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The Official Super Mario Fan Club  - Page 7 Empty Re: The Official Super Mario Fan Club

Post by Cruijf Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:08 pm

I'm actually gutted, because as someone noted before, Balotelli definitely means no Ibra. Which likely, unless our management suddenly gets some common sense and buys a creative midfielder, means no top 3.

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Post by Art Morte Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:44 pm

Cruijf wrote:I'm actually gutted, because as someone noted before, Balotelli definitely means no Ibra. Which likely, unless our management suddenly gets some common sense and buys a creative midfielder, means no top 3.

Listen, it's being reported Balotelli took a pay-cut to join Milan. Ibra makes something like 5 times as much as Balotelli. The fact you got Balotelli means Ibra was never an option.
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Post by Forza Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:13 pm

Art Morte wrote:
Cruijf wrote:I'm actually gutted, because as someone noted before, Balotelli definitely means no Ibra. Which likely, unless our management suddenly gets some common sense and buys a creative midfielder, means no top 3.

Listen, it's being reported Balotelli took a pay-cut to join Milan. Ibra makes something like 5 times as much as Balotelli. The fact you got Balotelli means Ibra was never an option.

I disagree. We've spent over 100m this transfer window. Balo is taking a cut because he doesn't deserve to be paid any more that what we are going to pay him.
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Post by Kaladin Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:25 pm

Ibra was an option until one point, he flew to Qatar to talk to the heads about releasing him to us, but they refused

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Post by Kaladin Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:46 am

It is your last chance. Actually, the final chance like Galliani said.
“I have a promise I must keep with myself, my family, Milan, Mihajlovic, Raiola and whoever wishes me will. I am restarting from zero. I know that I can’t make any mistakes, I can’t expect anything and I must win everything back. I will have room to do so if I deserve it. But I haven’t forgotten how to play football. I come back full of energy, the will to work and with enthusiasm. My match is not yet over.”

It’s moving to hear you speak. When did this maturity arrive?
“I am 25, I am no longer a child. And I have already thrown away too many chances. And then there is life. You can’t plan that. And when it shows you your bill, you change at that time.

“Situations make you mature. I’m talking about the joy of understanding what it means to be a father and the pain of losing a father.”

Mario, what is the smile of your daughter [to you]?
“It is an infinite tenderness. When Pia smiles, the world that sometimes seems to be in black and white returns to having colour. I’m crazy in love with my daughter.

“When my relationship started with her, everything changed. Now she recognizes me, she understands and it is wonderful. I will try to have her closer to Milan, I want her beside me, as close as possible.”

How did this stunning return to Milan come about?
“All of a sudden. Mino told me on Saturday: ‘Get your luggage and get on a private plane, you are going back to Milan’. There was no need for a private plane, I took a commercial flight and I returned.”

It seemed that nobody wanted you.
“No, I knew that I’d have another team, because I am not finished. But I am grateful to Milan, because truthfully, I didn’t think they would take me back and count on me again. Returning here is a dream that is realised, it is a second chance that many have not had. Milan are providing me that and I am lucky.

What didn’t work at Liverpool?
“I must accept my faults, but the formation chosen by [manager Brendan] Rodgers was not suited to my characteristics. At the beginning I missed several easy chances, then I had fewer chances to score, a bit of bad luck, injuries. A mess of things.

“But I never complained, I accepted the decisions of the manager and I always behaved like a professional. The professional Mario didn’t just land here in Milanello, even at Liverpool my behaviour and lifestyle were normal. Over the last year there was never a problem with my private life.

“I may have put pictures from restaurants on Instagram, but that does not mean I did not train even though I was not playing.”

In fact, you look like you are in good shape.
“I have trained a lot, two sessions at times by myself over the last month with Fabio Borini and Jose Enrique: it was tough, but if I didn’t do it I would have been dead tired after training yesterday. That’s because Mihajlovic’s sessions are hard, but I am well.”

