Is this offside?

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Is this offside? Empty Is this offside?

Post by BarcaLearning Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:42 am

Sorry dont have video link, but its the second goal of Napoli's 3-1 win. So the defender played the offside and raised his hand for the obviously offside Higuain, but then the fact that the balls him and Higuain doesnt touch it, the other player scores, does it mean it is not offside or what? Thanks.
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Is this offside? Empty Re: Is this offside?

Post by LeBéninois Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:07 pm

BarcaLearning wrote:Sorry dont have video link, but its the second goal of Napoli's 3-1 win. So the defender played the offside and raised his hand for the obviously offside Higuain, but then the fact that the balls him and Higuain doesnt touch it, the other player scores, does it mean it is not offside or what? Thanks.

Yepes was actually right about the offside but him touching the ball cancelled it . and Insigne , who scored, wasn't offside. It was the other player me think. Right call from the ref.
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Is this offside? Empty Re: Is this offside?

Post by harhar11 Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:47 pm

If he attempts to get to the ball, even if he fails to touch it, I belive it's offside. But if he doesn't try, then it's not. Atleast that's how it used to be..

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Is this offside? Empty Offside or Not?

Post by McAgger Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:15 pm

This thread could be used for all such controversial calls in the future regarding offsides but the one I'm interested right now is this one

Opinions, offside or not?
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Is this offside? Empty Re: Is this offside?

Post by Kick Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:21 pm

No, the offside player did not interfare with play. the Whistle did not go therefore the offside player is redundant and the idiot defender should have played the ball. He did not, made a mistake and it resulted in a goal.

"Play to the whistle".

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Is this offside? Empty Re: Is this offside?

Post by LeBéninois Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:23 pm

No offside.
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Is this offside? Empty Re: Is this offside?

Post by Robespierre Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:27 pm

It should not be offside
nobody knew before this precedent, that makes us understand the absurdity to complicate always the rules on the offside
(while FIFA mantains red card + penalty for goalkeepers :facepalm:)
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Is this offside? Empty Re: Is this offside?

Post by The Verminator Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:29 pm

As far as I understand, yes it is.

That guy that went offside is technically out of the game. The defender changed his run because he wanted to keep this guy offside, and when a defender has to do something differently because there is an offside person near (e.g. head the ball clear instead of controlling it), then it is usually given as offside. In this case he pushed up slightly while making the run back, and he turned towards the linesman to ask for offside.

This is how I understand offsides. If anyone wants to correct me then go ahead. Wink
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Is this offside? Empty Re: Is this offside?

Post by BarrileteCosmico Fri Jan 17, 2014 11:52 pm

It would've been offside it Yepes didn't make contact with the ball, but since he cared more about showing a blatantly obvious offside to the linesman than keeping out of the ball's way it's both not offside and thoroughly deserved.

Lesson: play until the whistle.

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Is this offside? Empty Re: Is this offside?

Post by zarola Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:53 am

The Verminator wrote:As far as I understand, yes it is.

That guy that went offside is technically out of the game. The defender changed his run because he wanted to keep this guy offside, and when a defender has to do something differently because there is an offside person near (e.g. head the ball clear instead of controlling it), then it is usually given as offside. In this case he pushed up slightly while making the run back, and he turned towards the linesman to ask for offside.

This is how I understand offsides. If anyone wants to correct me then go ahead. Wink

This is how I've understood the offside rule as well and why I'd give it offside based on that :S
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Is this offside? Empty Re: Is this offside?

Post by BarcaLearning Sat Jan 18, 2014 3:00 pm

Loool thanks guys. That Yepes guy was a fool then, and his reaction about his own embarassing mistake afterwards was way over the top, clearly trying to take the blame away from himself XD
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Is this offside? Empty Re: Is this offside?

Post by DeviAngel Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:07 pm

clear offside

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