Suarez Bites Again

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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by Blue Barrett Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:42 pm

RedOranje wrote:
Blue Barrett wrote:
RedOranje wrote:This season MLS are requiring that all player wage fines go to charity. Is that "fishy"?

It's merely ensuring that even when a player does something wrong something decent comes out of it. Nothing to do with the player or the incident, it's all about the money going to a good cause. Maybe if YOU GOT PAST YOUR BIAS you'd be able to recognize that the motivation behind the donation of fined wages matters less than the fact that they're managing to achieve some decency out of an otherwise nasty incident.

Rather than attacking the club for taking this action, you could put that faux outrage toward a more reasonable case such as why other clubs haven't/don't do the same, why the FA doesn't do so, etc etc.
Completely different situation and does not apply to this at all. That is a rule being put in place by the footballing body. Don't know how you can bring that up.

And please spare me. I'm sure if Ian Ayre was asked he would probably say the same thing you're saying. The rest of us aren't that naive. I can imagine those in charge of that charity organisation would know they're being used as a "shock absorber" but of course they aren't going to say anything. They're using the money for a good cause afterall, so there would be no need.

We can as well donate money from police bail to charities, doesn't make the actual cause of the bail(in this case, fine) any more acceptable. Didn't work for them anyway, so I couldn't be bothered. Just pointing out the sneaky little thing Liverpool thought they'd done.

It was all an attempt at damage control. And how do you know other clubs don't donate their fines to charity btw? Because they don't announce that they did?

I brought up MLS because by your argument THAT would be a league-wide damage control measure... but then it's not Suarez so it's not worth criticism, is it? I also specifically suggested that other clubs/leagues should follow the examples set by both MLS and LFC... but that point seems to have escaped you in your rush to justify your fake outrage.

And you think clubs would donate WITHOUT making it known? Now who's being naive?
Oh come off it mate. There's simply no correlation between both situations. On one hand you have a league rule put in place which all the clubs have to adhere, whether they want to or not. On the other hand you have a club donating to charity as a form of damage control to avoid a lengthy ban for their star player. Apples and oranges.

Yes, they would. I'm not saying the definitely do this as I don't know for sure, but you don't know that they wouldn't either. Especially fines that aren't announced to the public.

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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by che Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:55 pm

so you'd rather see the fine go to the fa then?

it's blatantly obvious that liverpool are doing this for their pr, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER CLUB EVER DOES ANYTHING CHARITABLE

you think they actually give a *bleep* about sick children and whatnot? if that was the case everyone would do charity in secret, but every single charity match/hospital visit/whatever is followed by a massive crew of reporters and at least one press release

at least liverpool are doing something good with the money, stop being a twat about it
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by RedOranje Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:03 am

So naivety AND hypocrisy?

There is a correlation because I specifically made one. I pointed to it as being an example to be followed, as well as pointing out that the motivation behind the donation matters less than the fact that the donation was made using two different situations as comparative examples. That you refuse to acknowledge the connection I made does not invalidate it or mean it doesn't exist.

Here it is again in case you missed it:
RedOranje wrote:It's merely ensuring that even when a player does something wrong something decent comes out of it. Nothing to do with the player or the incident, it's all about the money going to a good cause. Maybe if YOU GOT PAST YOUR BIAS you'd be able to recognize that the motivation behind the donation of fined wages matters less than the fact that they're managing to achieve some decency out of an otherwise nasty incident.

But fines ARE announced to the public regularly, and clubs ALWAYS look to generate good press... usually because the former is a part of the latter. It's a bit funny that in a single sentence at the end you've managed to A) argue against your original point, B) fail to address my point and C) argue against your own SECOND point not 5 words later. Congrats.

However it's clear that you are determined not to let outside factors interfere with your mission against LFC/Suarez in this case, so this is all rather pointless. Carry on with your little faux indignation and whatnot.

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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by Blue Barrett Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:22 am

RedOranje wrote:So naivety AND hypocrisy?

There is a correlation because I specifically made one. I pointed to it as being an example to be followed, as well as pointing out that the motivation behind the donation matters less than the fact that the donation was made using two different situations as comparative examples. That you refuse to acknowledge the connection I made does not invalidate it or mean it doesn't exist.

Here it is again in case you missed it:
RedOranje wrote:It's merely ensuring that even when a player does something wrong something decent comes out of it. Nothing to do with the player or the incident, it's all about the money going to a good cause. Maybe if YOU GOT PAST YOUR BIAS you'd be able to recognize that the motivation behind the donation of fined wages matters less than the fact that they're managing to achieve some decency out of an otherwise nasty incident.

