Corona Sports

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Corona Sports Empty Corona Sports

Post by Babun Mon May 04, 2020 9:23 pm

Post your corona routine if you have one..


Monday: Pullups and inverted rows (20min)

Tuesday: Light intensity interval training, I jog to the the park nearby then run quite fast uphill (not sprinting) then walk down until I'm too tired, some core
exercises at the end (40min)

Wednesday: I start with 3x5 pike pushups then go into declined diamond pushups until I can't go on anymore (no more than 20min)

Thursday: Mostly jogging up to 30min then stretching, some core exercises (40-50min)

Friday: Pullups + inverted rows (20min)

Saturday: dive bomber pushups and dips (between two tables Very Happy ) as super set (20min)

Sunday: 10min jog, HIIT hill sprints at full speed, 10min cooldown, straight armed side planks with one hand and leg up (1h)

1. Getting ripped as fuck, I have to say HIIT and LIIT have been way more effective for me than just jogging or "cardio". Running like no tomorrow is hella fun.
2. I want to master one armed pushup then handstand pushup then one armed pullup. I might never be able to do the later two but I'm gonna try anyways. I'm very close to the one armed pushup.
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Corona Sports Empty Re: Corona Sports

Post by El Gunner Mon May 04, 2020 10:21 pm

no where near that much effort and investment from me anymore.

just non-planned pushups and jogging mostly, and lifting weights here and there... and in non-coronatimes also basketball (and far too irregularly for my liking a game of football/5-a-side as well)
El Gunner
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Corona Sports Empty Re: Corona Sports

Post by Babun Tue May 05, 2020 6:02 am

Basketball and footy are good enough, I would play footy if not for corona. My background is bit different, I sit 8h+ in front of the PC from Mo.-Fr. My lower back and whole body feel like sh*t afterwards. 20min aren't that much from my perpective, that is the balance I can keep ( more than 20min after work is too tiring). Only on Tuesday and Thursday, I go longer but that one is due to not needing to commute to work.
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