Mourinho bad for Real Madrid say fans

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Mourinho bad for Real Madrid say fans Empty Mourinho bad for Real Madrid say fans

Post by Onyx Wed 9 Jan - 18:12:56

A survey published on Spanish website, has claimed that Almost two-thirds of Real Madrid’s members believe coach Jose Mourinho has a negative impact on the La Liga club’s image.

704 members were asked at the stadium before Sunday’s game at home to Real Sociedad, or by telephone, whether the Portuguese’s actions and statements were damaging. 61.6 percent answered yes, with 33.1 percent saying no, Marca said.

Mourinho’s performance as coach since he took over in 2010 was given an average mark of 6.68 out of 10. This was down from 8.82 in a similar poll conducted in March 2011.

54.4 percent still thought the ‘chosen one’ should stay on after this season, with 41.8 percent saying he should leave.

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Mourinho bad for Real Madrid say fans Empty Re: Mourinho bad for Real Madrid say fans

Post by buddytaller Wed 9 Jan - 20:19:48

I don't see how Mourinho is having a negative impact on Real's image, he's had his moments but so have coaches like Ferguson and no one claims he soils the image of Manchester United.

Football should be about winning within the laws of the game, I'd rather be winning trophies and called names than get beat by my rivals. Fans of this club easily turn on coaches, which why it's not surprising that Mourinho is the longest serving coach at Madrid since Vincente del Bosque.

If the fans genuinely want his out then it'd be in the best interest of both parties to part company but I doubt that would be in the best interest of the club.
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Mourinho bad for Real Madrid say fans Empty Re: Mourinho bad for Real Madrid say fans

Post by Nedved Wed 9 Jan - 22:43:33

Bernabéu has a capacity of 85,454 and this joker of a news paper - Marca picks a section of the crowd - 704 RM fans to take a survey.

It is like saying - La Samurai(fan) hates Mou and entire RM fan base(across the world) hates Mou. This is a biased survey and by no means is legit. esp. if it is coming from Marca paper whose editor hates Mou.


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