Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Adit Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:12 pm

Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim 512px-South_China_Sea_claims_map

This is the map of china sea and color represents territory claimed by each nations. The sea route is important because it is shortest way to U.S, one of the reason U.S immediately sent navy there. If one claims that territory then every ship going through there have to pay taxes to china and also chinese can effectively bully any country by blocking their trades.
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Guest Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:16 pm

Not any more ridiculous than the British claiming the falklands, or America claiming Alaska(Hawaii too).


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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Adit Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:27 pm

Betty La Fea wrote:Not any more ridiculous than the British claiming the falklands, or America claiming Alaska(Hawaii too).

This is all Chinese have to say really. Every one i talked about either shows how some other country did same thing and just plain talk like two wrongs makes a right.

I was just updating the post with  this line '' Now chinese will try to justify this saying many countries does this just like Redorange defends U.S and its horrible war strategies with 'every country' does this.'' lol.  

China have no friends in that region. your best friend is Pakistan who is at the brink of bankrupt and will accept any one with monetary aid as friend. This move has united whole of south asian countries against china, even countries like srilanka,Malasia,Bangladesh are now against china because it is their trade route. Now china probably doesnt care about friends but they will surely have to care about enemies.
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Guest Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:51 pm

Adit wrote:
Betty La Fea wrote:Not any more ridiculous than the British claiming the falklands, or America claiming Alaska(Hawaii too).

This is all Chinese have to say really. Every one i talked about either shows how some other country did same thing and just plain talk like two wrongs makes a right.

I was just updating the post with  this line '' Now chinese will try to justify this saying many countries does this just like Redorange defends U.S and its horrible war strategies with 'every country' does this.'' lol.  

China have no friends in that region. your best friend is Pakistan who is at the brink of bankrupt and will accept any one with monetary aid as friend. This move has united whole of south asian countries against china, even countries like srilanka,Malasia,Bangladesh are now against china because it is their trade route. Now china probably doesnt care about friends but they will surely have to care about enemies.

I'm not Chinese, but my statement is one of simply how the world works.

China is a super power, and with power comes land claim no different than other superpowers.

Is there claim on the sea fair? No, but the world isnt fair. Also nobody would dare attack them because the global trade relies heavy on the Chinese Market.


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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Nishankly Fri Oct 14, 2016 3:49 pm

Chinese government claim everything bar Russia in Asia. Their government has been cancer since a long time, Probably because they are still scared of the Japanese. rofl
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by sportsczy Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:43 pm

Like Russia, they can't be trusted because they promise one thing and then turn around and do the exact opposite. Now, everyone does this... but usually there's a very good reason for them to back down from a promise that most would understand.

But these guys are just doing it because they want to recapture the empire they had in the past. It's all about land grabbing and nothing more.

Also, important to separate the people from the politics. Just because a nation's politics are contrary to your beliefs doesn't mean that the people themselves should be viewed in a negative light. I have a lot of Russian and Chinese friends... we avoid talking politics and we respect each other as people.
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Nishankly Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:56 pm

sportsczy wrote:Like Russia, they can't be trusted because they promise one thing and then turn around and do the exact opposite.

Exactly, Their government still has a cold war era mentality for some reason. rofl

They did the same in 1962 with us, Taking Aksai Chin and some parts of the east.
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Guest Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:37 pm

Nishankly wrote:Chinese government claim everything bar Russia in Asia. Their government has been cancer since a long time, Probably because they are still scared of the Japanese. rofl

Its pretty amazing what their government has been able to achieve with their population in 60 or some odd years. They were the eternal sick man of Asia, despite the fact that if you are East Asian your culture is directly from them.

If the 20th century was the USA's century, then this century definitely belongs to China. Their hands are everywhere.


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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Bellabong Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:17 pm

Well The Philippines went from the destination in SEA to only Indonesia being worse. A lot can happen in 60 years
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Adit Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:15 pm

As long as majority of industries are state owned in China it's a matter of time like U.S.S.R . The current copy cat economy works when there is no need of innovation. Copy cat production also works as long as wages are low, now that wages have increased the economy is already slowing down and some other country with low wages will become next manufacturing hub,basic economics. Copy cat works upto only certain extent.

When you are top dog you have to innovate and good luck trusting state owned industries innovating.
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by sportsczy Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:53 pm

It's not state-owned though...  only about 25% of industrial output is coming from state-sponsored entities while 75% of coming from private industry as of 2015.  They've done a really good job of transitioning.

Here's a good read about this:

Some interesting facts:
- China has 31 civil servants per 1000 citizens
- The US has 75
- France has 95
I would never have guessed until i read about it.

The issue China has is that their currency is a closed one.  That can't work once you get to a certain point... which they have reached now.  Their low labor costs aren't real anymore.  They need to figure out a way to transition their currency into becoming a market one.  Not sure how they do that without a whole lot of pain tbh.
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Adit Sat Oct 22, 2016 9:14 pm


You will be surprised to hear how much control government has over even private multinationals in China. Laughing it is a completely different set up which world has never seen before.

China has two things to take care off. One is middle income trap and another is it's export oriented market is not sustainable, if u.s wants it can effectively crash Chinese market, such is the dependence on trade by china. It will have to transform itself to a service oriented one in the next decade.
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Sushi Master Sat Oct 22, 2016 10:43 pm

So according to China and that map, China owns all your waters right up to your beaches, just because I say so?
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Sat Oct 22, 2016 10:45 pm

Betty La Fea wrote:Not any more ridiculous than the British claiming the falklands, or America claiming Alaska(Hawaii too).

