Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by Raptorgunner Sat 10 Nov - 10:36

You know I dont mean it RG, I am just sick of what is going on.

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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by RealGunner Sat 10 Nov - 11:03

Raptor please, Slate the team or the manager, thats ok. RVP is a disgrace, don't bring him to the level of Henry or Vieira.

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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by MJ Sat 10 Nov - 11:52

And I thought I knew what gutted felt like.
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by MJ Sat 10 Nov - 12:02

I don't care what you say. You can't go to Manchester and keep your Arsenal legacy.
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by Jay29 Sat 10 Nov - 12:16

I didn't do a write up today, since I was occupied with trying to cheer myself up. Now that I've reflected on the game a bit, I thought I'd share some feelings:

It's the same shit, just a different day. The team struggles to keep the ball and use it in an effective way. Fulham actually had the majority of the possession in the first half, such was our lack of quality with the ball. If our defence was actually solid at the back, though, I would not be so bothered.

But there's the biggest issue. Defensively, the team is appalling. There is no pressure off the ball, first and foremost, and the players don't set themselves into a good shape. Our midfield is often so high up the pitch, which means the opposition attackers can exploit the space in behind. Look at how often Ruiz and Berbatov and Kacanaklic later on got on the ball in those areas. Then, look at how often we actually won the ball back off them. I don't think we tackled Ruiz and Berbatov once the entire game.

Our marking from set-pieces is incredibly poor. Fulham's first goal was a result of three players (Sagna, Mertesacker and Koscielny) all going for the same ball and all missing. Berbatov just peels off the back of Sagna and lo and behold he gets a free header. How often have we seen goals like that?

Then there's the individual mistakes our players seem to routinely make every game. How did Mannone not save that Kacanaklic header, for example? If it's not Mertesacker stepping up too early, or Santos diving into tackles, or Vermaelen going after balls he shouldn't be, or Koscielny scoring own goals, or goalkeepers making poor decisions, or midfielders giving the ball away... you can see my point. Arteta then pulls down Ruiz in the penalty area after we lost the ball by our own back.

Yet again, we have to put all our effort into coming back from a losing position. Against a side who, while they've done very well in recent years, we should be beating by two or three goals and coming away with a routine three points.

It's just tiresome now. The squad changes a lot every year but it's the same problems every single season and it's perfectly clear to me that there is something wrong within the club and that it's not just the fault of the players.

Strong defences are made by organising the team into a solid shape and instilling the determination to defend and work hard. This is done by bringing the right players and working hard on the training ground. The training ground is run by the manager and his team of coaches. Wenger and Bould and Banfield et al. But there is no good shape, or willingness to defend. There are errors everywhere. Who do you blame for that? Isn't it, ultimately, Wenger's responsibility?

What about the poor build-up play? Again, it's something you work on in training, and something that's helped by lining up your attackers in a certain way and playing a certain way that gets the most out of them. Today, Giroud scored two headers from two crosses. In mid-week, he scored from a cross. It's clear his strength is getting on the end of crosses. But what do we do? We play the same, boring and useless passing football that creates jack all, then sit here and moan about how Giroud is not good enough. Who do you blame for that? Ultimately, it's Wenger who decides how we play, isn't it?

Then there's the injuries and fitness issues we get every season. Wenger comes out and says after every bad result that "we lacked sharpness" or that "we lacked urgency because we played many games in a week". He even said today that some players looked jaded before the game. So why the hell are these guys playing then? Why is Cazorla and Podolski, new to the league, playing every single game when they need a break? What about Arteta? Oh, I know, it's because all their replacements are injured for the 100th time and we end up having to rely on players like Arshavin and Chamakh who have long since outlived their stay at Arsenal.

But then, we still have them, so why not just use them? For this one game? Actually rotate the squad for once. It's inconceivable to me that every year we play someone for 40 games and wonder why he ends up out for three months the next year, and that we have to rely on Diaby and Rosicky, neither of whom have completed a full season in years, to come back and help us.

