Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad

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Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad - Page 2 Empty Re: Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad

Post by Perucho21 Fri Mar 11, 2022 11:49 pm

According to Marca which you should take with a grain of salt Mbappe will be signing by the end of next week with announcement in the summer

Haaland on the other hand is very much looking like he will end up at City. Judging by the way Benz is playing, with the addition of Mbappe, our offense would instantly be better. I just don't see Haaland as the benzema type, not to mention his injuries this season is giving me bad vibes.

If it's only Mbappe, we can rest assure use the funds for other areas.

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Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad - Page 2 Empty Re: Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad

Post by futbol_bill Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:08 am

I don’t know what to make of Haaland rumors. One time it is City that has inside track, next day is it is Madrid and occasionally somehow Barca is trying to pull together cash. IMO, it’s between RMad and City, both have the cash! I don’t see the oroblem with 4 top class players for 3 spots considering Benz’s age, Vini’s age and still developing plus injuries. It’s actually a coach’s dream, but obviously will require some delicate management. I’m assuming all 4 will be aware of the possible variations, otherwise they won’t sign, and existing pair would ask to leave if they don’t agree. But at end of day, we can’t discount City!

As I said in other thread (when I for once agreed with Sports) that I hope we clinch la liga soon, and Carlo moves Vini to right and plays Hazard on left to allow Vini real game experimentation.
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Post by Chad31 Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:28 pm

Real Madrid fans greatest dream is to see benzema benched week in and out, so his age is the latest excuse now lol, have to be sick in the brain if you think benzema is riding the bench after carrying the team so long, still goes to show the lack of respect and appreciation for what the man has done for the club, I remember when people were desperate for jovic to bench benzema too,even though he was the best player on the team and way better than jovic, saying jovic is a real striker and does real striker things lol, I will say this if halaand comes benzema is 100% leaving if he isn't a starter that been the case for years now, anyway as long as benzema beats Raul record I think he will leave anyway, especially after this performance against psg, no one can down play his career and legend status at the club and football as whole, they can try for sure and will never stop.


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Post by futbol_bill Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:02 pm

Chad31 wrote:Real Madrid fans greatest dream is to see benzema benched week in and out, so his age is the latest excuse now lol, have to be sick in the brain if you think benzema is riding the bench after carrying the team so long, still goes to show the lack of respect and appreciation for what the man has done for the club, I remember when people were desperate for jovic to bench benzema too,even though he was the best player on the team and way better than jovic, saying jovic is a real striker and does real striker things lol, I will say this if halaand comes benzema is 100% leaving if he isn't a starter that been the case for years now, anyway as long as benzema beats Raul record I think he will leave anyway, especially after this performance against psg, no one can down play his career and legend status at the club and football as whole, they can try for sure and will never stop.

If you bother to read, rather than jumping to preconceived conclusions, you will find that practically all of us have been raving about Benz not only for this year, which as he said himself is his best year ever, but also at least last year as well. This fan base has changed dramatically in overall impression of Benz, but you dropping in and out of forum, not reading etc, have missed this!

This current discussion has been zeroing in on spectulation that Flo is trying to sign both Mbappe and Haaland. How can he do that re money and how will it work (if he does get Haaland) with both Benz and Vinicius already set as starters and certainly don’t deserve to be booted out (of club nor starter role) based on phenomenal season both are having.

The options are Haaland not signed, one of Benz or Vini accepts a rotation role with Haaland or one of Benz or Vini leaves (you yourself said at one point that if Haaland came in, then Benz should move).

I suggested above that perhaps all 4 can play occasionally and that with injuries and, some rotations perhaps it could work. However a lot of this depends on can Vinicius adapt to Right Side, when does age factor into Benz’s play or will Vinicius accept a bench role?

I personally think Benz will make a great mentor to all of the three.

Last edited by futbol_bill on Sat Mar 12, 2022 11:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad - Page 2 Empty Re: Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad

Post by Doc Sat Mar 12, 2022 8:50 pm

Chad can't read, it's been fairly obvious for years now. Also, a total fraud.
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Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad - Page 2 Empty Re: Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad

Post by FennecFox7 Sat Mar 12, 2022 8:58 pm

Chad, you would be a poster with interesting insight if you actually took the time to READ WHAT PEOPLE type. Spot on from Bill.

