What Changes should we make

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What Changes should we make - Page 2 Empty Re: What Changes should we make

Post by elm_baraja_shaman Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:25 pm

am with Juventude here, I think the forum is fine the way it is, easy and accessible, its hard to follow up on these transfer rumors cos one person posts a transfer rumor story, there are 15 follow up comments on them then a new story, I come back from class/work, try following up, it gets annoying and irritating especially cos of the time difference, since most of you are in Europe/Middle-East/Asia, by my free time it would be night time in your areas and then a lot would have passed already,

I personally think the forum is fine this way....

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What Changes should we make - Page 2 Empty Re: What Changes should we make

Post by Arquitecto Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:29 pm

Doesn't make sense.

All the useless transfer news which 99% isn't even concrete has over-saturated the Juve section into what is people looking for news rather than debates. When debates actually happen (Usually between Tom, Luca, Surag and Juventude) then it is lost within the incoming traffic of more transfer news then never recovered again.

This section has twice as many threads as any other thread yet most of them don't even reach past the 5 post mark if not any post.

You don't want to saturate the section by new threads all the time. Sticky some threads especially for transfers, make things more organized.

The common thinking for a thread should have a solid piece of thought or platform for discussion and not the tiniest bit of news.

Surag has posted the perfect ideas here as he should lead the new movement to improve the juve section by his debates and threads created.

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What Changes should we make - Page 2 Empty Re: What Changes should we make

Post by Juventude Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:06 pm

The section isn't saturated with new posts. In reality, there are anywhere from 5-10 new topics per day. If the article is worth commenting on, people will comment. If people want to post, they will even if the article is 20 spots down.

The reason that the forum has less postings is not because of the organization of the section. This forum is always busiest when the transfer windows are open because people like talking about transfers because they are fun. That's just the reality of the Juventus section.

Therefore, I think it would be a mistake to bury all of transfers into one sticky thread. I don't care how the other sections organize their threads. If that works for them, that's fine.

But it doesn't make sense to put all of the transfers in one thread when that's clearly the most popular thing to discuss. To me, sticky threads are for very similar topics. Transfers involving different players are not similar to me. I find it very confusing when I read other board's transfer sticky threads. I am much less likely to post on a sticky thread about a transfer that may now have five different posts after it because people may not discuss my post. However, if i post in a thread devoted to that transfer rumor, someone might reply. If they don't that's fine too. But some new organization isn't going to attract lots of new members.

It's great that other organization methods work for other sections of the board, but I like our section as it is. If this section changes, this board will be like so many other Juventus boards on the internet and those boards have many more members than this one. I might as well just join those boards if that's the route we want to go with this board.
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What Changes should we make - Page 2 Empty Re: What Changes should we make

Post by Arquitecto Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:05 am

Juventude wrote:The section isn't saturated with new posts. In reality, there are anywhere from 5-10 new topics per day. If the article is worth commenting on, people will comment. If people want to post, they will even if the article is 20 spots down.

The reason that the forum has less postings is not because of the organization of the section. This forum is always busiest when the transfer windows are open because people like talking about transfers because they are fun. That's just the reality of the Juventus section.

Therefore, I think it would be a mistake to bury all of transfers into one sticky thread. I don't care how the other sections organize their threads. If that works for them, that's fine.

But it doesn't make sense to put all of the transfers in one thread when that's clearly the most popular thing to discuss. To me, sticky threads are for very similar topics. Transfers involving different players are not similar to me. I find it very confusing when I read other board's transfer sticky threads. I am much less likely to post on a sticky thread about a transfer that may now have five different posts after it because people may not discuss my post. However, if i post in a thread devoted to that transfer rumor, someone might reply. If they don't that's fine too. But some new organization isn't going to attract lots of new members.

It's great that other organization methods work for other sections of the board, but I like our section as it is. If this section changes, this board will be like so many other Juventus boards on the internet and those boards have many more members than this one. I might as well just join those boards if that's the route we want to go with this board.

Quite frankly, that's your opinion. Others within this board don't share that.

The obscene amount of topics that are posted a day, are subjected on topics that have little to discuss aside from a pedestrian comment that can be made on the subject itself.

If it went the organized way with interesting, insightful and tactical debates (to which are pushed down by these threads) then you would observe an incoming traffic of more Juve posters applying there thoughts other than baseless transfer rumours, ergo what this section was before. The quintessential Juve hub of analysis, systematic and insightful breakdowns of team individuals and tactics, rather than comments on what Giaccherrini had for breakfast or that Messi is having a medical in Vinnovo.