I'm tired of it. Many other fans are tired of it. As positive as I try to be - as I want to be - every week it gets harder and harder for me to find the positives and I'm going to be straight up honest here: if we lose to Tottenham next week, I'm giving up on Wenger. That might some knee-jerk to some, but my faith in the man is hanging on by a thread as it is.

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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by Jay29 Sat 10 Nov - 12:44

This is a pretty amazing rant I pieced together from someone from Twitter. He manages to air his frustrations without insulting everyone and everything. Can't find myself disagreeing with anything he says.

Awful. Absolutely awful. Winning goal irrelevant at end there. Can't protect a lead. Pointless. Utterly pointless. We're at that stage we were at the back end of the 11/12 season after the Carling Cup final where you couldn't cheer a goal. It was impossible too because you knew we'd concede. It's back to that, now. It just seems worthless using your energy to do so because you now expect to concede every game.

That's Fulham at home. 3 goals shipped in to Fulham, at home. From a 2-0 lead as well. Honestly, it's shocking. Unbelievably we look a centre back short again. As in, we look like we could do with another because the others no longer look up to it. I'm sick & *bleep* tired of the same old shit, shit mistakes being churned out, year after year after year. We're a GK short. We're a CB short. We need a left back. We need a tough tackling midfielder and we're a striker short as well and we've been all of those short for *bleep* years now.

There's something wrong within the club, it's not just the players. Because its a completely different personnel than it was 4 years ago, but they continue to make the same glaringly obvious mistakes, it's getting boring now, victory is now a surprise, irrespective of whom the opposition are. We needed the likes of Podolski, Giroud & Cazorla on top of the players we had last season. On top of them. Additions.

But with the subsequent sales of Van Persie, Song & Theo in January, they will have all turned into replacements. All we've done, summer after summer is look to replace when we've needed additions on top of what we've already had. Sell 1, buy 1. But 1, sell 1. We need to start buying 2 before we're selling 1. It's all wrong, the mentality is all wrong & finally had enough. I try & be as positive & as supportive as I can be, but I can't find it in me to cheer a goal, because I think we'll concede every game. I can't believe in 2012/13 we've relied on the likes of Abou Diaby & Rosicky to be fit. Honestly, if someone would have told you in 2009 that in 2012, you will miss Diaby & Rosicky, I'd have said you're mental. They won't be at the club then. We've pinned our hopes on those two staying fit for a season when they've never managed that before!? It makes no sense what so ever... and I'm sorry, but there is something fundamentally wrong, within the club, and finally, after years of witnessing the same thing & trying to find excuse after excuse, whilst searching for the positives, I can't find them anymore. I'd like to hold my hands up & say I'm sorry, but I don't know any more. I don't know what's wrong, where we're going or what we're doing. I'm completely totally & utterly lost & I no longer have an answer for anything anymore.

The personnel problems started right at the end of the 07/08 season. We pushed Utd & Chelsea right to the 37th fixture that year & perhaps we should have won it. But we should have sat down & evaluated what was needed. But nope, we made do. It was the start of us 'making do'.

We lost Diarra, Lehmann, Flamini, Gilberto, & Hleb. We bought Ramsey & Nasri... Then made do. We probably needed a Nasri on top of what we had in order to push that one last bit. Subsequently, there were no additions. We barely replaced. We bought Arshavin in Jan when we should have bought him in the summer previous. Clawed our way to 4th. That summer? Lose Toure &Adebayor. In? Vermaelen. Again, we needed a Vermaelen on top of what we had, so again, no additions. Just making do, once again. We then finally made an attempt to replace those two losses a whole year later with Koscielny & Chamakh. So where are the additions? To help push on? By now, we've lost Eduardo as well.