How did you convince Mihajlovic to count on you?
“The coach knows me since I was a child. My problem has never been my quality, but my character. There are always a lot of voices surrounding me, every aspect of me is amplified.

Rightly so he wanted to look into my eyes, to understand whether I had the right motivation. He listened to me, without being influenced by what is said, and for that alone I thank him.”

What did you tell him?
That I understood my errors. That if he gave me this chance, I would not disappoint him. That I will give all that I have. That I am a man and that I no longer create problems. That I will accept all of his decisions. The coach is a leader; tough, honest, candid and loyal. He doesn’t bluff.

“Mihajlovic speaks to you while looking in your eyes, which I like. He looks at the man, not just the player. He showed himself by taking me back. I have a huge debt to repay him.”

Galliani has said that ‘certain lovers return’. Even if returns to Milan have often disappointed.
“A further reason to break that trend. I must show him that he didn’t make a mistake. I know that he believes in this as much as I do.”

Berlusconi tended you a hand, even though he called you a rotten apple in the past.
“The yes from Berlusconi was the biggest surprise of all. I didn’t expect it. That phrase he said about me was taken out of context. I have never been a rotten apple.

“I was a child, now I am a man. And I will repay his faith.”

Right after being officially signed, sites and newspapers showed pictures of you driving your new sports car.
“There is always a reason to talk about me. I like sports cars. I’m not the only player to have one. They talk about the sports car that I have but not that I use a small car to go to church with my mom. And regardless, I will go to Milanello in an Audi that is given to me by the club, like all my teammates.”

Your relationship with the media has never been easy: you unveiled “Why always me?” under your Manchester City shirt after scoring at Old Trafford in the Manchester derby.
“I want to be judged for what I show on the field. I know that is not always possible and I must accept that. But I don’t have pretend that I like it.

“Especially when there is so much written or said about me that is false. And I must ask: how can one be criticised all year, but then be asked to make a difference and help win when I go the national team?”

You also provide material with tweets, pictures and extravagant looks. And Milan have protected themselves with specific clauses about your behaviour and look in your contract.
“I use social media like all people my age. If in the past I got carried away, I will now be more careful because there are rules. I have been asked to tone down my look, to follow Milan’s style and I will follow that without trouble. I have had this haircut for a long time, I won’t take it too far.

“I wear a pendant, it is flashy, it’s true, but you know who gave it to me? My mother. It says ‘Professionalism, humility, hard work’. Should I take that off?

“I may not be liked, but I have never hurt anyone. If I’ve damaged anything it is my career, nothing else.”

Talking about not being liked, the stadiums will begin to be hostile. Are you prepared?
“The day that they stop jeering me will worry me: it will mean that I no longer strike fear. I accept the jeers, they aren’t a problem for me. You know when the last time was that fans bothered me? In Verona, when they started chants directed at me to make fun of me. I didn’t expect them and they confused me.

“I will not fall for those provocations again and I will respect everyone, be it opponents, referees or fans. I will avoid protesting or telling the fans to keep quiet. I won’t lack respect for anyone, but is it asking too much to not be continually insulted?”

And what if the hideous buuu’s ring out?
“Racism must not be accepted, it must be crushed. The referee has the duty to stop the match. If he doesn’t do that, I won’t leave the field alone. I won’t say anything, I’ll continue to play and that is all. But in the press area I will cause a stir. Respect is needed. They buuu because of my skin when I’m an opponent.

“And then when I wear the Azzurri shirt they are the same ones that ask me to score. It is absurd. This year there is the European Championship, we should be more united in Italy.”

So you are thinking about the Euros?
“Yes I am thinking about them, I want to do well with Milan in order to win back the Azzurri shirt. But now I must just work. One step at a time. If I put enough together then maybe I will get to France. I want to play in the Euros, and I will do everything I can to do so. Seeing myself with the shirt of the national team was one of the last wishes of my father before he passed away. I owe it to him.”