We own everything IMO, we just allow you to live in our world.

Hail Britannia.
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by BarrileteCosmico Sat Oct 22, 2016 10:51 pm

Betty La Fea wrote:Not any more ridiculous than the British claiming the falklands, or America claiming Alaska(Hawaii too).

Not really analogous. These are all territories that were won by either conquest or purchase. The sea is not a territory that can be held nor passed between nations.

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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Nishankly Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:20 am

Helping Pakistan get nuclear weapons rofl

Helping shielding Terrorists who have waged war on Indian soil, Azhar Mehmood was in direct connection of the Mumbai 2008 attacks.

Imagine terrorists landing in London through the Thames, Killing a police officer and taking his vehicle while grenading and shooting with AK 47s everyone & anyone in the city on sight, Only to enter maybe say the Marriot hotel and start shooting people down door to door in the hotel rooms.

This happened in Mumbai in 2008. 800 people were shot in the city, 800 *bleep* hundred.

Can you *bleep* believe China shielded this guy?

Building roads all around India, Can you shit your pants even more? rofl

No wonder India probably went into Doklam to tell yall to *bleep* off. Not to mention Doklam is Bhutan's area as Dorji (Foreign Minister of Bhutan) said today. China will bring up the 1850 treaty record card and justify massacring Tibet and claiming the entire continent of Asia is theirs, I understand.

Im not stupid BLF, I know India is almost a third world nation trying hard but has a shitty government who doesn't allow the citizens to improve but China has brain-washed you dude, You're probably worse than us.

This is other side of the perspective, You'd think obviously this is untrue and its false propaganda because the entire channel is directed in revealing China, but its not and we actually need more videos and channels to expose China like this.

FYI I have no problem with you or Chinese people. The thread got locked when I was drafting a reply and I can't let this slide.
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Guest Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:36 am

Why even draft the reply now?

You got my thread locked for racism when you KNOW I am not racist(we're all Asian here, seriously).

In fact I have seen unique say more racist things to you without you reporting him. That was a poor response on your part Nish. If what was said in that video was truly offensive to Sikhs, you could have PMed me and I would have removed it immediately.


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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Nishankly Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:50 am

What does being Asian have to do with this lol, Racism is not so narrow.

The casual racism in the video was absolutely obvious. You're an immigrant, You of all people should know differences between ethnicity, stereotypes and generalization even if they are subtle. I don't expect Unique to know anything more than the price of beer in the bar down his street.

Considering you posted a thread about it, I'd assume you accepted the facts and the manner of how they were presented hence the drastic step.
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Myesyats Mon Oct 24, 2022 7:51 pm

The differences between reported and estimated GDP-growth rates were large. While others have found similar relationships, Mr Martinez was able, using satellite data up to 2013, to estimate the bias more precisely. In updated figures he has provided to us, cumulative gdp growth between 2002 and 2021 in countries “not free” is nearly cut in half: from 147% to 76%

Always knew China's growth projection was greatly overstated
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by BarcaLearning Mon Oct 24, 2022 10:42 pm

Been stuck in zero covid policy for so long, n was hoping for some relaxation once the teddy bear confirmed his reign in the party congress last week or so, but no news it seems still Sad The only stand out event that came out was him stomping his authority once again by humiliating the last leader:
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Myesyats Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:02 pm

dude is this real? crazy shit
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by El Gunner Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:45 pm

China really went all in on the plandemic experiment damn...
future looking scarier by the day
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by BarcaLearning Tue Oct 25, 2022 2:26 am

These random crazy things often pop up every now n then n are happening mostly in the more poorer or outdated regions, although some crazy stuff also happened in SH b4... luckily for us in the large cities its mostly more civil Razz But ya, large chunks of the country is still pretty uneducated n often those carrying out zero covid orders from the top do these crazy stuff to enforce it n then the citizens suffer, mostly economical n inconvenience, n those unlucky are locked down on the spot temporarily like in that video while waiting to be transported to quarantine sites.
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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by Warrior Tue Oct 25, 2022 3:41 am

Which city you live in ?

I once checked the list of most populated cities in China, there was over 50 cities of minimum 2m people, and majority of them i had never heard of. Example: Zhongshan, a metropolis of 5m people

Also how do you access this forum, i thought the internet censorship is very strict and elaborate in China. Many posts/threads especially in this section would be monitored. Is it a VPN making you untraceable ?? (my technology knowledge is zero)

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Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim Empty Re: Chinese and their ridiculous South China sea claim

Post by BarcaLearning Tue Oct 25, 2022 6:11 am

Warrior Im not totally sure if VPN are traceable or not, on the safe side I assume not totally n hence Id rather keep my location n details... lol bit paranoid but nowadays its better to be unfortunately Razz But yea they censor everything but I think the educated n prolly more n more young ppl are able to find VPN to access the real world, n then flows into domestic social media which is good although they also censor these so ppl risk it to post stuff or they make comments in a not direct way to imply things that ppl can understand but at the same time can sort of avoid the censorship bots or whatever they do Razz Nothing seems to matter though the top now just have too much power n clearly dont care at all about the citizens so we r fked lol...

And yes China is just a huge country with a crazy amount of population, any major city or town would prolly trump most developed nations equivalent in population... n this has always been a big reason why the gov wanting to control, they fear any sort of revolt or similar. Same thing with Covid...
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