Bolton Wanderers 0 - 0 Arsenal: How the hell did we not win this one?

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Bolton Wanderers 0 - 0 Arsenal: How the hell did we not win this one? - Page 4 Empty Re: Bolton Wanderers 0 - 0 Arsenal: How the hell did we not win this one?

Post by Raptorgunner Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:04 am

GoonerJay29 wrote:Mertesacker, Arteta and Gervinho are not top four quality?

Hell, you even said these guys wouldn't start for "mid table" teams, which is laughable.

As I said, only two players are currently not playing well, which are Ramsey and Walcott. The rest are fine and would get into fellow top four teams.

I agree with Jay, we have many qulaty players but there are one or 2 bring us down.

Wlacott and Ramsey can start for every team in PL but if they play the way play for Arsenal they wont even be on the bench.

Jay i know you have been replaying to all of us with logic, but the thing is we are so mad its beyond listing to anything anyone says. We need a big change and it has to start next game.

Walcoot and Ramsey have to be benched of the next game and Wenger has to take charge, who cares if by benching them will make them unhappy or Walcott will not sign with us.

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Bolton Wanderers 0 - 0 Arsenal: How the hell did we not win this one? - Page 4 Empty Re: Bolton Wanderers 0 - 0 Arsenal: How the hell did we not win this one?

Post by Sushi Master Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:00 am

Walcott and Ramsey need to be benched. Ramsey for Rozza and Walcott for... whatever. Can't Bennie play on the wings? Even Arsh-fuqing-avin.

Who cares if Walcott whines for being benched? No player is larger than the club. They also need rotation. I can understand fatigue, but really, we've been sending out the same starting 11 week after week. I want Chamakh back now so that we at least have someone to rotate RVP with. I DO NOT want him burnt out, since he's the only attacker we have with a functioning pair of testicles. Nevermind injuries.

The players deserve a shout. Top 4 finish looks farther and farther away, and we all know February-March is when classic Arsenal suicide form kicks in. We cannot let that happen. There was no morale boost from new signings, or top form, and Wilshere who was supposed to kick start our season again just looks like a dream.

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Bolton Wanderers 0 - 0 Arsenal: How the hell did we not win this one? - Page 4 Empty Re: Bolton Wanderers 0 - 0 Arsenal: How the hell did we not win this one?

Post by tsgooner1 Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:36 am

everyone needs to chill, we are 5 points out of 4th, not 15. and even then only 3 years ago we came back from like 11 points out. anyways, another thing, wenger is rebuilding the team right now, it will take him a season or two but based on how quicky he built the last two teams and how they were both quite good and should have wo something and prolly would have if they stayed together for a bit longer (2007/2008, and last years team). Hes actually quite fast at rebuilding teams, and this time he actually has a decent core with a solid defence to build around unlike our last two teams which turned out to be our achilles heel, so it will likely be faster considering we are like 1 or 2 players away already.

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Bolton Wanderers 0 - 0 Arsenal: How the hell did we not win this one? - Page 4 Empty Re: Bolton Wanderers 0 - 0 Arsenal: How the hell did we not win this one?

Post by Quinten Metsys Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:37 am

Emaharg wrote:Since Chelsea drew today we will also draw or lose, as the law of the universe refuses us to catch up with them.

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Bolton Wanderers 0 - 0 Arsenal: How the hell did we not win this one? - Page 4 Empty Re: Bolton Wanderers 0 - 0 Arsenal: How the hell did we not win this one?

Post by Quinten Metsys Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:50 am

As it was evident from our poor showing at the Reebok,we clearly lack the creative force in the middle.

I hope we start AA23 as a CAM in our next game vs. Blackburn(He has a GOAT record against Blackburn).He could probably be THE creative midfield force that Arsenal are so desperately in need of.With a slight tweak in our formation we could replace Ramsey with Arshavin,who can play as a CAM.

But this is Arsenal and its AW.Once again we will go with the same formation,same tired players vs. Blackburn Mad

The problem with AW is he doesn't got a PLAN B,where he can change the formation,shuffle the players etc., He has got PLAN B only in case of giving excuses for not buying players.

And Kudos to Goonerjay for being sane enough to write a match report about this shite game Laughing
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