Legends share some great words about Juve (Platini, Raul, Zidane etc)

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Legends share some great words about Juve (Platini, Raul, Zidane etc) Empty Legends share some great words about Juve (Platini, Raul, Zidane etc)

Post by pasquale22 Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:09 pm

" I began by playing for the biggest club in Lorraine,went on to the biggest club in France & ended up with the biggest in the world" - Platini

"Juventus was one of the reasons of my life. I love this team, this club, and these colors" - Roberto Bettega

"Juve is more than just a team, I don't know it is, but I'm proud to be part of it" - Gaetano Scirea

"Other than what I won, being at Juventus is an experience that remains inside, it becomes a lifestyle." - Steffano Tacconi

"I played in two of the biggest clubs in the world. There are others, but it is too difficult to match the Juve & Real Madrid honours" - Zidane

"I am a Juve fan because it's the club that has wont he most in Italy, a little as Bayern in Germany, and has always had champions.And coaches of the highest level. This is why I have always been their supporter. - Franz Beckenbauer

"It's always special. Firstly because it's a match of CL & also because we play against one of the greatest clubs of Europe &the world - Raul

"Your tenacity and our loyalty are 109 years of history that no one will recede." - Curva Scirea

"The only comp. between us and the Milan clubs will be among those who will come 1st; We to put our 3rd star, they their 2nd - Gianni Agnelli

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Legends share some great words about Juve (Platini, Raul, Zidane etc) Empty Re: Legends share some great words about Juve (Platini, Raul, Zidane etc)

Post by Cotes Sun Dec 25, 2011 9:41 pm

Forza Juve!!!
Very Happy RAUL!!!!!!!!
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