Food for thought if you're considering buying a PS4 or an Xbox One

Tomwin Lannister
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Food for thought if you're considering buying a PS4 or an Xbox One - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for thought if you're considering buying a PS4 or an Xbox One

Post by Bellabong Sat May 23, 2015 3:18 pm

We recommend these settings in order to mirror console as closely as possible with the available presets.
V-Sync: On
Resolution: 1920x1080
Nvidia Hairworks: Off
Number of Background Characters: Low (console actually seems lower than this)
Shadow Quality: Medium
Terrain Quality: Medium
Water Quality: High
Grass Density: Medium
Texture Quality: Ultra
Foliage Visibility Range: Medium
Detail Level: Medium
Ambient Occlusion: SSAO

The most surprising part for me is not that the 750Ti outperforming the PS4 but the fact that the PS4 release drops below 30 :/

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Food for thought if you're considering buying a PS4 or an Xbox One - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for thought if you're considering buying a PS4 or an Xbox One

Post by RealGunner Sat May 23, 2015 3:26 pm

Not seeing much difference tbh

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Food for thought if you're considering buying a PS4 or an Xbox One - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for thought if you're considering buying a PS4 or an Xbox One

Post by LeVersacci Sat May 23, 2015 3:58 pm

Who gives a shit Laughing

Oh yeah, PC elitist Laughing

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Food for thought if you're considering buying a PS4 or an Xbox One - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for thought if you're considering buying a PS4 or an Xbox One

Post by Freeza Sat May 23, 2015 4:03 pm

Caring so much about what other people spend their money on. A true hero Proud
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Food for thought if you're considering buying a PS4 or an Xbox One - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for thought if you're considering buying a PS4 or an Xbox One

Post by Tomwin Lannister Sat May 23, 2015 4:40 pm

I'll make sure to send my ps4 back if I ever line it up next to a PC and an XB and play the same game at the same time and notice a slight difference.

Good thing I have 20 grand spare to buy all this equipment.
Tomwin Lannister
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Food for thought if you're considering buying a PS4 or an Xbox One - Page 2 Empty Re: Food for thought if you're considering buying a PS4 or an Xbox One

Post by Lord Spencer Sat May 23, 2015 4:51 pm

I actually think its all about the exclusives, and before you say "emulation" I simply don't condone piracy.

Of course, making a dedicated gaming PC would trump all over consoles, but this doesn't mean jack shit when the exclusive games hit the systems.

Its not about graphics, its not about "performance" its about the games you play.

I would argue that money is not an issue for most people, time is the real scarce resource here. Hence, a few great exclusive games on a console would trump a horde of good games on the PC.

Frankly, I doubt anyone in Goal Legacy played more video games than I, and I can tell you that my gaming PC is my least favored device and one that I use for purely strategy games as well as some indies.
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