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Post by Harmonica Tue Oct 30, 2018 11:49 pm

danyjr wrote:
Harmonica wrote:

Soon the baby is home.

On Steam sale for €25 hmm
It's 30€ in Steam for me. I usually buy my stuff from g2play, it's 25€ there, released DLC's about 10€. Don't know how well it runs with 2500k 4,4GHz, 1070 and 16GB, so I'm still figuring if I should buy now, or wait for the goty-version. Which happens probably the same time Zen 2 releases. Been watching Gopher's lets play of it and it's damn impressive, and immersive.
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Post by Bellabong Sat Nov 03, 2018 11:27 am

Diablo Immortal's announcement is the single biggest disconnect I've seen a developer have with fans of a franchise ever.

Path of Exile had its highest account creation rate since public launch because of this announcement and its subreddit also overtook the Diablo subreddit in subscribers.

Blizzard lost the fans of an entire franchise faster than Return of the Jedi

Another classic example of
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Post by Kaladin Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:10 pm

Yep, saw that yesterday, Diablo fans got skinned, they told them there's multiple Diablo projects this year and then...this Laughing

Blizzard has really gone downhill recently, especially with the new WoW expansion, maybe the lowest sub base since WoD. Now this Diablo fiasco, Mike Morhaime reisgns, internal politics in terms of game direction and whatnot, most of the veterans like Metzen left, just look at how horrible some of their stories are in the WoW universe.

Its sad because Blizzard was once a great company..It seems ever developer that that gets taken over by a big thirdparty publisher eventually dies (Bioware/EA) or lives long enough to become the villain (Blizzard/Activision)

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Post by danyjr Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:16 pm

I don't disagree that Blizzard is not the same old Blizzard that made brilliant games and internal politics are there for everyone to see. But to say why a 14-year old game doesn't have as many subscribers as before is irrelevant. Also Metzen was responsible for much of the Warcraft lore destroying himself, draenei shamans, blood elves paladins and the like.

The last thing good that came out of that company was Overwatch, which is still run by Blizzard veteran Jeff Kaplan who was the mastermind on the original WoW too. This BlizzCon was a huge let down with hardly any news to get excited about tbh.
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Post by Kaladin Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:34 pm

danyjr wrote:I don't disagree that Blizzard is not the same old Blizzard that made brilliant games and internal politics are there for everyone to see. But to say why a 14-year old game doesn't have as many subscribers as before is irrelevant. Also Metzen was responsible for much of the Warcraft lore destroying himself, draenei shamans, blood elves paladins and the like.

The sub count in Legion has been the highest since BC, Metzen didn't destroy anything as much as Christie Goldie, seriously just look at reddit or twitter. Sylvanas has been butchered as a character, the Horde/Aliance bad/good guy dialogue has been recycled from WC2, while i admit the sotry has been bonkers for ages , the class/race stuff i dont really care about, but the theme of faction war reuniting to fight a greater evil has been told time and time again. Its nauseating, the characters are wooden, the plot is predictable. I'll bet you 40 pounds righjt now that the final boss this expansion is N'Zoth.

Its a good thing i unsubbed as well, i used to like the more personal stories they told rather than this big mega universe clash titan destroying planet etc

And yeah OW is probably the only good thing they got going right now, but go look at how every streamer hates playing the game but cant stream something else because of the casual viewers it brings. The game balance is disgusting, i play on and off every season and im Masters, Brig/Mercy/GOATS disgusting meta, just look at XQC complaining every stream lol, or Jayne, i admit its a fun game but it kinda got dusted after the rise of Fortnite, the kids moved over.

Look at the reactions or r/competitiveoverwatch on the Mercy buffs, she already has a 50% win perc. in every elo btw, its like the devs don't play the game anymore, professional players send their feedback but devs balance for yer girlfriend complaining that she cant play mercy in sub 2k. And Jeff Kaplan don't get me started.

Every Blizzcon has been a letdown over recent years, just look at the approach they took to Q and A last year with WoW, no one coming up to speak, they selected answers that they deemed appropriate.

