Last Minute Bid, Palermo Offer for Amauri

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Last Minute Bid, Palermo Offer for Amauri  Empty Last Minute Bid, Palermo Offer for Amauri

Post by Guest Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:46 pm

Palermo have in mind a sensational return to Amauri. Zamparini, love how the Italian-Brazilian strongly wants his arrival. And stop the negotiations for Gilardino can also be read in this light. Amauri has never hidden his desire to return to Palermo, a city where both he and his wife are very close. And so Palermo could unleash a blitz in the next few hours crucial.

Two, however, problems. The first is related to the high engagement. The second competition. On Amauri, in fact, there are Marseille, Galatasaray and Hamburg. We are in the final rush and Palermo will try to play his cards.


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