Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal

the xcx
The Sanchez
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Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal Empty Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal

Post by The Sanchez Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:35 am;_ylt=AvvOvVp_EQnoVkK17GrMURzhg4t4;_ylu=X3oDMTQwYjdpajB2BG1pdANGZWF0dXJlZCBNZWdhdHJvbiBsaWdhMQRwa2cDMTBkNjY1OWUtNmJmMi0zYmM1LTgxZTUtMDVkMTQyOWIxMDcyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNtZWdhdHJvbgR2ZX

If this report is true. Its so stupid. So Mourniho gets to physical assult Tito and gets away with it and Villa shows affection for his family and is charged 2000 to 3000 euros? I can see the sense there :facepalm: What the hell is this crap...
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Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal Empty Re: Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal

Post by the xcx Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:43 am

Its against the rules. what did you expect?
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Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal Empty Re: Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal

Post by The Sanchez Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:50 am

Nameless wrote:Its against the rules. what did you expect?

Buddy I know that. Yellow card for Unsporting Behaviour but a fine? is that really need... I mean if Villa shirt had anything offence towards anyone, I would understand but its his gratitude towards his family. Its stupid... :facepalm:
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Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal Empty Re: Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal

Post by CBarca Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:46 am

It's stupid but it's certainly not the first or last case. It's really nothing to Villa though, I doubt he cares. However, should he be fined for that in what is such a stupid rule, I hope that money goes to charity. It's not, but if they were to create such an outrageous rule, it should.

I know that it is to guard against advertising, but they could not make that the rule? :/

It's not such a big deal, but it is awful.

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Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal Empty Re: Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal

Post by ÖMARz Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:02 am

everyone knows the rules so there was nobody to blame but himself....ah well. 3000 is peanuts to a footballer.


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Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal Empty Re: Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal

Post by messixaviesta Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:01 am

This shirt removal rule MUST go out. Anyway players take off shirts at the end of the match. If the authorities have problems with them displaying their bare chests during matches then at least with the undershirt they should allow it. It seems that the most natural way a footballer likes to celebrate after scoring a goal is by taking his shirt off. What the hell is wrong with that? Moreover players like conveying messages that mean something to them in moments of euphoria. After all they are human beings and showing emotions without harming anyone is very much their right. Villa's message to his family was wonderful. Nasri displaying festival greetings was a nice touch. Iniesta's tribute to Jarque will live on for time immemorial. Showing a yellow card for such things and then giving the equivalent punishment for a bad tackle is beyond ridiculous. The referees are helpless in this matter as they are just following the rules. As for the fine it's pocket change for these players but the significance of it is so wrong that a man gets fined for conveying his regards for his family members.

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Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal Empty Re: Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal

Post by ÖMARz Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:03 am

nasri didnt take his shirt off. the problem is that when a player takes off his shirt it usually takes too much time for him to get it back on. thats what brought in the rule in the first place.


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Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal Empty Re: Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal

Post by The Sanchez Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:10 am

Two reasons I know why shirt removal is a yellow card
1. Time wasting
2. Selfish (That goal was all about me not the team...)

2nd point probably isn't the case this time as Villa was showing that goal was for the encouragement from his family and friends. It wasn't like he pull up a shirt that said "Why always me" or something around those lines...
Time wasting is the main reason though how much time did Villa waste exactly?
In any case, a referee gives an automatically yellow card for a player who takes his shirt off. Puts in an incident report for anyone who takes his shirt off after the game.
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Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal Empty Re: Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal

Post by messixaviesta Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:11 am

paxton and omar, thanks for the information. I didn't know the reason for the rule was time wasting. This way it begins to make at least a little more sense.

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Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal Empty Re: Villa gets fined 3,000 pounds for Shirt removal

Post by _LMG_10_ Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:26 pm

Guys, this has nothing to do with time wasting.

It has 100% to do with the shirt sponsors.

During goal celebrations, they want people to see their logo.


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