Most of the veterans have left, appart from Kaplan and a few others, imagine if in 10 years the CEO is Hazzikostas? Or Terran Gregory? I'd legit mark out and not in a good way.

But yeah, this Blizzard decline has been going since 2010 i'd say with the SC2 release and fiasco, after WoTLK they exploded.

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Post by danyjr Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:25 pm

I never played WoW for story tbh, the first few expansions were basically living off Warcraft 3 glory and lore and the later ones were recycling the old lore and finally now they are making new characters which are all kinda soulless anyway. I agree they could have done so much better in terms of plot, like you say it has become very predictable. But again back to my first point, does the story matter much in an MMO?

I play Overwatch casually, maybe 20 matches a week. I think there are imbalances and Flavour of the Month characters like there are in any game but since I'm not really competitive in FPS games I don't care much. And Overwatch's matching system does a hell of a better job than the likes of BF1 or CoD in grouping me with players of similar skill level.
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Post by Firenze Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:30 pm

Mobile is the present and the future. I get fans being salty though if they thought this was gonna be D4. What's even worse is it's been uncovered that this is a lazy cash-grab, the chinese's literally just a reskin of a previous game of theirs. I have no issue with developers creating these mobile games, as I've come to appreciate them too now and completely get the appeal, plus mobile hardware is really quite something now.

That said, yeah you def don't end a show and unveil this like it's something huge. Give it a casual 5 min segment like Bethesda did at E3 for their Elder Scrolls mobile.

As for Blizzard as a company..well, huge sustained success breeds laziness IMO. Unless you're Rockstar, but they don't have the amount of projects that Blizzard have at any one time. Not even close. Much more focused.
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Post by Bellabong Sat Nov 03, 2018 2:51 pm

Fans aren't salty because there was no D4 announcement, Blizzard had essentially sent a memo around to sites to stop hyping up the possibility of D4. Fans are salty because for 5 years Diablo III has been dead in the water with no new content (competitors release new content every ladder reset/new league which is every 4 months)

Then after a year of hyping up Diablo content at Blizzcon (btw Diablo got no time at all in 2017) the epic announcement that isn't Diablo 4 is... this. A reskinned chinese mobile arpg. People aren't going to grind/no life hours a day on a mobile phone. Actiblizzard was going to get a mobile only game eventually but Diablo is by far the most incompatible IP to try this with.

Blizzard now has a track record of not taking the community into account. They ignored what the community loved when they released 2.0 in the state it was in (ignoring everything everyone loved about the original . They ignored what the community loved about Diablo III on multiple different accounts with the auction house being the most egregious.
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by Firenze Sat Nov 03, 2018 2:54 pm

. People aren't going to grind/no life hours a day on a mobile phone

People very much do this actually, a lot of these very successful mobile games are like second jobs with the amount of content they throw at you.
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by RealGunner Sat Nov 03, 2018 2:58 pm

what's an elite mobile game mate?

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Post by Firenze Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:03 pm

too broad a question

depends on what you're looking for

I play a few of the anime related ones which are huge, but I have friends that play them too and without the competitive nature etc I think it would lose a lot of its enjoyment for me

hard to get invested in these games unless its for a series you're into


but nah, one thing about Mobile, is that IMO, these action RPG's etc with real time gameplay suck, I don't think I'll ever get into games where you move around characters like this Diablo one, I only like the ones where you press buttons for actions

I'm only playing that FGO game atm, waiting on a few other Japanese RPG's that are launching this month to check out

that Fate game is the highest grossing mobile game atm I believe, makes Sony over 1 billion a year lol so you can see why people want to get in on the market share
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Post by Firenze Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:07 pm

Fire Emblem Heroes was my favorite, but nobody I knew played it and I wasn't familiar with the series very much so I couldn't get invested

you should check out Final Fantasy Brave Exvius or any of the other FF mobile games, they're probably the best English ones, Doc plays it too IIRC. Insane amount of content though, I got burned out really fast playing it and quit because of the timesink
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:08 pm

Hyping Mobile games :facepalm:


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Post by Bellabong Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:12 pm

Sorry I meant the Diablo fanbase or what's left of it, the kind of people who have been grinding in Diablo II for 20 years. The kind of people who would get physically injured if they held a phone with that many apm for that long.