However I believe we should use the Haaland money to plug holes in the team. I believe we need a new right back at the very least.
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Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad - Page 2 Empty Re: Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad

Post by Perucho21 Sat Mar 12, 2022 11:33 pm

I just don't see Haaland as the CF type to fill our needs. Don't get me wrong he's great but no Benzema. I think he will strive at city. With wingers like Mahrez Foden Silva Sterling he has loads of creative players that will help him get his goals. Vini and Mbappe are more like wide forwards is why I stress the need for Benz type of CF. Anyway, Benz isn't showing signs of slowing down

I would say if we can get top world class RB in the summer and that is unlikely we should. And a back up striker from LA Liga, who won't cost much and accept a bench role. Lucas Boye perhaps?
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Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad - Page 2 Empty Re: Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad

Post by futbol_bill Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:01 am

Well just to respond to Perucho and Fennec, I’m speculating what Flo might do.

They is little doubt in my mine that he wants to acquire both. It sure seems as if, Mbappe is now a done deal, much like Alaba last year, it won’t be formally announced until June. I had thought originally, Flo was going after both with the hope of getting one. But It has never been clear what his exact strategy is! He has put together a large treasure chest (read earlier post re legends deal) to not only sign both, but enough to fill other needs (that point to you Fennec).

There are a couple of interesting statements from Flo lately. ‘He wanted the Mbappe deal confirmed before making any other moves” and “he was asking if Haaland would stay at Dortmund for another year”. That suggest to me that maybe an agreement with City as reported today may actually be true.

But I don’t agree with you Perucho, in that 1. Age will catch up with Benz soon and 2. Team is changing roles etc with the Mbappe signing, future changes in midfield and Vinicius development, so you can’t really say what type of #9 will be best. We do know that Haaland is the real deal and will certainly be the benchmark #9 in future years. The issue is simply next year!

And lastly Flo is a president that likes to acquire the best, and the creation of the “team” is the coach’s job.
“I give you the best, you make it work”. Plus he has his policy re advancing age players. So with that in mind, that where my speculation is coming from, plus recent posts from Sports re shifting Vini to RW.

Edit: just read in “Haaland war” thread, that the supposed agreement with City has discussed that they would allow a move to RMad in a couple of years if he still wants it. To me that would make sense to a lot of things we have heard, Haaland wanted to play in Spain and that he leans towards RMad. That plus Flo statement about holding off a year or so.

If this is correct, I think we all win, assuming we can solve the Vini to RW. 2 more years will allow Benz to finish in style while mentoring his countryman and continuing that role with Vini. And it allows the money accumulated to solve other needs as Fennec was asking
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Post by Thimmy Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:06 am

I agree with your post, Bill. I'm a bit concerned that Haaland may become stupidly expensive a few years from now, though - assuming injuries doesn't become a persistent issue for him, similarly to how Gareth Bale's career has played out. They do have some similarities in their physical profiles.

I really do hope we replace Carvajal in the summer. It pains me to say it, as I was a big fan of him when he initially impressed, and continued to improve for a while after we signed him from Leverkusen.

But I think his form has been worrying for some time now. I don't know if it's an age related decline or related to the heart problem he had, but I really don't find him as reliable anymore, as he used to be. He's declined both offensively and defensively, and I think upgrading on him would be a relatively easy task at this point.
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Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad - Page 2 Empty Re: Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad

Post by futbol_bill Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:04 am

I think city, if true agreeing to let him go in 2 year to Madrid, is just an agreement waiting to see how the next 2 years plays out. Who knows? But it does solve the Benzema dilemma and maybe there will be other options in that time frame. Just getting Mbappe solves so many problems for us.

I agree with you as I think Fennec was saying the same thing. It’s not just RB but LB as well. Mendy is ok defensively but offers nothing offensively. And there is NO backup for either of the positions. I think we need to acquire for sure 2 and possibly 4! Then there is the issue of replacing Vallejo with a more competent backup.

It sure sounds,like, we have spent last two years wanting a revamped front line and now that it seems we are getting it, both the defense and midfield have deteriorated.
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Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad - Page 2 Empty Re: Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad

Post by futbol_bill Sat Apr 02, 2022 9:10 pm

Update, pretty well confirmed Mbappe is coming and Haaland is going to City.

I’m putting a lot of thought into this (My assumption is this season is all but done, we will win liga and lose out in CL, which IMO, is about the best we could have hoped for for this season.)

I’ll start by recognizing player movement. Out of contract and therefore gone are Bale, Isco and Marcelo.

