why did Messi stop being the best player in the world?

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why did Messi stop being the best player in the world? Empty why did Messi stop being the best player in the world?

Post by Interman Sun May 06, 2018 5:45 pm

This guy's dribbling and one man show was out of the world. Only seen last time when Ronaldinho was the king, and before these guys the original Ronaldo back in the late 90s.

But last 5 years Ronaldo has won 4 balon dors. what the *bleep* happened to Messi?


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why did Messi stop being the best player in the world? Empty Re: why did Messi stop being the best player in the world?

Post by Hapless_Hans Sun May 06, 2018 5:49 pm

Just because ROnaldo won those Ballon D'Ors doesn't mean Messi has stopped being the best player in the world. What a naive question.
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why did Messi stop being the best player in the world? Empty Re: why did Messi stop being the best player in the world?

Post by Harmonica Sun May 06, 2018 5:49 pm

Better question would be why did Ballon d'Or destroy its prestige, by giving it to the Fake Player of the Year?
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why did Messi stop being the best player in the world? Empty Re: why did Messi stop being the best player in the world?

Post by The Demon of Carthage Sun May 06, 2018 6:03 pm

In his defense, it's always difficult to compete with a God. Messi has always been Messi; it's Ronaldo who decided to go God Mode in defiance of his age, universal laws and all things holy...something that the Argentinean couldn't keep up with and ultimately sent him into a raging depression that resulted in Neymar getting sold.

But the good thing is, Ronaldo is going to purposely lose tonight to make Messi feel good about himself. That's how generous and selfless Kommander is.
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why did Messi stop being the best player in the world? Empty Re: why did Messi stop being the best player in the world?

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