But fines ARE announced to the public regularly, and clubs ALWAYS look to generate good press... usually because the former is a part of the latter. It's a bit funny that in a single sentence at the end you've managed to A) argue against your original point, B) fail to address my point and C) argue against your own SECOND point not 5 words later. Congrats.

However it's clear that you are determined not to let outside factors interfere with your mission against LFC/Suarez in this case, so this is all rather pointless. Carry on with your little faux indignation and whatnot.
You're the one trying to force a correlation where there's none. I never argued against the donation itself(as I clearly pointed out that the money is used for good, anyway), my argument was the motivation behind the donation.

And no fines are not always announced to the public. They are most times, but not always. A good example is Chelsea's recent fining of Terry during the racism row. It was unannounced and the only thing mentioned was that it was a heavy fine(PFA approved). Not saying it was donated to charity but we don't know what was done with the money. Any Dick and Harry can see that this was a pr/damage control move from Liverpool. You trying to label it my personal agenda doesn't change anything, besides, I'm not the only one that shares this view. Thanks to Mole for pointing out that a spokesperson for the charity also had the same sentiment.

But oh its Liverpool & Suarez so everyone is just a biased hater.
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by RedOranje Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:29 am

Ah, bless you. You're still trying. Bit like Adam at the penalty spot though... completely missing the target.

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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by CBarca Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:00 am

I haven't read any of this thread so far but I did want to pop in and say 10 games is an absolute joke.

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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by fatman123 Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:06 am

RedOranje wrote:Ah, bless you. You're still trying. Bit like Adam at the penalty spot though... completely missing the target.

Funny, i thought he look much more like Frank at the penalty spot :coffee:
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by stevieg8 Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:21 pm

It seems like there's somewhat of a cultural divide here... I'm pretty shocked that people are so offended by donating to charity, though. I couldn't care less about the motivation behind it, and considering that it didn't convince me that Suarez has resolved the issue, I'm not sure how I'm being naive. I'm just happy the money is going to a good cause. It blows my mind that people would respond to a charitable donation with "I'd much prefer the charity not get that money."

No good deed goes unpunished, though. Seems like Liverpool could cure cancer and would still be attacked for doing it for selfish reasons.
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by Jay29 Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:44 pm

Written reasons from the FA for the ban:

Basically, he got the standard 3 game suspension for violent conduct, and an additional 7 games ban for:

1) The situation being "truly exceptional" unprovoked attack and therefore unexpected for any footballer
2) Suarez falling below the standards set for him as a professional football who is watched by several kids and people around the world, subsequently damaging the image of English football
3) The need to set an example and ensure that biting remains a rare event in football, and to discourage young footballers from copying what they've seen
4) The offence was deemed more serious than Ashley Barnes' offence of tripping a referee, which received a 6 game ban, and therefore had to be more severe

They claim to have taken the incident completely in isolation and have not considered any of Suarez's previous offences.

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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by stevieg8 Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:41 pm

GoonerJay29 wrote:Written reasons from the FA for the ban:

Basically, he got the standard 3 game suspension for violent conduct, and an additional 7 games ban for:

1) The situation being "truly exceptional" unprovoked attack and therefore unexpected for any footballer
2) Suarez falling below the standards set for him as a professional football who is watched by several kids and people around the world, subsequently damaging the image of English football
3) The need to set an example and ensure that biting remains a rare event in football, and to discourage young footballers from copying what they've seen

4) The offence was deemed more serious than Ashley Barnes' offence of tripping a referee, which received a 6 game ban, and therefore had to be more severe

They claim to have taken the incident completely in isolation and have not considered any of Suarez's previous offences.

Totally agreed

Aren't these the same thing? Also seems a little overblown to me... Maybe I don't put as much stock in the idea of "role models" as some, but I don't see a biting epidemic being much of an issue due to this.

This is legitimately absurd. Touching a referee should be among the WORST things that can be done on the pitch.
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by Lex Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:59 pm

Biting someone is among the worst things that can be done on the pitch, too
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by Jay29 Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:11 pm

For the sake of clarity, 2) is about damaging the reputation of English football, 3) is about the ban being a deterrent.

As far as role models goes, this is what the FA feels:

We have the responsibility for the whole game of football in England, down to the youth football at grassroots level, and it is our duty to discourage any players at any level from acting in such a deplorable manner or attempting to copy what they had seen on the television.

All players in the higher level of the game are seen as role models, have the duty to act professionally and responsibly, and set the highest example of good conduct to rest of the game – especially to young players. In this regard and on this occasion, Mr Suarez’s conduct had fallen far below the standards expected of him.