Players they would like to sell; Hazard, Jovic, Mariano, Ceballos, Vallejo, plus Odriozola, maybe Brahim. Note; they may have problems with both Hazard (2 years left in contract) and Mariano (1 year left).

Contracts running out in a year, Asensio, Benzema, Kroos. They may let Asensio go and possibly he will ask for more than he is worth as a backup. The other two they will likely wait and in a year determine if a one year contract is worth it.

Also Modric’s one year contract is up, but likely outcome they will give him another year contract.

Also new is Vinicius is about to get his Spanish passport freeing up one of the non EU spots. Expected both Militao and Rodrygo will reach same status in a year.

Likely given a shot for next year is Blanco and Gutierrez, possibly Kubo.

Not really material but there is talk of loaning out Lunin for playing time and bring in a more experienced portero such as Pacheco.

Forwards: incoming Mbappe which leaves front three as Mbappe, Benzema and Vinicius. I feel they need to sign a more competent forward as a backup. Doesn’t have to be CF as Mbappe could play there if needed. My issue is that even though the backups will likely be given little playing time, there will be times when a second forward line is needed and I just don’t see enough capabilities with the existing possibilities (Asensio, Rodrygo, Lucas, possibily Hazard, Mariano, or Brahim or Kubo).

Midfield: issue here us over reliance on Modric, Kroos, Casemiro. They do have 2 promises in Valderde and Campavinga plus likely Blanco. Word is they are interested in Tchouameni and Bellington. If it were me I would replace Casemiro and maybe let Modric go (and Kroos the year after). But I suspect we sign one or two and hope there will be much more rotations.

Defense: issue is we need laterals badly. Suspect both Dani and Mendy will stay, but we desperately need 2 laterals that can challenge both. And stop playing Lucas there. IMO, he remains on squad as 24th squad player. Then we need another CB. We saw with the rejection of Rudgier that they won’t be signing a starter so we need someone who can challenge both Militao and Alaba. i would like them to go after Pau Torres, but price tag will be high and he is in theory another Rudgier.
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Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad - Page 2 Empty Re: Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad

Post by The Demon of Carthage Sat Apr 02, 2022 9:13 pm

futbol_bill wrote:Update, pretty well confirmed Mbappe is coming and Haaland is going to City

Wait a min, hold the phone. How is Haaland to City confirmed? Did I miss something?!
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Post by futbol_bill Sat Apr 02, 2022 9:51 pm

Barca can’t afford despite the desire and Madrid is backing off (yesterday’s news) - they are now hesitant to match City’s offer and his agent’s continual demands plus some concern about salary demand 30M with his injury record.
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Post by futbol_bill Sun Apr 03, 2022 4:07 pm

I’m getting the feeling that to make all the signings, we would like, the club needs to put more money into war chest they have been accumulating. Although if true, they have backed away from Haaland, will help, the selling of Hazard is very troublesome, both from potential transfer sale income, but also from a salary capacity point of view. The other issue is most of the potential sales do not have a lot of market interest.

To that end, I now think Asensio will be up for Sale as well as Brahim, Kubo and Reiner plus there are a few graduating from Castilla. We need to hope Hazard doesn’t become our next Bale!
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Post by futbol_bill Sun Apr 17, 2022 4:00 pm

There are a few stories this weekend.

1. Club is impressed with recent signing Vinicius Tobias, RB. He was on display in a workout with 1st team. Highlights are impressive and he’s only 18. He would need a non EU spot, but one is available for next season thanks to Vinicius.

2. Club is reported putting an offer for Haaland and that the City deal is not done.

3. With available funds being allocated for Mbappe and Haaland, any additional signings will require sales. They need to raise 75M - 100M from these. Up for sale will be Hazard, Mariano, Jovic, likely Asensio, Ceballos, Vallejo, plus Brahim, Kubo, Reiner, Odriozola plus maybe a couple from Castilla. Note; Isco, Bale and Marcelo are all out of contract so although their exits don’t generate transfer funds, they do help tremendously with salary load. Hazard and Mariano will be the difficult sales, although there is reported interest from Arsenal for Hazard. I think this news pretty well confirms (at least to me) that Asensio will be the main target for sale.

4. Not really a story, but Hala’s suggestion of signing Rudgier (a free transfer) and shifting Alaba to LB.

So based on these rumors, i think the following.

