For anyone interested in the Pep Guardiola Farewell Speech

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For anyone interested in the Pep Guardiola Farewell Speech Empty For anyone interested in the Pep Guardiola Farewell Speech

Post by _LMG_10_ Sat May 05, 2012 10:54 pm


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For anyone interested in the Pep Guardiola Farewell Speech Empty Re: For anyone interested in the Pep Guardiola Farewell Speech

Post by vizkosity Sun May 06, 2012 12:45 am

such an emotional day :[
i dislike barca, but seeing him leave is astonishing :S
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For anyone interested in the Pep Guardiola Farewell Speech Empty Re: For anyone interested in the Pep Guardiola Farewell Speech

Post by Guiltybystander Sun May 06, 2012 4:18 am

I find it a little sad too...

It sounds strange, but it is kind of the end of an era.... Pep gone,
and many of the masterminds of the team now quite clearly aging (most notably Xavi and Puyol, and Messi has outgrown the wunderkind charm thing he had going on, and is now in normal peak age...).

In a way, say if Madrid now completely dominates Barca next season, it isn't quite the same. Because it isn't the same Barca anymore. So we will never really get our revenge.

I kind of feel like Frodo and the other Hobbits, when they are back in the Shire after defeating Sauron....
What now we ask?
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For anyone interested in the Pep Guardiola Farewell Speech Empty Re: For anyone interested in the Pep Guardiola Farewell Speech

Post by vizkosity Sun May 06, 2012 7:25 am

hm....but then they have many talented youngsters like cuenta, tello, thiago, and sanchez. Cesc is still super young. It's sad knowing xavi will be gone soon, as well as puyol.

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