Our next 5 PL fixtures

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Our next 5 PL fixtures Empty Our next 5 PL fixtures

Post by Art Morte Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:36 pm

Liverpool v West Brom
Liverpool v Swansea
Wigan v Liverpool
Liverpool v Tottenham
Southampton v Liverpool

Each one of these very winnable. And probably need 4 wins to have any chance of a top-4 finish, the Spurs game obviously standing out.

Your thoughts and possible predictions on these?

Personally I think it should be 4 wins or 3-2-0 at the very least.

West Brom have really come down from their early season form.
I watched West Ham v Swansea and the Swans were clueless in that one.
Wigan are so much worse than us.
Tottenham at Anfield is a fixture we absolutely must dominate if we ever wanted to dream of a CL return.
Southampton are good on their day, but obviously we're better.

This jinx culture on this forum so maybe I shouldn't say this, but 5/5 shouldn't be impossible.
Art Morte
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Our next 5 PL fixtures Empty Re: Our next 5 PL fixtures

Post by RedOranje Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:41 pm

Let's not forget the Zenit matches. The travel and timing of those two games will test our still-thin squad. This run of gmaes isn't as straight forward as it may initially appear.

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Our next 5 PL fixtures Empty Re: Our next 5 PL fixtures

Post by iftikhar Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:47 pm

Art I do hope you have better vibes than Sepi. Last season each time Sepi made such threads, we had a bad run.
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