Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by JuvenelCuore Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:43 pm

Perdonate il vostro umile servitore se anche alla vigilia di Ferragosto (festa inventata da Giulio Cesare) non risparmia strette di… mano a coloro che non sanno costruire una Juve forte. Giocando col modulo 4-3-3 la juve da cedere sarebbe: Manninger, Grygera, Grosso, Sorensen, Motta, Pepe, Almiron, Ekdal, Iaquinta, Amauri, Martinez. Tenete conto che la Juve pagherà tutto quest’anno lo stipendio a Delneri e…Marotta. Ci vuole davvero grande abilità mettere insieme tutte questi…fuoriclasse. In ogni ruolo siamo coperti?

Certo, solo adesso gli Elkann hanno capito e, giustamente, vogliono recuperare : prestigio, soldi e, magari qualche scudetto. Ecco come nasce l’alleanza tra i cugini Elkann e Andrea Agnelli. Questo l’ho capito io, scriba di periferia, volete che non l’abbia capito il “nonnetto” Moratti. Ma certo che l’harecepito, infatti ad Andrea gli ha risposto :” si rilassi” ad Elkann John gli ha risposto con un laconico “…beati loro che sono giovani”. Come dire la Fiat è ancora dietro la Juve. Un altro segno che avverto è la nuova posizioni di Roggero Palombo, vice direttore de La Gazzetta che cambia marcia e di colpo reputa la strategia di Andrea Agnelli “giusta e convincente…” Che ciolla d’uomo sono? Son sveglio o son desto “convincente…” l’uomo che assieme e sottolineo assieme a Cannavò ha sperato nella fine della “ dittatura… Juve”, oggi è in mezzo al fiume e si chiede come si fa a quantificare i danni? Come si fa? Basta chiamare un signore di nome Romy Gai, un uomo possente, pesante, abile e…preciso alla lira, vi direbbe quanti euro ha perso la Juve dal 2006 ad oggi 15 agosto 2011.

Perdonate il vostro umile servitore se nel giorno di Ferragosto vi appesantisce la digestione con questi argomenti. Non so se otterrò il perdono da don Peppino Marotta al quale gli consiglio di trovarsi una parrocchia più piccola di quella bianconera, una parrocchia in cui ci siano tre preti, un corrispondente di un giornale sportivo. Una parrocchia dove se arrivi al 4 posto entri nella storia del calcio. Nella Juve, se chiudi ad un punto dalla prima è…una tragedia, non ci sono 3 preti ma…15 milioni di assatanati che vogliamo vincere. Il vostro umile servitore è uno di questi, privilegiato? Certo questa sera sono a cena a Monticiano da Luciano Moggi, domani, giorno di Ferragosto, pranzo e cena…ditemi voi, consolatemi voi, fratelli juventini…Luciano parla di calcio come Mosè parlò agli Ebrei…gli astanti (non faccio i nomi per carità di patria) lo ascoltano e…prendono appunti, e noi juventini?

Dobbiamo avere don Peppino…ma vi sembra giusto? Capite adesso perchè la mia coerenza? Sono stato chiaro? Certo questo Ferragosto ci riempie di soddisfazione perchè l’Inter si sbriciola e…si sbriciolerà ancora, il nostro Conte ci promette sfraceli…che Dio lo ascolti. Ho ripreso la mia bandiera, ho ripreso il mio Hurrà, voglio ripigliare con voi tutti il dialogo fino a capo di buona speranza… nei primi del mese di ottobre, quando, finalmente saremo alle ultime sedute al processo di Napoli e John Elkann, una mattina, dirà ad Andrea Agnelli :” Fissa una cena con Moggi…si hai capito bene Luciano Moggi”. Buon Ferragosto fratelli miei e sempre forza Juve!!!

Forgive your humble servant, even if on the eve of August (Feast invented by Julius Caesar) does not save ... shaking hands with those who can not build a strong Juve. Playing with the 4-3-3 form juve would be sold: Manninger, Grygera, Grosso, Sorensen, Motta, Pepe, Almiron, Ekdal, Iaquinta, Amauri, Martinez. Please note that Juve will pay the salaries of all this year ... and Delneri Marotta. It really takes great skill to put together ... all these champions. In each role we're covered?