How far can this Milan go?
“I hope and believe near the top. We are a good team.”

The derby is on the third matchday: what would it mean to score?
Ah, I won’t fall for that. Are you looking for a headline for the interview? I’m sorry but I won’t say. That’s also because every time I’ve said I will score it has brought me bad luck.

“I have a battle that is more important than winning the derby and it does not last just a week, but an entire season. But if you find a player that wouldn’t be happy to score in the derby then let me know.”

There are people who say you don’t really love football, that you play it but are not passionate about it. That you never enjoy yourself and are always in a fight with the world.
“Are you joking? Football is my life, since I was born. I love it. I left my family and left Italy for football. I love to play. And believe me I’m not fighting with anyone, ask my mates: I’m the one who jokes around the most in the dressing room. When I am serious on the pitch it is because I am focused, not upset.”

Will we finally see you smile and celebrate after a goal?
“Mihajlovic has also asked me that. It is the only thing that I will not promise, because it does not come naturally to me. It is stronger than me.

“I’ve celebrated often as the joy is always there, trust me. Let me score first, then we will see.”



Personally i've had no issues with Balo when it came to off field antics, i think the only incident he had with us was a smoking incident on the train i think. But he's had a great goal record, despite the shambolic season that was 13/14.

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Post by dostoevsky Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:16 pm

Talk is cheap, however it is nice to read that he has come to certain realisations about his behaviour and attitude.

His determination to return to the national team in honour of his late father is particularly touching. I feel like this, more than anything, may be the key to Balotelli making this return a real success. If he shows the right attitude and plays even reasonably well, he'll be rewarded no doubt. Conte values sacrifice, so it's up to Mario to show that he's willing to work now.
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Post by Dante Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:41 pm

As much as i would have liked to believe in Balo and his supposed reform , or finally found maturity , or however you want to put , i will simply have to see it to believe it .

Having said this , and always sorry to learn he had to learn the hard way , the quote , 'better late than ever' should still work for him too . I am actually a little happy for him , seeing him struggle in Liverpool wasn't nice , maybe he can be the player he wants to be with Milan and effectively make us enjoy some games more with his play . All i want from him is to be a professional and nothing more. If there's that 1% to be given , then i expect that from him .

Finally , Balotelli may not have been a big transfer this summer , but since we wouldn't be getting Ibrahimovic , i actually think they did well to offer him a way out and possibly , a path to finally make good of his career and actually try to manifest his talents and desire into wins and hopefully , more as time goes on . I think i stopped expecting Ibra even before August and , getting Balo in the end , was a little of a surprise , but i consider it a positive surprise.

Good thing is , we have Bacca and Luis , so it's all 'good' . But i wish he does well anyway .
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Post by Kaladin Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:47 pm

Dante :bow: :bow: Proud

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Post by Il Diavolo Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:49 pm

Balotelli scored a pretty ridiculous goal vs Mantova. Also assisted the second and won the penalty for the third. I know it's only a friendly vs Mantova, but his overall play was good. He was dropping deep as well. Positive signs.
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Post by Dante Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:47 pm

El Shaarawy wrote:Dante :bow: :bow: Proud

*ages later*

ES Proud


Still not sure what to think of Balotelli's transfer btw . I hope it turns out to be a positive move , but all depends on how determined he is . Out of all the transfers we made , although he wasn't the best by any means , Mario is the one that makes me the most curious as to how it will all go .

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Post by Cruijf Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:44 pm

Agreed. What makes me happy is that he's by no means the highlight of our transfer dealings, and we thus won't be relying too heavily on him. He's in a position right now where a starting spot is far from guaranteed. If he works hard and benches one of the front 3, all the better for us. If he flops we lose virtually nothing.
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Post by uzonero Sun Sep 13, 2015 3:08 pm

Balo to score today. You heard it here first
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Post by Lucifer Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:28 am

Return of the last badass

The Last Cat Hater.

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