wouldn't it be better if team get nothing for tied games and 3 for wins

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wouldn't it be better if team get nothing for tied games and 3 for wins Empty wouldn't it be better if team get nothing for tied games and 3 for wins

Post by Lupi Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:43 pm

p.s :Only tied game with 3 goals and more get 1 points

wouldn't that make football more fun to watch and to play?
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wouldn't it be better if team get nothing for tied games and 3 for wins Empty Re: wouldn't it be better if team get nothing for tied games and 3 for wins

Post by Onyx Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:45 pm

I think it would make a little difference, since teams would have to kinda attack to get anything from a game. However there isn't much difference between no points and a point, so teams might not risk it. However a point can be significant in the long term. Would be interesting to see how football would change if this rule was implemented.

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wouldn't it be better if team get nothing for tied games and 3 for wins Empty Re: wouldn't it be better if team get nothing for tied games and 3 for wins

Post by Cruijf Sat Feb 16, 2013 1:27 am

With the current administration it would be more likely for Milan to win the CL this year than this to be implemented.

Likelihood (or lack thereof) aside, it is a really great idea though.

Gone would the boring 0-0 or 1-0 games we see now when a lower level team faces a giant and just wants to take a point from the game.

Having said that though, the impact it would have would be huge, (just think of how many teams would have to completely revamp the game plan of 90% of their games) and something that big can have unpredicted repercussions so I really don't know.
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wouldn't it be better if team get nothing for tied games and 3 for wins Empty Re: wouldn't it be better if team get nothing for tied games and 3 for wins

Post by Zealous Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:41 pm

That rule would not be fair at all.
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wouldn't it be better if team get nothing for tied games and 3 for wins Empty Re: wouldn't it be better if team get nothing for tied games and 3 for wins

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