How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen?

Ion Creanga
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How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen?

How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Vote_lcap17%How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Vote_rcap 17% 
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How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Vote_lcap0%How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Vote_rcap 0% 
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How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Vote_lcap0%How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Vote_rcap 0% 
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How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Vote_lcap0%How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Vote_rcap 0% 
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How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Vote_lcap33%How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Vote_rcap 33% 
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How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Vote_lcap50%How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Vote_rcap 50% 
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Total Votes : 6

How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Empty How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen?

Post by Hapless_Hans Sat Nov 24, 2018 5:50 pm


I'm going for absurdly dashing
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How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Empty Re: How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen?

Post by Ion Creanga Sat Nov 24, 2018 5:54 pm

Dude can't speak English, imagine him learning Bayerish Laughing
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How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Empty Re: How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen?

Post by Lucifer Sat Nov 24, 2018 5:56 pm

How much pints?? Also I chose just wrong, guy has badass albeit satanic looks, only thing more suited for him after suits is a black robe and inverted cross.

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How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Empty Re: How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen?

Post by The Demon of Carthage Sat Nov 24, 2018 5:57 pm

The lolz when Bayern signs Lopetegui and hans falls into a coma.
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How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Empty Re: How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen?

Post by elfmeter Sat Nov 24, 2018 5:57 pm

You could put him in Lederhosen or a dirndl, it wont matter. Unless he puts on football boots, he wont change the sinking, lead filled zeppelin that Bayern is at the moment.

I am actually starting to believe Werder may win next weekend.
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How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Empty Re: How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen?

Post by Doc Sat Nov 24, 2018 7:01 pm

If Zidane goes Bayern, my beef with Bayern would officially come to a end.
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How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen? Empty Re: How would Zinedine Zidane look in Lederhosen?

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