The disappointment is that OG Blizzard was the kind of company who'd parody a mobile release.

Kripparrian has a very good video on the subject and expands into a realistic view of mobile games.
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by Firenze Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:15 pm

Great Leader Sprucenuce wrote:Hyping Mobile games :facepalm:


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Don't get me wrong, console/PC is still the best experience, but as someone who used to shit on Mobile, I've come around to it now and realize why it appeals and that it has a place in the gaming community. especially if you're wanting an older RPG type experience. It's just a shame that the monetization and microtransactions are so predatory in these games. Read so many horror stories from people spending a fortune, but a lot of them are pretty generous, not the kind things ppl with no will-power should be around though, and RG is a recovering gambling addict. avoid.
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Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:18 pm

Ignoring the bullshit practices most of them have, I just feel like most of the games suck lol.
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by RealGunner Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:18 pm

I won't get into rpg games on a phone. RTS might work though or Turn based.


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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by Firenze Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:19 pm

RealGunner wrote:I won't get into rpg games on a phone. RTS might work though or Turn based.

turn based RPG's man, like Brave Exvius is a classic FF game, the only good mobile games are like that IMO
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by Bellabong Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:49 pm

RealGunner wrote:RTS might work

found out who killed Command & Conquer.

There are actually good mobile games (That aren't just a SNES type game) to find if you search beyond the manipulated top lists in Play.

It's actually heartwarming to see the PoE community embrace their long lost brothers (PoE community is pretty much Diablo fans who lost faith earlier). The entire subreddit is filled with posts for new players, guides for making the switch and every PoE streamer is providing info for new players.

Outsiders are like PoE players and GGG devs must be laughing their asses off but everyone interested in hardcore ARPGs loses in the end. Path of Exile now has no true competition and that's also not great and the devs are just as disappointed as us because they're Diablo fans as well.

Analytics of someone who hosts beginners guides for PoE tell the story:

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A majority of the remaining players of D3 were holding out but now that Blizzard officially ripped Diablo they're finally switching over.
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by Kaladin Sat Nov 03, 2018 4:34 pm

Whats left of Diablo's fanbase is their hardcore fans, the peeps that actually want a PC experience, that played the series since D1/D2.

Please, just go have a look at r/Diablo

Meanwhile Path of Exile just boomed in player activity and their steam sales got spiked yesterday albeit free, their subreddit also surpassed Diablo

@Bellabong was saying, they were hyping Diablo content for a year now, people were expecting at the very least a Diablo 2 remaster, look at the Warcraft conference, they got Warcraft 3 remaster, WoW classic and WoW BFA content. Diablo gets...a mobile experience.


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Post by Kaladin Sat Nov 03, 2018 4:37 pm

On the mobile discussion, i dont play mobile games, while i recognize there is some great games there. I wouldn't play a game over listening to music/audiobook, reading a book, browsing twitter/social media and GL.

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Post by Bellabong Sat Nov 03, 2018 9:48 pm

*nostalgic music*
"I'd like to present Blizzard's newest game"

1 minute ovation.

That's all you should need to sell a Diablo game, not an entire E3 speech and responding to boos with "don't you guys have phones" that's just the height of hubris.
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Post by Bellabong Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:39 pm

Boogie made the best analogy, it's like the makers of Breaking Bad announcing season 4 would be a web series done in 5 minute segments that you'd have to individually pay for.
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Post by Harmonica Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:56 am

Intel 5.11.18 48/48 core/thread Cascade Lake
AMD 6.11.18 64/128 core/thread Rome

Oh how times have changed. cheers
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Post by danyjr Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:43 am

Is that a Xeon chip?
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