Yes, the Juve forum would become like other Juve forums but the goal is by the admins to succeed upon where they fail along with continually building a strong foundation for "quality posting" for every single team section. Other forums are irrelevant.

Take a look at the Liverpool & Arsenal section. Organized fantastically by Red and RG and full to the brim with deep analysis and comprehensive discussion (i.e multimedia) and therefore sections, in which others who aren't Liverpool & Arsenal fans, post in them out of sheer interest. This section you don't see a single soul taking an interest in Juventus despite it being heavily discussed within the GS (while they also ridicule this section). Hell, a popular amount of Juve fans don't even post in this section. Keep in mind this is a neutral perspective since obviously I am not a Juventino.

We are speaking on the basis of ergonomics, design and optimizing as current status of how its being run its quite frankly below-par. Its a shadow of its former self. I respect the hell out of Devi, his dedication along with bringing this thread up, but things have to change.

There's a reason why this is the only section in which posters have complaints about.
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What Changes should we make - Page 2 Empty Re: What Changes should we make

Post by Luca Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:22 am

Only thing I would change is cutting the google translate articles, they are quite horrible to read and usually lack substance.

Second of all, we should refrain from posting transfer news or anything like that from garbage, baseless sources if possible

Other than that I really enjoy the forum

Some other areas of improvement:
-Maybe an offtopic thread where we can just chill out and discuss everything non-Juventus related with Juventus posters
-More emphasis on multimedia, I, for one, love to watch Juventus videos on youtube, interviews, goals, highlights of players etc.

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What Changes should we make - Page 2 Empty Re: What Changes should we make

Post by DeviAngel Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:27 am

So far the agreed things are the Juve Press room - for Interviews, and pressconference

Off-topic section will be reorganized because we have him but many posters haven't noticed it maybe some articles from Tuttosport can be posted there.

Tuttojuve is great sort of news and I have to use the google translate but I'll try to sort the headlines and some things out

as for the multimedia I always post everything in Juve memories I urge for ppl to do that

as for the post and threads they'll stay new thread for every new IMPORTANT report news and trustable news Smile because its like all juventini against 1-2 in votes.

Any other ideas ?

Arq TY for the kind words

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What Changes should we make - Page 2 Empty Re: What Changes should we make

Post by Luca Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:29 am

Sorry Dejan, I don't mean to hate on anything you post. You're the best source of news that this forum has by far and I love that you collect news from so many different sources.

Reading google translated articles isn't the end of the world, my preference would just be English articles but no real complaints against the former form of news

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What Changes should we make - Page 2 Empty Re: What Changes should we make

Post by DeviAngel Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:01 am

Luca wrote:Sorry Dejan, I don't mean to hate on anything you post. You're the best source of news that this forum has by far and I love that you collect news from so many different sources.

Reading google translated articles isn't the end of the world, my preference would just be English articles but no real complaints against the former form of news

I know bro enjoy Very Happy

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What Changes should we make - Page 2 Empty Re: What Changes should we make

Post by Juventude Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:02 pm

Arquitecto wrote:
Juventude wrote:The section isn't saturated with new posts. In reality, there are anywhere from 5-10 new topics per day. If the article is worth commenting on, people will comment. If people want to post, they will even if the article is 20 spots down.

The reason that the forum has less postings is not because of the organization of the section. This forum is always busiest when the transfer windows are open because people like talking about transfers because they are fun. That's just the reality of the Juventus section.

Therefore, I think it would be a mistake to bury all of transfers into one sticky thread. I don't care how the other sections organize their threads. If that works for them, that's fine.

But it doesn't make sense to put all of the transfers in one thread when that's clearly the most popular thing to discuss. To me, sticky threads are for very similar topics. Transfers involving different players are not similar to me. I find it very confusing when I read other board's transfer sticky threads. I am much less likely to post on a sticky thread about a transfer that may now have five different posts after it because people may not discuss my post. However, if i post in a thread devoted to that transfer rumor, someone might reply. If they don't that's fine too. But some new organization isn't going to attract lots of new members.

It's great that other organization methods work for other sections of the board, but I like our section as it is. If this section changes, this board will be like so many other Juventus boards on the internet and those boards have many more members than this one. I might as well just join those boards if that's the route we want to go with this board.

Quite frankly, that's your opinion. Others within this board don't share that.

The obscene amount of topics that are posted a day, are subjected on topics that have little to discuss aside from a pedestrian comment that can be made on the subject itself.

If it went the organized way with interesting, insightful and tactical debates (to which are pushed down by these threads) then you would observe an incoming traffic of more Juve posters applying there thoughts other than baseless transfer rumours, ergo what this section was before. The quintessential Juve hub of analysis, systematic and insightful breakdowns of team individuals and tactics, rather than comments on what Giaccherrini had for breakfast or that Messi is having a medical in Vinnovo.

