all the love I have for Arq, because he's nice, funny, and has tremendous knowledge of football, his stances on social issues are from the 1930s.
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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by VendettaRed07 Thu May 05, 2016 12:45 pm

Natalie Portman wrote:All the Trump dismissers who worship that criminal, Lying witch.

Put your money where your mouth is.

$50 donation to charity of your choice, come November. So sure that Trump won't win? Take my bet.

I'll match your donation. Deal or No Deal ?

I'll take that deal.

Hillary wins, $50 to the Feminist Majority Foundation, at
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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by El Messico Thu May 05, 2016 3:24 pm

Betty La Fea wrote:
BarrileteCosmico wrote:
Betty La Fea wrote:Healthcare
Started to pull us out of the worst economic crisis since the depression.
Iran Nuclear deal
Ended the Afghan/Iraq wars.
Opened up Cuba

Healthcare: Ok, but he chose a faulty system when he had majority in both chambers, and had no reason to negotiate down.

Economy: 8 years later the economy still lags, abandoned stimulus after 2009 (even with ridiculously lagging infrastructure, this was really a missed chance), failed to pressure the Fed into doing more to reach its targets.

Iran Nuclear: good deal

Ended wars: ...and left Iraq ripe for ISIS to step into that vacuum of power. We are sure better off this way.

Opened up Cuba: Right now he only re-established communications, the real achievement would be ending the embargo.

Obamacare is the start. Its up to Hillary going forward to make it perfect. The important thing is that preexisting condition bullshit is a thing of the past now.

The economy is doing fantastic. Go to work and compare your investments with your coworkers who were in it in 08. We have made a killing starting to invest in the obama years over the bush years. Even in this slow year alone so far I am ~20%+ on my 401k alone. Obama has let the good times roll here. Any chance people in our age range have of retiring has a lot to do with the savings we have created during the Obama investment period. The jobs are a sad note, but it was always going to happen as we go from the industrial/manufacturing age to the digital/service economy. Most jobs simply won't exist anymore, and that has happened many times in the past.

Isis taking over Iraq is Bush's fault. He should have left Saddam alone.

Cuba is the first step. Its up for the next government to keep it going.

What percentage of your pre-tax salary do you contribute to your 401(k)? Looking for guidance, most financial advisors say atleast 15%

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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by Guest Thu May 05, 2016 4:11 pm

El Messico wrote:
Betty La Fea wrote:
BarrileteCosmico wrote:

Healthcare: Ok, but he chose a faulty system when he had majority in both chambers, and had no reason to negotiate down.

Economy: 8 years later the economy still lags, abandoned stimulus after 2009 (even with ridiculously lagging infrastructure, this was really a missed chance), failed to pressure the Fed into doing more to reach its targets.

Iran Nuclear: good deal

Ended wars: ...and left Iraq ripe for ISIS to step into that vacuum of power. We are sure better off this way.

Opened up Cuba: Right now he only re-established communications, the real achievement would be ending the embargo.

Obamacare is the start. Its up to Hillary going forward to make it perfect. The important thing is that preexisting condition bullshit is a thing of the past now.

The economy is doing fantastic. Go to work and compare your investments with your coworkers who were in it in 08. We have made a killing starting to invest in the obama years over the bush years. Even in this slow year alone so far I am ~20%+ on my 401k alone. Obama has  let the good times roll here. Any chance people in our age range have of retiring has a lot to do with the savings we have created during the Obama investment period. The jobs are a sad note, but it was always going to happen as we go from the industrial/manufacturing age to the digital/service economy. Most jobs simply won't exist anymore, and that has happened many times in the past.

Isis taking over Iraq is Bush's fault. He should have left Saddam alone.

Cuba is the first step. Its up for the next government to keep it going.

What percentage of your pre-tax salary do you contribute to your 401(k)? Looking for guidance, most financial advisors say atleast 15%

15% is what I do, but my 401k is second to my other funds.

If you are 25, and want to retire at the current normal rate of 65 then 5-10% in your 401k puts you in a good position to achieve that goal. Nobody, unless they are rich, really receives a benefit by maxing it. I have saved between 10-13k per year since I opened mine in 2011 when I graduated college.


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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by DuringTheWar Thu May 05, 2016 7:02 pm

VivaStPauli wrote:

being a xenophobic

Xenophobe > Oikophobe

A fetish for novelties and the 'cultural cringe' it leads to is an aberration from the norm. Oikophilia as I call it on the other hand is quite a natural process and very common amongst the unwashed masses who haven't had it rinsed from their brains. Natural doesn't necessarily equal good clearly, but using xenophobe as a pejorative sort of makes you a misanthrope tbh.
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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by El Messico Thu May 05, 2016 10:37 pm

Betty La Fea wrote:
El Messico wrote:

What percentage of your pre-tax salary do you contribute to your 401(k)? Looking for guidance, most financial advisors say atleast 15%

15% is what I do, but my 401k is second to my other funds.

