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Expectations Empty Expectations

Post by Arsenalfaithfull Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:25 pm

What are your actual expectation of Arsenal this upcomming season? I feel as though , we have more than adequate squad to compete for all the domestic cups, barring the PL trophy ofcourse. Furthermore, I think the likes of Nasri leaving (if he leaves) will not make much of an impact , expect during the game when we actually face him. We will be weaker than the previous season, but we are still head and shoulders above the rest of the team in terms having a creative centre (with Arshavin, Wilshere, Ramsey, Rosicky....ooh yes and possibly RVP playing as the make shift play maker). With gervinho comming in the wings, opposing walcott on the other side, we will have a whole new dimention to our game. So in short we may be weaker in the middle, but stronger as a unit with the formation we will play. Do not let the media into thinking that we are spiraling downwards. We finished on such shitty note because for better or worse our players stopped giving a damn , once realizing that we were out of the title. We aughta make the assesment of how we will fare based on the last match we played against united - a game where we played for pride! Lastly but more importantly, WE are slowly forming a team that all exist to play for and bleed nothing but arsenal! The bmedia will be eating the shit they spew come May of next year... i can feel it
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by tsgooner1 Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:33 pm

I think with a new Defender we will win the EPL. Man utd is getting older, there players are starting to retire, Chelsea's midfield is old and slow and wont be able to keep up for 38 games, Liverpool isnt strong enough yet but are getting closer, tottenham is tottenham. If city lose tevez they are screwed, without tevez they look very toothless for some reason. Another season will equal to improvements for the likes of wilshire walcott, nasri, fabregas, song, kosclelny, djourou, ramsey, szczesny etc. We look very good and another CB to fix up our set piece problems will shoot us to glory!

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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by Arsenalfaithfull Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:45 pm

tsgooner1 wrote:I think with a new Defender we will win the EPL. Man utd is getting older, there players are starting to retire, Chelsea's midfield is old and slow and wont be able to keep up for 38 games, Liverpool isnt strong enough yet but are getting closer, tottenham is tottenham. If city lose tevez they are screwed, without tevez they look very toothless for some reason. Another season will equal to improvements for the likes of wilshire walcott, nasri, fabregas, song, kosclelny, djourou, ramsey, szczesny etc. We look very good and another CB to fix up our set piece problems will shoot us to glory!

We crumble under preassure. we could never really liveup to the expectation that was unjustly putr on the shoulders of our players after the 6-3 thumping of liverpool back in 06 i think? That is when the media declared as the team to look out for within the next 2-3 years. We all know what happened next... Flamini, Adebayor, BIRGMINHAM, Gallas, injuries injuries and more injuries MANCHESTER CITY.... I think they boys will fare well.. but to go as far as saying we are going to win the PL? i will have to disagree with you on that one. This core of player need to win somethign smaller inorder to build thier "mentality" if you will.
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by lenear1030 Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:45 pm

even in the event we sell cesc we should finish top 4 again at the worst. our roster for the most part is really the exact same as last year's, and we'll be cutting some of the fat (bendtner, denilson, almunia) plus guys like rosicky and diaby shouldn't have to be counted either. if we're able to get another solid holding midfielder for depth we'll be in really good shape.

the acquisition of gervinho will be helpful which should make our attack more dynamic and he'll be a direct goal threat.

the thing that worries me is the LB position. wenger doesnt seem willing to buy at that spot so if we go with gibbs we're surely in trouble. the best thing maybe to play vermaelen at LB because we just might not be able to afford to play gibbs there if he leaks goals.

in my honest and most objective opinion as possible i see us being competitive for the top spot in the league again but im not convinced we have what it takes to win anything this year. im not counting the CC either.

as far as our competition go, it's the manchester teams and liverpool. i really think liverpool is going to light it up this coming season especially if they stay away from injuries
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by Arsenalfaithfull Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:53 pm

With all due respect to liverpool, they are not much diffrent from the team which we wiped the floor with during the latter half of the season (i think believe that was the game which anchored us downwards). Adding Adam, and downing and henderson in my opinion doesnt improve a whole lot. Not to mention, those players which they bought ...well atleast the midfeilderscan be seen as a step down from what they already have in my opinion. The manchester teams are the ones to look out for in my opinion. I dont have much of an opinion on the CHavs, as it could go either way. Torres could regain is old form back or become another Sheva (i know that is a lazy comment).
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by bloodless Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:54 pm

im just hoping for some good football this season, great games and alot of excitement, buat as for trophies, i expect none to be honest


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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by lenear1030 Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:36 pm

Arsenalfaithfull wrote:With all due respect to liverpool, they are not much diffrent from the team which we wiped the floor with during the latter half of the season (i think believe that was the game which anchored us downwards). Adding Adam, and downing and henderson in my opinion doesnt improve a whole lot. Not to mention, those players which they bought ...well atleast the midfeilderscan be seen as a step down from what they already have in my opinion. The manchester teams are the ones to look out for in my opinion. I dont have much of an opinion on the CHavs, as it could go either way. Torres could regain is old form back or become another Sheva (i know that is a lazy comment).

i actually agree that their additions this transfer window arent really that great, but dalglish breathed life into them. not to mention guys like daniel agger, glen johnson, steven gerrard (he may or may not be over the hill) will all be back. im not even sold on carroll either but suarez is a mad man will be raping defenses.