Of course, only now they have understood and Elkan, rightly, want to recover: prestige, money, and maybe some league. Here's how the alliance between the cousins ​​was born Elkann and Andrea Agnelli. This I realized I, O scribe, who did not want to have understood the "Gramps" Moratti. Of course the harecepito fact Andrea replied to him: "relax" to the John Elkann has responded with a terse "... blessed are they who are young." How to tell the Fiat is still behind Juve. Another sign that I feel is the new positions of Roggero Palombo, deputy editor of The Journal to shift gears and suddenly feels the strategy of Andrea Agnelli "fair and compelling ..." What are Ciolla man? I am awake I am awake or "compelling ..." and I stress the man who along with a cane has hoped in the end the "dictatorship ... Juventus", is now in the river and wondering how do you quantify the damage? How it works? Just call a gentleman named Romy Gai, a mighty man, heavy, clever and accurate ... the pound, will tell you how many euros Juve has lost since 2006 August 15, 2011. Forgive your humble servant, if in the days of August will weigh down the digestion with these topics.

I do not know if I will get lost by Don Peppino Marotta at which the board of a parish being smaller than the black and white, a parish where there are three priests, a correspondent for a sports magazine. A parish where if you get to enter the 4 place in football history. In Juventus, though close to a point ... the first is a tragedy, there are 3 priests but 15 million Saving Silverman ... we want to win. Your humble servant is one of them, the privileged? Of course tonight is dinner Monticiano by Luciano Moggi, tomorrow, day of August, lunch and dinner ... you tell me, consolatemi you, brothers ... Juventus Luciano comes to football as Moses spoke to the Jews ... the bystanders (I do not do names for charity of country) ... take notes and listen to him, and we Juventus?

We need Don Peppino ... but there seems right? Do you understand now why my consistency? Is that clear? Of course this August because it fills us with satisfaction Inter crumbles ... and you still crumble, our Count sfraceli promises us that God hears it .... I picked up my flag, I resumed my Hurrah, I want to resume the dialogue with you to Cape of Good Hope ... in early October, when at last we will be the last sessions in the process of Naples and John Elkann, a morning , says Andrea Agnelli: "Fixed a dinner with you ... you got it right Moggi Luciano Moggi". Buon Ferragosto my brothers and always force Juve!

Grande ! Forza Cesare e Forza Moggi !
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by jn2002dk Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:58 pm

Ok...but who is this guy?

Google suggests some journalist or talk show host in which case my next questions is why should anyone care?
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by JuvenelCuore Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:48 pm

jn2002dk wrote:Ok...but who is this guy?

Google suggests some journalist or talk show host in which case my next questions is why should anyone care?

He is one of, if not the biggest Juventus expert in the world. If you actually knew him, you would understand, but clearly you have not delved into familiarizing yourself with legends.
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by juve_gigi Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:48 pm

Forza Cesare Pompilio!! He is a Juventino legend for sure, knows more about Juventus than all of us combined!

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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by jn2002dk Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:59 pm

JuvenelCuore wrote:
jn2002dk wrote:Ok...but who is this guy?

Google suggests some journalist or talk show host in which case my next questions is why should anyone care?

He is one of, if not the biggest Juventus expert in the world. If you actually knew him, you would understand, but clearly you have not delved into familiarizing yourself with legends.
So instead of answering my question you act like a condescending fool?

Good job kid
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by JuvenelCuore Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:05 pm

jn2002dk wrote:
JuvenelCuore wrote:
jn2002dk wrote:Ok...but who is this guy?

Google suggests some journalist or talk show host in which case my next questions is why should anyone care?

He is one of, if not the biggest Juventus expert in the world. If you actually knew him, you would understand, but clearly you have not delved into familiarizing yourself with legends.
So instead of answering my question you act like a condescending fool?

Good job kid

Who was condescending ? I am just saying you should know this legend already, but it is understandable that you do not because why in the world would you have watched Italian programming.

He is a Juventus expert and appears on talk shows to talk about Juventus issues as well as general Calcio.
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by jn2002dk Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:09 pm

JuvenelCuore wrote:
jn2002dk wrote:
JuvenelCuore wrote:
jn2002dk wrote:Ok...but who is this guy?

Google suggests some journalist or talk show host in which case my next questions is why should anyone care?

He is one of, if not the biggest Juventus expert in the world. If you actually knew him, you would understand, but clearly you have not delved into familiarizing yourself with legends.
So instead of answering my question you act like a condescending fool?

