The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran

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The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran

Post by Warrior Sun Oct 08, 2023 5:28 pm

I'm not so sure about the whole arab world siding with Iran who have persian culture and shia religion

In fact i learned yesterday that Egypt and Saudi Arabia have become closer to Israel in recent years. Especially the latter is in a modernization process perhaps they want to protect their economic ties with the west. I'm just speculating


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The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran

Post by Myesyats Sun Oct 08, 2023 9:31 pm

Yeah that whole united Arab world seems very dubious to me. I feel like each of those countries have their own interests in mind

As the big players go, I see Russia very weak, their weaknesses have been on display for all to see. They are no match for NATO in an all out war. China? they are weaker than it may seem on the surface. And do they want war with the US? does it benefit them?

Now, what consitutes a world war??? You'd need multiple fronts on several continents. I think China and Russia are far too weak for that. Those conflicts in the middle east won't lead to a world war
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The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran

Post by Myesyats Sun Oct 08, 2023 9:39 pm

I guess I could see some fronts opening like China vs US over Taiwan and maybe France vs Wagner/Russia in Africa, but that still seems like a stretch at this point in time. And perhaps until that time the Ukraine front will close down, lord knows how long will that continue for.
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The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran

Post by El Gunner Sun Oct 08, 2023 10:03 pm

Myesyats wrote:Yeah that whole united Arab world seems very dubious to me. I feel like each of those countries have their own interests in mind

As the big players go, I see Russia very weak, their weaknesses have been on display for all to see. They are no match for NATO in an all out war. China? they are weaker than it may seem on the surface. And do they want war with the US? does it benefit them?

Now, what consitutes a world war??? You'd need multiple fronts on several continents. I think China and Russia are far too weak for that. Those conflicts in the middle east won't lead to a world war

"China and Russia far too weak"

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in comparison to whom?

that's exactly what they would want the western world to think
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The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran

Post by Myesyats Mon Oct 09, 2023 4:55 pm

Russia can't even win on the Ukraine front? They are using equipment dating back to WW2, they ask North Korea for supply of artillery, their logistics are fucked up. NATO will win that war by just using intelligence and supplying weapons without setting foot on the ground

China is not a country that happily goes to war, they'd rather avoid it for economic reasons. Their strength is overstated too. I dont think they will go to war over Taiwan these days, much less any of the Arab countries. They even hesitate to support Russia in the Ukraine war.

Any war between US-Russia-China would be devastating but I dont think the power balance is tilting towards a World War, probably more proxy wars all around
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The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran

Post by El Gunner Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:04 pm

dude, Russia has the most nuclear warheads in the world

they're just stalling and jabbing with Ukraine... they could go for a knockout punch whenever they want
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The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran

Post by Myesyats Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:50 pm

What good are the nuclear warheads if they can't use them? and if they do then everyone is fucked and the next war will be fought with sticks. I'm talking about conventional weapons, intelligence, organization, logistics etc etc

Russia never planned for a several year long war in Ukraine and they don't have a knockout punch in their chamber

In today's warfare technology and intelligence is key, Russia is stuck in the soviet era in that regard.
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The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran

Post by El Gunner Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:32 pm

you speak as if you know these things concretely... as if you know the plans inside the Kremlin...

I wouldn't take Russia and China lightly at all.

The advanced technology is probably lying in secret there somewhere. Stalling with Ukraine might be tactical, which is my feeling.
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The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran

Post by El Gunner Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:35 pm
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The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Real Reason Why War Is Coming To Iran

Post by Myesyats Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:57 pm

El Gunner wrote:you speak as if you know these things concretely... as if you know the plans inside the Kremlin...

I wouldn't take Russia and China lightly at all.

The advanced technology is probably lying in secret there somewhere. Stalling with Ukraine might be tactical, which is my feeling.

How is it tactical? Plain and simple, they legitimately thought they’d take Kiev in one week. They didn’t plan for a long winded war of exhaustion because they don’t have the logistics for it.

I’m not saying to take them lightly, any war will be disastrous with either Russia or China if it happens on a full scale, but it won’t happen because of the power balance. I don’t know anything for sure but we know a lot from analysis of the battlefield in Ukraine

China is definitely against nukes, it is not for certain that they’d side with Russia if they use nuclear weapons.
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