If you are 25, and want to retire at the current normal rate of 65 then 5-10% in your 401k puts you in a good position to achieve that goal. Nobody, unless they are rich, really receives a benefit by maxing it. I have saved between 10-13k per year since I opened mine in 2011 when I graduated college.

I'm 22, almost 23. What other funds do you use? Roth IRA or just straight-up investment accounts with ETFs/bonds/stocks etc.?

I'm in a bit of a bind as I'm not American. Don't want to commit too much to a 401(k) in case I move away in the near future.

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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by Cruijf Fri May 06, 2016 3:16 am

Natalie Portman wrote:
$50 donation to charity of your choice, come November. So sure that Trump won't win? Take my bet.

I'm willing to stake $1000. Are you man enough to match that?
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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by Guest Fri May 06, 2016 3:24 pm

El Messico wrote:
Betty La Fea wrote:
El Messico wrote:

What percentage of your pre-tax salary do you contribute to your 401(k)? Looking for guidance, most financial advisors say atleast 15%

15% is what I do, but my 401k is second to my other funds.

If you are 25, and want to retire at the current normal rate of 65 then 5-10% in your 401k puts you in a good position to achieve that goal. Nobody, unless they are rich, really receives a benefit by maxing it. I have saved between 10-13k per year since I opened mine in 2011 when I graduated college.

I'm 22, almost 23. What other funds do you use? Roth IRA or just straight-up investment accounts  with ETFs/bonds/stocks etc.?

I'm in a bit of a bind as I'm not American. Don't want to commit too much to a 401(k) in case I move away in the near future.

Vanguard diverse portfolio. Pretty much a bunch of things in different types of investment.

You should be able to invest in markets in the nation of your citizenship too. Unless its canada your american salary will probably put you ahead there too seeing as Europeans/South Americans/Africans/Asians don't make as much money as we do in this country.


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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by futbol Fri May 06, 2016 8:40 pm

Cruijf wrote:
Natalie Portman wrote:
$50 donation to charity of your choice, come November. So sure that Trump won't win? Take my bet.

I'm willing to stake $1000. Are you man enough to match that?

I just came here to make known that I'm running a charity foundation.

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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by El Messico Fri May 06, 2016 10:40 pm

Betty La Fea wrote:
El Messico wrote:
Betty La Fea wrote:

15% is what I do, but my 401k is second to my other funds.

If you are 25, and want to retire at the current normal rate of 65 then 5-10% in your 401k puts you in a good position to achieve that goal. Nobody, unless they are rich, really receives a benefit by maxing it. I have saved between 10-13k per year since I opened mine in 2011 when I graduated college.

I'm 22, almost 23. What other funds do you use? Roth IRA or just straight-up investment accounts  with ETFs/bonds/stocks etc.?

I'm in a bit of a bind as I'm not American. Don't want to commit too much to a 401(k) in case I move away in the near future.

Vanguard diverse portfolio. Pretty much a bunch of things in different types of investment.

You should be able to invest in markets in the nation of your citizenship too. Unless its canada your american salary will probably put you ahead there too seeing as Europeans/South Americans/Africans/Asians don't make as much money as we do in this country.

Cool. I got Vanguard ETFs too.

It's Canada Laughing But I'm planning to do some currency trading by switching between CAD and USD as the exchange rate changes. CAD might actually go down to 59 cents USD, after which it will inevitably rise to parity over the next few years (which is the more stable position).

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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2016 1:34 pm

El Messico wrote:
Betty La Fea wrote:
El Messico wrote:

I'm 22, almost 23. What other funds do you use? Roth IRA or just straight-up investment accounts  with ETFs/bonds/stocks etc.?

I'm in a bit of a bind as I'm not American. Don't want to commit too much to a 401(k) in case I move away in the near future.

Vanguard diverse portfolio. Pretty much a bunch of things in different types of investment.

You should be able to invest in markets in the nation of your citizenship too. Unless its canada your american salary will probably put you ahead there too seeing as Europeans/South Americans/Africans/Asians don't make as much money as we do in this country.

Cool. I got Vanguard ETFs too.

It's Canada Laughing But I'm planning to do some currency trading by switching between CAD and USD as the exchange rate changes. CAD might actually go down to 59 cents USD, after which it will inevitably rise to parity over the next few years (which is the more stable position).

Canadian cities are expensive, but you healthcare will be free when you retire so you probably won't have to save as much as your American coworkers.


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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by BORUSSIA!! Thu May 12, 2016 6:39 am

Latest polls are favouring King Donald over Crooked Hillary!!

It's still only May, Donald's get more and more popular and Hillary is declining. He's got so much ammo on her and plenty of time to use it. She has no chance. Donald's victory will be by a landslide.

Where's all the haters saying he has no chance to be the nominee and if he did, he would have no chance for presidency.


