What is it with CL and players going back to their recent former teams? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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What is it with CL and players going back to their recent former teams?

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What is it with CL and players going back to their recent former teams? Empty What is it with CL and players going back to their recent former teams?

Post by The BoyWonder Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:56 am

Last 2 seasons we saw Eto'o go back to Barcelona just after being sold to Inter, the same with Ibra obviously. Then we saw Kaka going back to Milan, and some others i can't remember...

this season it's Juan Mata going back to Valencia right after being sold, and the same with Ibra yet again. Just last season thhey played for another now, now they face that team.

there are probably more players of this type in this season CL, name them please if u know

The BoyWonder
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What is it with CL and players going back to their recent former teams? Empty Re: What is it with CL and players going back to their recent former teams?

Post by Nishankly Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:57 am

Man utd get an easy draw again cheers
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What is it with CL and players going back to their recent former teams? Empty Re: What is it with CL and players going back to their recent former teams?

Post by Ali Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:17 am

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What is it with CL and players going back to their recent former teams? Empty Re: What is it with CL and players going back to their recent former teams?

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