Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013?

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Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013? Empty Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013?

Post by huntsman Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:21 am

Greeting Madridistas, in your opinion, now that La Liga is over, do you see Real Madrid lifting the CL Trophy by the end of the season? What does your gut feeling tell you? I am not talking about whether it is possible or not, the possibility remains ofcourse.

But based on the latest results and play of Real Madrid, do you see RM as real contenders for the CL trohpy and what are the odds in your opinion?

I will not state my opinion because most probably you all know what i am going to say and i dont want to add more to your sufferings, you've had enough already, not unless you ask me about it.

I did though predict the conclusion of La Liga before the end of the year about two months back if you remember and that turned out to be true.
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Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013? Empty Re: Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013?

Post by Onyx Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:46 am

Chelsea finished 6th last season in the EPL, yet won the CL. All they needed was luck, correct tactics etc, things that are possible with Mourinho. So I think we can win the CL this season.

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Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013? Empty Re: Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013?

Post by huntsman Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:19 am

again, you bring the subject of luck and you're using a one off example set by Chelsea.

If all those parameters set by you; right tactics (which tactics by the way? the one which put madrid 11 points behind Barca in La Liga or those which barely made them qualify second in their CL group?) + Luck + one off example doesnt equate sucess, does it?

What if one of those parameters were missing? For example, for Barca not to win CL, everybody agrees that they should be extremely unlucky.
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Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013? Empty Re: Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013?

Post by Onyx Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:53 am

We aren't exactly playing convincingly at the moment. Finishing 2nd in the group, struggling in La Liga etc shows it'll be hard for us to win the CL.

However there's no set tactics. It depends on who we're facing. I doubt we'll continue to play like this in the CL. Mourinho will most likely adapt his tactics based on the opponent.

Barca haven't really been tested yet this season. Aside from us, they haven't really played any top sides this season.

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Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013? Empty Re: Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013?

Post by huntsman Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:22 pm

So you do agree that Madrid are not playing convincingly at the moment; at least we agree on this point.

It wont take much of a guess; the opponents that Madrid will be playing next will all be tough; similar or tougher than Dortmund and any team is capable of upsetting Madrid if they decide to continue with their current level of play.

And it's not only the tactics, the drive is missing, the motivation has been subdued. In my opinion, Madrid are only one game from being knocked out of the competition; that doesnt mean they will be knocked out in the very next game, it just means that they are not real contenders anymore.

Ironically, the best way to resolve this problem is; actually there are two ways but the first and more better one wont happen so i wont bother and mention, is that Madrid faces Barcelona.

Here's the scenario that i came up with and why i think that the best thing that could happen to Real Madrid is to meet their fiercest rivals. Ofcourse all these ideas echo my thinking and you dont have to agree with them, actually i doubt you'll even come to terms with them. But then again my record of previous predictions speaks for itself so you gotta give me the benefit of the doubt here.

In their current state, the only way Madrid can break their shackles and face their inner demons is if they meet Barca where irrespective of their current play they will rise to the occasion and try to beat them and they have been enjoying a good record against Barca in recent times.

Victory or defeat, Madrid are winners. Defeat at the hands of Barcelona is the best thing that could happen to Madrid now, as there is no doubt in my mind that if Madrid carry on playing the level of football they're playing they will be knocked out by any team, ManU, Arsenal, Dortmund, Bayern, Juventus, guaranteed not questions asked. Defeat is inevitable if not at the hands of Barcelona. If Madrid though pass the test and knock out Barca, i think they will level up and restore their motivation and go for the kill when they play the other teams whom will also fear Madrid because they knocked out the favorites, Barcelona.

By the way, going back to our original subject, What if Ozil and Di Maria started all games and completed the 90mins play time, will that help the cause of Real Madrid and make them play any differently? Will that change your mind about them (in a positive way)?
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Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013? Empty Re: Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013?

Post by VanDeezNuts Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:37 pm

madrid will probably get knocked out at the next stage unless kaka plays.

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Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013? Empty Re: Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013?

Post by Die Borussen Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:03 pm


unless its an elimination from penalty shootout like last year then the 10th will come this season
whoever the opponent is, i trust mourinho and i know the team will progress in any 2 legged clash and certainly win the final

being optimistic but i really cant see the team not winning at least one major trophy..

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Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013? Empty Re: Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013?

Post by Kaladin Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:03 pm

I hope by some divine miracle that we beat you to the 10th banana

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Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013? Empty Re: Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013?

Post by vizkosity Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:18 am

vanDEEZ wrote:madrid will probably get knocked out at the next stage unless kaka plays.
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Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013? Empty Re: Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013?

Post by huntsman Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:16 pm

I told you guys.

Anyone else still thinks Madrid has the slightest chance of winning the CL without making changes to the start up line? (is wrong)
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Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013? Empty Re: Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013?

Post by Real Kandahar Mon Dec 17, 2012 9:26 am

if kaka doesn't play, madrid would be humiliated : ( i see the light

KAKA KAKA KAKA please help us : (
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Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013? Empty Re: Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013?

Post by Lupi Mon Dec 17, 2012 9:54 am

scratch they will if some other team stop Barcelona Razz its wierd but i predict the final ,Real Madrid Vs Juventus and RM win
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Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013? Empty Re: Will Real Madrid Lift the CL Trophy for the 10th Time in 2013?

Post by Lord Hades Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:04 pm

Are you kidding me?
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