If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by Onyx Tue 20 Mar - 19:51:04

Apparently we wanted to loan him out in January. Mourinho thinks he doesn't have the pace to play the way we do and he lacks strength and dynamism. He could return to Germany in the summer.

In terms of CM's, Modric, Banega?

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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by Valkyrja Tue 20 Mar - 20:05:51

He won't leave. But in case, Banega or Modric
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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by guest7 Tue 20 Mar - 20:08:41

Do any of you watch Banega? You mention his name a billion times but let's just forget that he is inconsistent and only really performs 5 times per season and 2 of them are only Barca Rolling Eyes Fkn Gago benched him in Argentina ffs

Oh, forgot. That is the only match that matters nowadays...

Last edited by Se7en on Tue 20 Mar - 20:09:12; edited 1 time in total
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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by Error Tue 20 Mar - 20:09:09

If Sahin doesn't have enough pace then how is buying Banega or Modric going solve anything? And why we keep playing with Alonso and Khedira in midfield if pace is so important? Seems more like bs excuse.
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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by VanDeezNuts Tue 20 Mar - 20:14:54

modric no.. i dont see madrid making a transfer like this, he is good but its just not going to happen.

banega maybe but probably no.. he broke his leg and mourinho/perez will not buy a player who hasnt played half the season, it will be sahin all over again.

blehanda looks good.. he is young, heard he would opt for a move to psg though so probably not.

even if lass doesnt leave we should buy javi martinez.. this transfer has been a long time coming we have inquired about him numerous times, i think this will finally happen over the summer i think he is versatile/agile enough to be considered with this group.

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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by Guest Tue 20 Mar - 20:26:29

Why these threads all the time ffs........


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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by Le Samourai Tue 20 Mar - 21:20:59

There is no one better than him on the world market.

End of discussion.
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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by FalcaoPunch Wed 21 Mar - 5:51:18

Yaya toure.... I wish
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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by StevieRayVaughan Wed 21 Mar - 7:53:24

First of all, you shld keep Sahin. If you need to replace him, get Javi Martinez. He can slot in at CB when Pepe gets his customary red card. Otherwise, he will do fine at CM. He will give Madrid the versatility to sell Cavarlo without the need for replacement.
Then you will have:
Xabi, Khedira, Lass, Javi Martinez, Granero at midfield
Ramos, Pepe, Albiol, Varane, and Javi Martinez at CB


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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by LeSwagg James Wed 21 Mar - 9:05:56

mtfootball wrote:Apparently we wanted to loan him out in January. Mourinho thinks he doesn't have the pace to play the way we do and he lacks strength and dynamism. He could return to Germany in the summer.

In terms of CM's, Modric, Banega?

Where did Mou say these things? I don't understand the reasoning behind buying a player and never giving them a proper shot
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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by Sushi Master Wed 21 Mar - 11:49:46

Please, please sell Sahin...
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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by Kick Wed 21 Mar - 13:50:51

Please, please sell Sahin....to Chelsea.

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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by halamadrid2 Wed 21 Mar - 14:56:31

lol i knew who started this thread without even looking at the thread starter

what other sport do you watch mt, keep to that please until the end of the season
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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by Rebaño Sagrado Wed 21 Mar - 22:08:15

Iniesta IMO
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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by VanDeezNuts Thu 22 Mar - 2:51:41

the spanish iniesta and the german iniesta in 1 team

sounds interesting.

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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by Rebaño Sagrado Thu 22 Mar - 3:17:12

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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by LeBéninois Thu 22 Mar - 3:53:00

Crimson wrote:Why these threads all the time ffs........

Just to make people discuss , that's what a forum is about :coffee: . you don't have to read them or comment
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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by Onyx Fri 27 Jul - 15:13:39

Looks like this is happening.

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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by TheSpecialOne__9 Fri 27 Jul - 16:12:45

Sahin being loaned out is a great idea for both sides, he gets his fitness level and playing ability back on track, while we still manage to hang on to one of the greatest midfield prospects in today's football.


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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by hrealmadrid Fri 27 Jul - 16:46:19

Where? Arsenal?
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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by Onyx Fri 27 Jul - 16:47:45

Yeh Arsenal are the favourites, however could be Spurs too.

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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by chad4401 Fri 27 Jul - 17:33:47

if sahin leaves and f**king lass stays i swear mou if messing up
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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by RealGunner Mon 30 Jul - 0:42:29

How much does Sahin earn anyone ?

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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by Onyx Mon 30 Jul - 1:25:41

2.5m Euros I think.

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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

Post by Onyx Mon 27 Aug - 11:19:48

My prediction. :bow:

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If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with? Empty Re: If Sahin leaves, which agile CM should we replace him with?

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