but enough about them.

i just hope we get another dm and cb (not samba, cahill, or any of these washed up epl guys) and we'll definitely contend, but im still not expecting a title. i REALLY hope we can though. everything will look clearer once we start seeing the team playing though
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by Arsenalfaithfull Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:51 pm

I think they will thrive in this david vs golaith type of situation they will be put under this upcomming season! I read somewhere that we are in for M'vila ... I woudl literally streak around the campus with just my arsenal scarf on ... if this speculation actually follows through Very Happy. Because he is that guy we are looking for/need. He is able to play a box to box, on the wings, destroyer, and seldomly as a CB.
Here is to hope i guess (not that we would fare badly without him... but with him i can see us pushing teams around like it was 2003 all over again)
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by RealGunner Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:54 pm

welcome to the forums Arsenalfaithful.

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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by Arsenalfaithfull Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:03 pm

Thank you, i have been a long time lurker.... i thought it was about time I joined the fellow gooners
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by Raptorgunner Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:12 pm

Hey welcome to the forum

I have a great expectation for Arsenal, we will win a trophy and it will be a big one. I dont really care what is going with the rest of EPL teams, all we got to do is buy a CB, and keep cesc and nasri and maybe if we can a back up for song.

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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by RealGunner Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:19 pm

Arsenalfaithfull wrote:Thank you, i have been a long time lurker.... i thought it was about time I joined the fellow gooners

are you from london ?

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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by Ali Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:34 pm

welcome to the forums bro Very Happy

just a piece of advice, skip lines between some paragraphs Razz
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by KMD Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:40 pm

I really want at least one trophy for confidence of our lads, and if we keep nasri and cesk and get rid of the "fat" ))) i think we are straight, last year we were really good before the big final let down, but i tink we are viewed as the weakest of strongest teams.... But as always we prove the critics wrong

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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by Arsenalfaithfull Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:50 pm

RealGunner wrote:
Arsenalfaithfull wrote:Thank you, i have been a long time lurker.... i thought it was about time I joined the fellow gooners

are you from london ?

Well i am a son of 2 Londoners... but born and bred across the pond in Toronto. My father is a Westham supporter lol... So i was not raised to follow Arsenal. More of a natural process I say!
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by RealGunner Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:01 am

how was your fathers reaction to west hams relegation ?

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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by Arsenalfaithfull Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:08 am

he blames the manager, but i keep telling his it was the horrid team. Although i am sure they will make it back to the PL by next year.
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by RealGunner Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:11 am

yea i think so too, Big sam is a c*nt but he knows his stuff. Will brign west ham back in 1 season if not 2

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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by Arsenalfaithfull Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:22 am

Sam, the "lets try to go and break Arsene's boys legs" allardyce, brings the best out of Bottom dwellers.... We might have to brace for bermingham part 2 after a season or another
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by Eman Fri Jul 15, 2011 2:42 am

tsgooner1 wrote:I think with a new Defender we will win the EPL. Man utd is getting older, there players are starting to retire, Chelsea's midfield is old and slow and wont be able to keep up for 38 games, Liverpool isnt strong enough yet but are getting closer, tottenham is tottenham. If city lose tevez they are screwed, without tevez they look very toothless for some reason. Another season will equal to improvements for the likes of wilshire walcott, nasri, fabregas, song, kosclelny, djourou, ramsey, szczesny etc. We look very good and another CB to fix up our set piece problems will shoot us to glory!
Completely agree with you.

I mean, if we are talking about personnel, the only person we have lost this off-season is Clichy so far. Almunia, Bendtner, and Denilson are all likely to leave as well, but not one of those 4 players except maybe Clichy can say they had a good season last year. Coming in are Gervinho, Jenkinson and any other new signings, plus a host of players could be given a first-team role who last season were either loaned out or playing in the reserves. Also, on the injury front we are currently looking great, and I expect us to have a full squad available on August 13th (unlike last year).

Add to all that 1+ year of experience, and I don't see why we should expect to do worse this season than last. I expect us to consistently be in there competing for trophies until the end of the season, and hopefully pick a few up!
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by Sushi Master Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:59 am

I'm not giving my expectations until I know for sure who's leaving and who's coming. Say if Fabregas goes, or we don't sign an LB, that would change everything... so I'm staying put, for now.
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by Sri Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:25 am

Sushi Master wrote:I'm not giving my expectations until I know for sure who's leaving and who's coming. Say if Fabregas goes, or we don't sign an LB, that would change everything... so I'm staying put, for now.

With you on this man.. Its too early to start talking about this just yet for me..

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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by since1996 Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:09 am

expecting theo 2 work Clichy out. i expect Arsenal 2 thrash City.
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by Arsenalfaithfull Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:49 pm

since1996 wrote:expecting theo 2 work Clichy out. i expect Arsenal 2 thrash City.
THIS right here!
ps: Ilmatic was/is still his best CD, shame he never has as big of a followup
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

Post by SamuelJayC Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:56 pm

I will make an assessment of my expectations on September 1st when i know what our squad will be.

Even though, the season starts in August, the transfer window will still be open.

So I will re-visit this thread in just under 7 weeks.
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Expectations Empty Re: Expectations

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