What would you change

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What would you change Empty What would you change

Post by Valkyrja Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:48 pm

What would you change in order to bring the team back into the game if you were there instead of Carlo ?

Besides benching Bale, that's a given.
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What would you change Empty Re: What would you change

Post by StrugaRock Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:37 pm

First of all 433 worked well when we had Alonso and Di Maria, Di maria complimented well with Bale and Ronaldo it is impossible for Isco to do the same, that is why our counters are bad this season.

Stick to 442 for the time being, and if we aren't supposed to drop bale then we should play with a middle of Bale-Kross-Modric-Isco(left to right) Bale to help Marcelo(I hope he can do that right) and with overcrowding the left flank with Marcelo, Bale, and Ronaldo we could manage to open up space for Benzema, Carvajal, Modric and Isco on the other side to do damage.

Either that or drop Bale(not happening) and play Marcelo as a left midfielder in a 442 formation.

When James returns Bale or Benz should hit the bench a bit more.
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What would you change Empty Re: What would you change

Post by terrance511 Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:40 pm

our 442 earlier this season played better than last season 433

use that team, that's all i ever ask.
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What would you change Empty Re: What would you change

Post by halamadrid2 Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:30 pm

Apart from benching Bale the obvious thing to change would be the formation back to a 442. Not much else to improve really
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What would you change Empty Re: What would you change

Post by Doc Sun Mar 15, 2015 6:41 pm

For the 4th or 5th time being mentioned, the 4-4-2 was our best tactic this season and the only one (so far) that complimented all our players properly. I would have definitely gone back with that.

Too late to play I'm rotating so just stick to the best available line up as the former would just be counter productive.

Bench Bale, don't start Arby and Coentrao together and give Iker some time on the bench to remind him he isn't Beyonce, his ass is replaceable.
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