We go into 2011 summer. We lose Nasri, Cesc, Eboue & Clichy. We're down. We already needed additions to compete, on top of what we had so now, we're *bleep* basically. We send a depleted side to Old Trafford& Arsene lines up 4-3-3 & they're ripped apart from 1st minute to last. Embarrassing. How dare he line that side up as open as that, at Old Trafford. 4-5-1, pack that midfield out & play flat. Come away with a 2/3 goal defeat, people understand. But we've left ourselves in a position where we're selecting left backs who are being sold the very next day. Why the *bleep*, how the *bleep*, is Traore getting anywhere near that starting XI!?

We then leave it last minute, in true supermarket sweep fashion to bring in Mertesacker, Santos, Arteta & Benayoun. Ok, you've made your purchases. Not everyone's choice, but you've made them never the less. We'll get behind them...& as much as I love the likes of Arteta &as much as I respect & appreciate that we somehow finished 3rd in a shit-off between ourselves Tottenham, Chelsea & Newcastle - we knew what we needed so that we wouldn't find ourselves in this position again. We knew, we all did & at the start we thought the club did too. We went out & completed deals for Pod, Giroud & Cazorla. It was exciting, because finally, after years of not doing so, squad personnel/options looked good again. It may have been good enough. But then every single one of us was smacked in the face with the sales of Van Persie, Song & the Theo issue not being resolved. "Sorry, Theo. We can't offer you that extra 10k or whatever you want a week because Mr 28 year old & Mr 30 year old have no footballing ambition whatsoever & want to sit on thier 50/60k p/w wages which prevents us from keeping our most dangerous player, which you are. Bye." Makes... no... *bleep*... sense... WHATSOVER. Its the clubs fault we'll lose Theo, not his. Not his at all. And once again we find ourselves in the same, moronic, tiresome position of being short in the exact, same positions we have been for yeeeaaarrrs.

It's not on, it's not acceptable. We're not Everton. We don't have to sell before we can buy & hope we find a gem. David Moyes has to make do because they haven't a pot to piss in.Which wouldn't bother me if we were in the same position. But we have pots. *bleep* loads of 'em. Each &every single board member has their own individual diamond encrusted, gold rimmed pot to urinate all over whenever the *bleep* they like.

This club does not give itself a chance, on the pitch. We make do through choice, not because we have too. We don't compete because we choose not to compete. Not because we can't. Year after year, all we do, is make do. No conviction. No direction. No ambition. Farce.

...and theres not a single person out there who knows how much its taken me to voice an opinion as strong as that.

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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by RealGunner Sat 10 Nov - 12:54

Fantastic rant. Agreed completely and exactly what i said after the Schalke defeat.

Our biggest mistake was letting Cole leave. After that it was all downhill apart from the 07/08 season.

Our policy isn't to compete for trophies anymore. It's past that now. I used to laugh at "WhereHasOurArsenalGone" people or the blackscarf group. i don't know anymore

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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by SamuelJayC Sat 10 Nov - 13:10

It's officially Arsenal's worst start to a league season in 30 years.

I don't see how the manager's position can be so seemingly not under threat.
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by MJ Sat 10 Nov - 13:43

Safe to say we're in damage control with our PL campaign, this was supposed to be our win to get things on track, what an absolute travesty. Everytime I look at Wenger I think of the board he has to deal with, Gazidis getting his two million pound bonus last year and I want to spit at him in disgust. 3rd place with no silverware - an 'extremely good' year?

I wonder how they'll react in January watching their potential Champions League money slipping away as our top 4 chances slim. Pathetic.
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by SamuelJayC Sat 10 Nov - 13:50

MJGunner wrote:Safe to say we're in damage control with our PL campaign, this was supposed to be our win to get things on track, what an absolute travesty. Everytime I look at Wenger I think of the board he has to deal with, Gazidis getting his two million pound bonus last year and I want to spit at him in disgust. 3rd place with no silverware - an 'extremely good' year?

I wonder how they'll react in January watching their potential Champions League money slipping away as our top 4 chances slim. Pathetic.

