UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police

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UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police Empty UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police

Post by BarrileteCosmico Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:41 am


Great read.


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UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police Empty Re: UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police

Post by dansik Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:33 pm

If by great read, you mean terribly written, and poorly supported by facts; then yes.

We should also note that at Columbia, a private university, the campus police carry no arms and no pepper spray. This is what Columbia University police look like when arresting students:

This is what the police at Davis, a public university, looked like yesterday:

First off, the "police" at Columbia aren't police, they are security guards. They carry no arms because they are not sworn police officers. Comparing the two is like comparing your local mall security guards with the city police.

He then goes on to say

. And regulations prohibit the use of pepper spray on inmates in all circumstances other than the immediate threat of violence. If a prisoner is seated, by definition the use of pepper spray is prohibited. Any prison guard who used pepper spray on a seated prisoner would face immediate disciplinary review for the use of excessive force.

I'd like to see his "source" for these regulations. They sound like BS.

Appropriate force was used. They were given a lawful order, they chose not to comply with it. They were warned what was going to happen next. They still chose to ignore it.

Graham v Conner
Forrester v. City of San Diego

Read them.


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UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police Empty Re: UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police

Post by dansik Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:49 pm

I just read through the California Department of Corrections rules and regulations, paying close attention to the use of force section and could find nothing stating the CO is prevented from spraying a seated prisoner. In fact,

3268. Use of Force.
The purpose of this section is to set forth Department of
Corrections policy governing the use of force. The policy has its
foundation in California Penal Code statutes and relevant case
(a) Definitions.
(1) Reasonable Force:
The force that an objective, trained and competent correctional
employee, faced with similar facts and circumstances, would
consider necessary and reasonable to subdue an attacker, overcome
resistance, effect custody, or gain compliance with a lawful order.

(2) Unnecessary Force:
The use of force when none is required or appropriate.
(3) Excessive Force:
The use of more force than is objectively reasonable to accomplish
a lawful purpose.
(4) Non-Deadly Force:
Any use of force that is not likely to result in death.
(5) Deadly Force:
Any use of force that is likely to result in death.
(6) Use of Force Options:
(A) The choices available to an employee when selecting a
reasonable force option.
(B) The choices include, but are not necessarily limited to:
verbal persuasion or orders; physical strength and holds; chemical
and/or other immobilization devices; handheld batons;
less-lethal weapons or firearms.
(1.) For the purposes of this section, a ‘‘less-lethal weapon’’
includes the 37 mm launcher and any other weapon when used to
fire less-lethal projectiles.
(2.) For the purposes of this section, a ‘‘firearm’’ is a weapon
used to fire lethal projectiles.
(b) It is the policy of the Department of Corrections to accomplish
the custodial and correctional functions with minimal reliance
on the use of force. Employees may use reasonable force as
required in the performance of their duties, but unnecessary or
excessive force shall not be used.


I bolded the important parts relating to both his article, as well as the situation at hand. Maybe I missed the part about them not being able to spray a seated prisoner. If you find it, let me know.


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UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police Empty Re: UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police

Post by dansik Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:54 pm

I can only hope this professor requires better written, researched, and cited papers from this students than what he puts out there.


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UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police Empty Re: UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police

Post by Babun Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:55 pm

Crazy world, we need less humans...
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UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police Empty Re: UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police

Post by red&blacklegion Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:28 am

babun1024 wrote:Crazy world, we need less humans...
no we need more humans and less animals like these pscho polices!

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UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police Empty Re: UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police

Post by Yuri Yukuv Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:33 pm

Dansik destruction
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UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police Empty Re: UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police

Post by dansik Fri Nov 25, 2011 9:17 pm

Just because I'm having so much fun showing the fallacy of this protest and the idiots behind it.

ELLI PEARSON: Well, we were protesting together, and the riot cops came at us, and we linked arms and sat down peacefully to protest their presence on our campus. And at one point, they were—we had encircled them, and they were trying to leave, and they were trying to clear a path. And so, we sat down, linked arms, and said that if they wanted to clear the path, they would have to go through us. But we were on the ground, you know, heads down. And all I could see was people telling me to cover my head, protect myself, and put my head down. And the next thing I know, I was pepper-sprayed.

Request granted idiot.


Also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGagKL_tvS8&feature=player_embedded

Being warned ahead of time they were going to be subject to force if they did not leave. And can you hear the chants? "If you let them go, we will let you leave". What a joke.


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UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police Empty Re: UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police

Post by kiranr Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:36 pm

Dansik, you seem to be arguing the technicalities. Why were they given an order to clear out in the first place if the protest is peaceful?
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UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police Empty Re: UC Davis protests & The militarization of campus police

Post by dansik Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:57 am

kiranr wrote:Dansik, you seem to be arguing the technicalities. Why were they given an order to clear out in the first place if the protest is peaceful?

I'm unsure of the reason they were ordered to leave by the person in charge of the property. Most news coverage just seems to concentrate on the OC spray incident.


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