Yes, the Juve forum would become like other Juve forums but the goal is by the admins to succeed upon where they fail along with continually building a strong foundation for "quality posting" for every single team section. Other forums are irrelevant.

Take a look at the Liverpool & Arsenal section. Organized fantastically by Red and RG and full to the brim with deep analysis and comprehensive discussion (i.e multimedia) and therefore sections, in which others who aren't Liverpool & Arsenal fans, post in them out of sheer interest. This section you don't see a single soul taking an interest in Juventus despite it being heavily discussed within the GS (while they also ridicule this section). Hell, a popular amount of Juve fans don't even post in this section. Keep in mind this is a neutral perspective since obviously I am not a Juventino.

We are speaking on the basis of ergonomics, design and optimizing as current status of how its being run its quite frankly below-par. Its a shadow of its former self. I respect the hell out of Devi, his dedication along with bringing this thread up, but things have to change.

There's a reason why this is the only section in which posters have complaints about.

That is my opinion and some others have shared it if you read other posts in this thread. For your information, I have visited other sections in this forum and I do not like that form of organization. Obviously, it's a matter of preference and opinion. Honestly, I don't care what changes happen. To me, more information is more easily accessible under this section's current format. I'd rather scroll down 10 articles on one page then go through multiple pages of a thread to find information that I may or may not be interested in. At least under the current format, I can probably tell whether I'm interested in the article by the subject line.

That's just my opinion. I couldn't care less about "forum" ergonomics or whatever terms you want to throw out. If it changes and it sucks, I'll move to another forum. That's fine with me.

But I honestly don't think that is the reason for low membership in this section. This section started dying when there was a big feud and about half of the members left and tried to destroy the section. It has never recovered. Changing the layout is not going to bring in more Juve fans. I'm pretty confident about that.

I'm done on this subject. Devi, do what you have to.
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What Changes should we make - Page 2 Empty Re: What Changes should we make

Post by Cassius Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:14 am

Agree with everything Surag has to say.

Surag being a Juve section mod? Kinda a vice Devi.. I'd vote for that.
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What Changes should we make - Page 2 Empty Re: What Changes should we make

Post by S Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:16 am

Its pretty disappointing to see some people threatening to leave if changes are made(I mean the major ones like transfer rumors) ,so i wouldnt wish to discuss on those particular aspects.However its clear to me that there are divided opinions on implementing changes to the existing forum judging by the posts here.

I think Momo's suggestions were great but alas i dont think it wouldnt be taken into consideration by the look of things.

Atleast we can still make some minor changes apart from the transfer news and football-italia articles.

I have made some re-evaluation of my ideas posted here in this thread.

Like for example:

  • I suggest Devi to rename Juventus memories thread to The Juventus Gallery for all pictures and wallpapers ,sigs likes the ones Luca makes regularly and so on and he can post them there..I think the players profiles thread can be merged along with this thread as well.It would make much more sense imo.

  • Also i am with Luca on a separate Multimedia thread..I would name the thread title differently like i suggested earlier as Juventus Video Central..I think most here love watching videos here be it Juventus or non Juventus related or even the non football related ones and i'm fairly certain the thread is going to be active.

  • Juventini Section HQ thread renamed to the The Black and White Lounge for all off-topic purposes as well as maybe discussing tactics as well..Maybe even the injury updates can be posted there as well imo.

Mind you none of these threads i have suggested ,have to be necessraily stickied.

Also talking about those google translate articles which Luca has a problem with ,if you guys read the GS regularly ,all through last summer i posted rumors(mainly from Italian websites) in the summer transfer rumors thread ,what i usually used to do was give the summary of the google translated report and post the link such that people can read it themselves if they want using google translate ofcourse.I think a similar thing can be done here imo ,what do you say ?Or i can help Devi on this one if he wants as i read Italian sites regularly during transfer windows so i can just give brush up on them.
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What Changes should we make - Page 2 Empty Re: What Changes should we make

Post by DeviAngel Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:32 pm

Well the changes that I promised are made :

JuveMedia Thread - Multimedia thread
The Black and White Lounge - offtopic thread
Juventus Memories however remains
- Press Room -
- Those who are still part of us - Thread for all co-owned,loaned players

Now the way about the news remains every news separate thread as I agree it's easier to be seen and managed for ppl who work and hve no time to scroll 15 or 5- pages.

As for Vice-Admins/mods that idea so far is impossible every seciton can have 1 mod/admin no more so far.

Cheers devi

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