In January this year we did nothing, Henry loan aside. I don't expect any transfers in January. Walcott will be sold, and Wenger will say "We have Oxlade-Chamberlain to replace him"
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by Raptorgunner Sat 10 Nov - 14:11

No expecting any changes.

Wenger" We have a big squad, if find a quality player that can help us I will look in to it"

Wenger" Diaby and Rosicky are like new signing"

Hill Wood "we are in good financial position if we dont make the CL"

Gazidis " there is 50m for Wenger to spend"

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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by Raptorgunner Sat 10 Nov - 14:22

Wenger: 'We have shown that we can fight'
on whether Cazorla wanted to take the penalty…
Cazorla is second on the list, the No 1 is Arteta. If he doesn't take it it's Cazorla, or if Arteta wants to leave it to Cazorla. Cazorla wanted to take the ball. Arteta is No 1 on the priority

on whether his squad has self-doubt…
No, I don't think so. I believe we had physically some moments in the game today that you could see we have played three tough games - we played Saturday, Tuesday and we needed a little breather. Some players were a bit jaded before the game. They gave it their all today but Fulham are good going forward, as well.

on being adrift in the title race...
That is not an ideal situation. We have shown before we can fight and again today that we can fight. There are a lot of positives in our team. At the moment, we do not get the points we want. Of course, we now do not have to waste any more time, but I still feel there is good potential in our side.

:brickwall: :facepalm: rofl
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by Raptorgunner Sat 10 Nov - 14:40

the arsenal board have announced that if things dont improve soon season ticket prices will increase.

Hill Wood "If we dont make Cl, the fans have to pay double the price"
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by Lex Sat 10 Nov - 14:49

I bet Henry masturbates at the thought of taking last minute penalties to win games

I miss him
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by silver Sat 10 Nov - 14:49

Our midfield is too lightweight. Arteta, Carzola and Ramsey just got bullied off the ball countless times leaving our defense extremely stretched. Wilshere isnt going to help. We need Diaby back or buy a DM (I know, won't happen)

I've said give Giroud a run of games, give him decent service and he will prove he's better than Gervinho. We need to keep playing to his strengths.

Arshavin should have come on earlier instead of Chamberlain. We needed to start crossing into the box and AOC couldn't cross with his left. Instead he kept coming onto his right and slowing the play down.
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by Lex Sat 10 Nov - 14:54

victory is now a surprise, irrespective of whom the opposition are
As i read this part, I found myself nodding subconsciously in agreement
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by VendettaRed07 Sat 10 Nov - 15:30

Raptorgunner wrote:the arsenal board have announced that if things dont improve soon season ticket prices will increase.

Hill Wood "If we dont make Cl, the fans have to pay double the price"
:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Most expensive seats in the world yet that isn't even enough?
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by RealGunner Sat 10 Nov - 15:30

Lex wrote:I bet Henry masturbates at the thought of taking last minute penalties to win games

I miss him


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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by Raptorgunner Sat 10 Nov - 15:32

VendettaRed07 wrote:
Raptorgunner wrote:the arsenal board have announced that if things dont improve soon season ticket prices will increase.

Hill Wood "If we dont make Cl, the fans have to pay double the price"
:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Most expensive seats in the world yet that isn't even enough?

I am just joking but wont be surprised if they do it though.
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by Jay29 Sat 10 Nov - 15:32

VendettaRed07 wrote:
Raptorgunner wrote:the arsenal board have announced that if things dont improve soon season ticket prices will increase.

Hill Wood "If we dont make Cl, the fans have to pay double the price"
:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Most expensive seats in the world yet that isn't even enough?

Raptor is bullshitting, Rev.