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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by Hapless_Hans Thu May 12, 2016 10:48 am

right Laughing
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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by CBarca Fri May 13, 2016 3:02 am

Just can't see it happening when you look at his ratings with blacks Latinos and women.

You can't win on the white male vote these days lmao, haven't people learned that?

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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by FennecFox7 Sat May 14, 2016 7:16 am

I don't even want to read that wall of shit sepi posted, typical of him.

I'm just gonna leave this here; its easy to be conservative because it promotes narrow mindedness and zero creativity.

Being liberal on issues actually requires you to use a brain. It makes you question things, and in turn it makes you fear things at first, and sometimes people like Sepi just can't take it and they backlash and go back to being idiots.

EX: religion. if you use your brain; you find out there isn't a sky fairy that will save us all

racism. Yeah, Mexicans aren't all illegals, Arab-americans aren't all terrorists (sorry duringthewar), Whites aren't all redneck racists, blacks aren't all criminals and low lives.. each individual CHOOSES who they want to be, it doesn't matter what color their skin is.
So every time you see a black man and immediately, or subconsciously think of a lowlife, think to yourself, is this really how I want to see the world?

Betty mentioned this, this stupid bullshit conservative propaganda of "working your way to the top". Listen, liberals work their way to the top as well, we just aren't dumbasses, we would rather make it easier and more achievable for everyone, especially for people in poverty. If you listen to right wingers you would think that liberals are all a bunch of moochers

Just a few examples of issues. Look, for sepi and during the wars sake, I hope you guys seriously have life hit you and open your fking mind, because frankly you live in your own personal bubble and you're stuck.
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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by Pedram Sat May 14, 2016 11:43 am

Sheldon Adelson, the guy who wants to nuke Iran, endorses Donald Trump.
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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by BORUSSIA!! Wed May 18, 2016 3:41 am

Pedram wrote:Sheldon Adelson, the guy who wants to nuke Iran, endorses Donald Trump.

This guy endorses any republican running for presidency and has been doing so for many years. He's been donating millions to the Republican Party for years.

There's always these types of guys showing their support on both sides. The lunatics have to support somebody don't they?


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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by Guest Wed May 18, 2016 4:59 am

People can laugh at Trump fans, but look at Sander's speech tonight.

Still attacking not only Hillary, but the democratic party. He doesnt care, and its obvious. He isn't going to get his voters to come out for Hillary.

If we get Trump its on him. The most unprofessional display seen by a candidate on the left in years.


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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by FennecFox7 Wed May 18, 2016 6:24 am

Yeah, as a Bernie supporter, I'm pissed he's doing this. Sure I'm not Hillarys biggest fan but I don't want a racist clown in office, I'd vote for her a trillion times before I voted for that asshole.
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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by CBarca Wed May 18, 2016 5:11 pm

I mean, that's exactly why I want Bernie out of the race and have done for months.

That being said, from Bernie's POV I doubt he sees Hillary as that much better than Trump. Same thing with the Democratic party. With both, he's not really too far off. I disagree with him and I will vote for Hillary but I see what he's doing and why he's doing it.

He's been using the Democratic party this whole time anyway, when has he ever associated himself as a Democrat?

As for you , Fennec, for someone who wants to talk about using your brain and conservatives being afraid to face things, you have such a blatantly one sided view of politics and very passionately so. This is fine, but I find it a bit hypocritical because I feel in the face of any real conservative viewpoint you would close your eyes and shut it down immediately without another thought.

You talk of hoping that during the war and sepi open their mind , yet, you are just as close minded--only on the opposite side. Religion just s fairy in the sky? GTFO, you have no right to tell someone anything about their religion. Unless you yourself are god, you can't possibly know. This is coming from someone who is not religious.

Quite frankly your post is filled with so many generalizations about conservatives and conservatism it makes you sound like a tea partier pre judging blacks.

Disgusting how polarized this country is on both sides.

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US Presidential Race - Page 37 Empty Re: US Presidential Race

Post by Guest Fri May 20, 2016 7:00 am

CBarca wrote:I mean, that's exactly why I want Bernie out of the race and have done for months.

That being said, from Bernie's POV I doubt he sees Hillary as that much better than Trump. Same thing with the Democratic party. With both, he's not really too far off. I disagree with him and I will vote for Hillary but I see what he's doing and why he's doing it.

He's been using the Democratic party this whole time anyway, when has he ever associated himself as a Democrat?

He probably doesnt see Hillary as much better. Sanders is such a narcissist that he has clearly made it known everybody not him, and his select circle of buddies, are all corrupt politicians bought by big corporation. He wants it all to burn.

Looking at him continue to attack the democratic party I bet he isn't even bothered by Trump winning either. It doesnt matter he will have his comfy government paycheck and pension, and his wife will have her hundreds of thousands from bankrupting burlington college so it doesnt matter.

Look at him smile. Yeah...Bernie is happy.


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