Bringing up Vinicius Tobias and signing Rudiger solves our defense issues and has lots of backup options. The alternative is bring back Fran Garcia from Rayo or promoting Miguel Gutierrez to backup Mendy. As to Vallejo replacement, I think it will be either Rafa Marin or Marvel promoted from Castilla. Note: with all the possible Castilla additions, they all are young enough to be left at Castilla and be available for call-ups.

Midfield objective is Techouameni, however there is interest from other clubs and the question is back to the sales, unless they don’t sign Haaland! Apparently the other alternative is Bellingham, another 18 year old. I also think they will promote Blanco as a 7th MF.

Mbappe’s addition is crucial to this rebuild and I still am convinced that the deal has been done. I don’t think they get Haaland and the loss to City actually would resolve two issues; how do you play both him and Benz along with Mbappe and Vinicius and frees up funds for Midfield pursuit.
Forward backups will be down to only Rodrygo and Lucas plus any sales that don’t materialize. I suspect that leaves Mariano.
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Post by halamadrid2 Fri Apr 22, 2022 6:20 am

AS cover

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We get these 3 and it'll be a 9/10 summer. Get it done uncle Flo
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Post by Perucho21 Fri Apr 22, 2022 12:08 pm

So I read about Tchouemeni being signed as well. Don't know much about him other than he's a potential casemiro replacement.

If he's signed will he get playing time?
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Post by halamadrid2 Fri Apr 22, 2022 1:56 pm

Of course. With a WC in winter he'll probably get plenty of playingtime. At least now we don't have tp shoehorn Cama into that role
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Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad - Page 2 Empty Re: Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad

Post by futbol_bill Fri Apr 22, 2022 2:53 pm

If things go according to plan (our speculation), we are going to have same situation all over the field; aging veterans vs youthful promises. Kroos vs valverde, Casemiro vs Tchouameni, Modric vs Camavinga, Carvajal vs Tobias (getting James will alter this one). The other areas will be more constant. No doubt this will be a huge challenge for Carlo particularly with Midfield and with the attitude we saw from Kroos last week.

I love the pivot we’ve seen this week with dropping out of Haaland pursuit and using those allocated funds to more pressing needs and the rumored fact that Carlo is on board with the new pursuits.

And Sports, with his never ending theories of Mbappe not coming (plus people believing his shit). I’ve never seen Flo so calm about a player coming before!

What do you guys think re exits or insisting on staying to collect pay cheques for Hazard and Mariano?

By the way, with Asensio hiring Mendes as his agent, he is definitely headed elsewhere IMO.
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Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad - Page 2 Empty Re: Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad

Post by Myesyats Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:30 pm

You think Carlo stays? Some Low rumors were circulating
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Post by futbol_bill Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:59 pm

For sure Carlo is staying. That nonsense is coming from the fickle fans we have, particularly on GL
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Post by The Demon of Carthage Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:01 pm

Myesyats wrote:You think Carlo stays? Some Low rumors were circulating

He needs to go, but not just yet. Madrid needs to find a better replacement first before letting him go, which is not easy because all the managers that are better than him are still contractually bound to their clubs.

I would rather keep him than have Raul for instance. I have had it with this trend of hiring inexperienced ex-players-turned managers just on the off chance that they would turn out to be more of a Guardiola than a Solari.
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Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad - Page 2 Empty Re: Speculative thread for 2022/23 squad

Post by Perucho21 Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:01 pm

According to Di Marzio we are closing in on Rudiger.

Not bad
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Post by FennecFox7 Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:20 pm

Madrid interested in Mahrez. Please make it happen. Miles ahead of asensio and rodrygo
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Post by halamadrid2 Sat Apr 23, 2022 5:31 am

No more Mendy at LB.

Music to my ears!!!
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Post by futbol_bill Sun Apr 24, 2022 7:05 pm

Flo has been very active, last few days. Reported agreements for both Rudgier and Tchouameni, plus Mbappe telling his PSG teammates he is coming to Madrid.

That would wrap up major signings! I don’t buy the rumour about Mahrez, but do about going after Cavani as backup to Benz. Also no further news re James. The alternative RB is Vinicius Tobias, already on contract. I think the replacement for Vallejo sounds like Rafa Marin, a CB who can also play LB.

On exit front, Betis is after both Isco and Ceballos. Asensio looking at greener pastures.

With this news, the defense and midfield are complete. Only remaining business will be backup forwards besides Rodrygo.
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