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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by Emaharg Sat 10 Nov - 15:45

silver wrote:Our midfield is too lightweight. Arteta, Carzola and Ramsey just got bullied off the ball countless times leaving our defense extremely stretched. Wilshere isnt going to help. We need Diaby back or buy a DM (I know, won't happen)

This is the issue all game Arteta and Ramsey who should be the most reliable players with the ball and not turn it over were bullied off the ball and put the defence under so much pressure. We miss Song so bad it's not even funny we have three midfielders most of the time who can't defend or have the pace to recover it when they turn it over.
When Diaby was fit and we had Song they would be pressured and barely ever turn over the ball both were physical and could brush players off the ball.

Other than that the defensive tactics have clearly changed and Ramsey is possibly the most out of form player in the EPL and is seeing way too much game time.
If we want to make top four this season going to need to buy at least 3 or 4 players in January.

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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by SamuelJayC Sat 10 Nov - 15:46

Raptorgunner wrote:No expecting any changes.

Wenger" We have a big squad, if find a quality player that can help us I will look in to it"

Wenger" Diaby and Rosicky are like new signing"

Hill Wood "we are in good financial position if we dont make the CL"

Gazidis " there is 50m for Wenger to spend"

Experience speaking there!
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by Le Samourai Sat 10 Nov - 15:51

Today I think Wenger approached the right way and put out the right team so I find it difficult to fault him. Recently he's been off but today he was completely on point.

He does what he does developing players and putting them in the best position to succeed (for the most part). In return for that what he does is require players to be able to motivate themselves, to have confidence in his their own ability as that's not something he can do for them.

He's tactically flexible and changes things , but he sticks to a general method and that's for a reason. He develops his players with that method in mind so I don't think abandoning it like GoonerJay has recently suggested is an option.

I could understand wanting a change. Football on a whole has changed alot , individual match ups have become more important, exploiting weaknesses have become more essential than just generally being better than the opponent.

But he is giving what he has always's impossible to blame him for the failures while giving him credit for earlier successes.

You get what you get. He's the best in the world at giving players dimension and amplifying their best qualities. You're not going to replace him with a better manager..only one more suited to succeed today.

And really nothing is wrong with that.
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by RealGunner Sat 10 Nov - 16:17

I love Arteta, i really do. but he can't handle physicality. He simply can't

Diame had the better of him in the west ham game. Ruiz had a better of him today. Mikel and Ramires had the better of him in the Chelsea game, And similarly in the schalke game.

See our performance When Diaby was playing. Massive difference. Or see other teams, Yaya toure, Khedira, Mikel, Lucas, Tiote.

We need Steel in midfield. Diaby should be sold this summer unless he goes next 6 months injury free. We need to replace him with a similar player who isn't injury prone.

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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by Jay29 Sat 10 Nov - 16:18

He's tactically flexible and changes things , but he sticks to a general method and that's for a reason. He develops his players with that method in mind so I don't think abandoning it like GoonerJay has recently suggested is an option.

Tactically flexible and willing to make changes is not how I would describe Wenger. They aren't his best qualities as a manager.

Incidentally, what I had suggested before about how we approach games is nothing radical. I'm not suggesting we go play hoof ball or something like that.

But he is giving what he has always's impossible to blame him for the failures while giving him credit for earlier successes.

You said yourself that football has changed, so a manager who hasn't changed along with it can certainly be blamed for failure.

Wenger's methods were successful a decade ago and he can be given immense credit for that. Wenger's methods aren't so successful now, and e can be blamed for that.

You get what you get. He's the best in the world at giving players dimension and amplifying their best qualities. You're not going to replace him with a better manager..only one more suited to succeed today.

And really nothing is wrong with that.

Maybe that's acceptable from a purists point of view, but there is plenty wrong with having a manager who isn't suited to succeed today.

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Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk* - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Fulham: *headdesk*

Post by Sina Sat 10 Nov - 16:21

Aneke Very Happy

also massive Lulz at ppl comparing Giroud and Chamakh
did you see his long range effort

couple of more performances like this
and he will be flying high

Giroud+Podolski=11 goals sofar not bad for underperforming flops :coffee:
haters keep hating
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