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Offside Empty Offside

Post by Babun Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:39 am

An assistant referee signals that the offside offence was in the middle of the pitch; on the far side the flag would be pointed up at 45 degrees, for near the assistant it would be pointed down.

In enforcing this rule, the referee depends greatly on an assistant referee, who generally keeps in line with the second-to-last defender, the ball, or the halfway line, whichever is closer to the goal line of his relevant end. An assistant referee signals that an offside offence has occurred by first raising his or her flag upright without movement and then, when acknowledged by the referee, by raising his or her flag in a manner that signifies the location of the offence:

Flag pointed at a 45-degree angle downwards: offence has occurred in the third of the pitch nearest to the assistant referee;
Flag parallel to the ground: offence has occurred in the middle third of the pitch;
Flag pointed at a 45-degree angle upwards: offence has occurred in the third of the pitch furthest from the assistant referee.

The assistant referees' task with regards to offside can be difficult, as they need to keep up with attacks and counter-attacks, consider which players are in an offside position when the ball is played, and then determine whether and when the offside-positioned players become involved in active play. The risk of false judgement is further increased by the foreshortening effect, which occurs when the distance between the attacking player and the assistant referee is significantly different from the distance to the defending player, and the assistant referee is not directly in line with the defender. The difficulty of offside officiating is often underestimated by spectators. Trying to judge if a player is level with an opponent at the moment the ball is kicked is not easy: if an attacker and a defender are running in opposite directions, they can be two metres apart in a tenth of a second.

Some researchers believe that offside officiating errors are "optically inevitable". It has been argued that human beings and technological media are incapable of accurately detecting an offside position quickly enough to make a timely decision. Sometimes it simply is not possible to keep all the relevant players in the visual field at once. There have been some proposals for automated enforcement of the offside rule.
Straight from:

We all complain about offside ruling by refs. Objectively, they're one of hardest decisions for referees. You have just two linesmen/ women ( lucas) who judge where someone is offside or not. We, Real Madrid, counter like a thunder sometimes. Interestingly enough, I observed that we get a lot more offside decisions against us than any other la liga team eco smile I don't blame the refs, it's the nature of the game. Now, where I have a problem:

There's a rule which states if in doubt attackers have the advantage. I don't see it implemented. Almost all the time, refs whistle in favour of the defending team.

Second problem is the amount of butthurt fans who disregard the ruling above. Narrow advantage for the attacker before a goal is judged as biased ref Laughing Unless someone is blatantly 1-2 metres offside when he/she receives the ball no one should ever to complain eco smile

You could add more... :coffee:
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Offside Empty Re: Offside

Post by Onyx Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:55 am

Instant replay would solve all this imo. :coffee:

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Offside Empty Re: Offside

Post by the xcx Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:16 am

It would also take 2-3 minutes to review the video. Its a waste of everyones time.
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Offside Empty Re: Offside

Post by donttreadonred Wed Sep 05, 2012 3:57 am

Instant replay for offside calls is not feasible while retaining the tempo and overall ethos of the game.

Replays for goals are far more plausible.

Yes, offside calls are difficult, but so are volleyed shots, pin-point cross-field passes, perfectly timed tackles, and diving saves. Get my point? The players are paid to do what they do. The refs are paid to do what they do. They are plying their trade at the highest level. They are expected to perform at the highest level. That said, mistakes will happen. To err is human, after all. However, to err repeatedly and consistently is incompetence. This is what I cannot stand.

You also have to remember that no football fan is unbiased, and we really like to have someone to shout out and vilify. Thumbs up
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Offside Empty Re: Offside

Post by Onyx Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:44 am

Well if it's controversial then it can be checked on instant replay.

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Offside Empty Re: Offside

Post by free_cat Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:53 pm

Offside rule is a law IMPOSSIBLE for a human. You simply can't be looking at the ball and at the running players at the same time. Technology is a MUST.

No need for instant replay: with current technology, offsides (same for goals) could be authomatic. You just need to put some detection chips into the player's boots and change the offside rule by saying that it's the feet that makes the line.
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Offside Empty Re: Offside

Post by ÖMARz Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:15 pm

I think the reason for it not being implemented is that referees are afraid of all the smack talk they will cop from teams and media for making bad calls...think about it from this point of view...

If you were refereeing a classico and you werent sure about an offside pass would you whistle or let it roll and possibly lead to an offside goal....


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Offside Empty Re: Offside

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