So it extends beyond just biting. The likelihood of a biting epidemic, as you put it, is very slim but what I think they're trying to deter with this ban are other types of unprovoked and "truly exceptional" violence.

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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by Mr Nick09 Thu May 30, 2013 7:43 pm

Suarez again today

"Es imposible decirle que no a un grande como el Real Madrid. Es un buen momento para cambiar de aires por todo lo que he sufrido en Inglaterra, donde no me han valorado como jugador sino por otras actitudes",

''It's impossible to say no to a great club like Real Madrid. It's a good time for a change of scenery, for everything i suffered in england, where they dont value me as a player but for my personality"

Suarez again issuing a "get me out of here" plea... Can i get my thread reopened, it's not my fault if Suarez is pissing on liverpool and their fans for two days straight.

Last edited by Mr Nick09 on Thu May 30, 2013 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by izzy Thu May 30, 2013 7:47 pm

Mr Nick09 wrote:Suarez again today

"Es imposible decirle que no a un grande como el Real Madrid. Es un buen momento para cambiar de aires por todo lo que he sufrido en Inglaterra, donde no me han valorado como jugador sino por otras actitudes",

''It's impossible to say no to a great club like Real Madrid. It's a good time for a change of scenery, for everything i suffered in england, where they dont value me as a player but for my personality"

Suarez again issuing a "get me out of here" plea... Can i get my thread reopen, it's not my fault his Suarez is pissing on liverpool and their fans for two days straight.

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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Thu May 30, 2013 7:48 pm

Mr Nick09 wrote:Suarez again today

"Es imposible decirle que no a un grande como el Real Madrid. Es un buen momento para cambiar de aires por todo lo que he sufrido en Inglaterra, donde no me han valorado como jugador sino por otras actitudes",

''It's impossible to say no to a great club like Real Madrid. It's a good time for a change of scenery, for everything i suffered in england, where they dont value me as a player but for my personality"

Suarez again issuing a "get me out of here" plea... Can i get my thread reopen, it's not my fault his Suarez is pissing on liverpool and their fans for two days straight.

Utter BS i wish he would stop peddling this shit.

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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by Mr Nick09 Thu May 30, 2013 7:57 pm

I wish he would too. Liverpool fans deserve better, my heart goes to them.
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by BarrileteCosmico Thu May 30, 2013 8:02 pm

Nick that is exactly the same quote from yesterday, don't present it as skmething new. Also why bump this thread? Want to get another thread locked? Laughing

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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by Mr Nick09 Thu May 30, 2013 8:09 pm

it's a suarez topic and he is "biting" liverpool fans hearts all over merseyside and beyond.

Alfred, seems like he made a new interview today and saying the same stuff
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by BarrileteCosmico Thu May 30, 2013 8:12 pm

It ks word for word the same interview. You are posting recycled garbage. Not a new interview.

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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by Mr Nick09 Thu May 30, 2013 8:18 pm

I think you are wrong. Yesterday he was on radio and today he is giving a press conf with his NT sweat on. he is just repeating the same stuff. i will double check tho
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by NiallQuinnsdiscoPants Thu May 30, 2013 8:19 pm

Stop being meanies about liverpool and Suarez.

You should know by now you are only allowed to say things which portray them in a positive light.

He is like a football kitten doing keepyupys on a cloud of fluffy scouseness.
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by sportsczy Thu May 30, 2013 8:21 pm

I need a kebab
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by Harmonica Thu May 30, 2013 8:27 pm

That's what Real needs desperately, another clown to their circus.
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by halamadrid2 Thu May 30, 2013 8:37 pm

Suarez: British press does not treat me well Atleti come and get me...... rofl

does the dude know of Marca the comic newspaper scratch
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by Nishankly Thu May 30, 2013 8:43 pm

Mr Nick09 wrote:it's a suarez topic and he is "biting" liverpool fans hearts all over merseyside and beyond.
Yet you go for this one, Hahahahha.
You Troll.

Hope Suarez goes to Real, Then we'll see which color your arse turns while defending him.
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Suarez Bites Again - Page 12 Empty Re: Suarez Bites Again

Post by Mr Nick09 Thu May 30, 2013 8:46 pm

Nishank wrote:
Mr Nick09 wrote:it's a suarez topic and he is "biting" liverpool fans hearts all over merseyside and beyond.
Yet you go for this one, Hahahahha.
You Troll.

Hope Suarez goes to Real, Then we'll see which color your arse turns while defending him.
like i defend ronaldo? or mourinho? i dont defend people who act against my principles. im not deluded, i will lay on him properly Laughing
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