Good job kid

Who was condescending ? I am just saying you should know this legend already, but it is understandable that you do not because why in the world would you have watched Italian programming.

He is a Juventus expert and appears on talk shows to talk about Juventus issues as well as general Calcio.
Oh give it a frakking rest you opinionated child
Have a look at the bolded part, that's condescending and you meant it to be just that
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by JuvenelCuore Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:24 pm

jn2002dk wrote:
JuvenelCuore wrote:
jn2002dk wrote:
JuvenelCuore wrote:
jn2002dk wrote:Ok...but who is this guy?

Google suggests some journalist or talk show host in which case my next questions is why should anyone care?

He is one of, if not the biggest Juventus expert in the world. If you actually knew him, you would understand, but clearly you have not delved into familiarizing yourself with legends.
So instead of answering my question you act like a condescending fool?

Good job kid

Who was condescending ? I am just saying you should know this legend already, but it is understandable that you do not because why in the world would you have watched Italian programming.

He is a Juventus expert and appears on talk shows to talk about Juventus issues as well as general Calcio.
Oh give it a frakking rest you opinionated child
Have a look at the bolded part, that's condescending and you meant it to be just that

So you question why anyone should care about him [clear condescing] and when I reply the same way, you play victim ?


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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by jn2002dk Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:26 pm

Good to see you have learned nothing from the section wipe

Back to Marotta bashing huh?

You're the one destroying this section, have fun with that because i'm done here
It's a shame how one delusional kid can destroy all the good work put in by Devi but sadly that's what happened here

I am ashamed to support the same club you do
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by JuvenelCuore Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:28 pm

jn2002dk wrote:Good to see you have learned nothing from the section wipe

Back to Marotta bashing huh?

You're the one destroying this section, have fun with that because i'm done here
It's a shame how one delusional kid can destroy all the good work put in by Devi but sadly that's what happened here

I am ashamed to support the same club you do

Marotta bashing ? How so ? Cesare said that and I just reposted it. I have not bashed Marotta since the forum has been wiped, so if you would please be more specific I would appreciate that.

I am destroying the section ? How so ? I am one of the most afluent posters here.

And do not feel ashamed, we do not support the same club. You just claim to.
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by S Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:29 pm

Thanks for saying it jn2002dk.. Thumbs up and i totally agree with what u've said..

Let that deluded kid neg rep me how many ever times he wants..

Last edited by Surag.Blueguy on Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by JuvenelCuore Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:30 pm

Surag.Blueguy wrote:Thanks for saying it jn2002dk.. Thumbs up

Let the kid neg rep me how many ever times he wants..

I am one year younger than you. Settle. If I am a kid in your eyes, you must be anti-matter in the eyes of someone like Pino, no ?
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by Juventude Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:31 pm

Just ignore him, jn2002dk. It's not worth it. He posts articles to support his point. If an article doesn't support his point, he won't post it or he'll attempt to discredit it if someone else posts it.

It was a peaceful past couple of weeks, but it appears that has come to an end.
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by S Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:32 pm

Juventude wrote:Just ignore him, jn2002dk. It's not worth it. He posts articles to support his point. If an article doesn't support his point, he won't post it or he'll attempt to discredit it if someone else posts it.

It was a peaceful past couple of weeks, but it appears that has come to an end.

Exactly feel the same way..As soon as he came it just turned out to be old ways as usual..

His arrogance is intolerable sadly..

Last edited by Surag.Blueguy on Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by juve_gigi Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:33 pm

Wow, even when Marotta's name is never mentioned in a thread people are still accused of Marotta bashing... Rolling Eyes
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by jn2002dk Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:33 pm

Juventude wrote:Just ignore him, jn2002dk. It's not worth it. He posts articles to support his point. If an article doesn't support his point, he won't post it or he'll attempt to discredit it if someone else posts it.

It was a peaceful past couple of weeks, but it appears that has come to an end.
Yea, it really is a shame how one delusional child can ruin so much

A real shame he didn't stay away after the wipe i agree
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by jn2002dk Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:34 pm

juve_gigi wrote:Wow, even when Marotta's name is never mentioned in a thread people are still accused of Marotta bashing... Rolling Eyes
So you're telling me this topic isn't indirect Marotta bashing? Really? and Marotta's name IS mentioned, it's in the thread title
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by JuvenelCuore Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:45 pm

jn2002dk wrote:
juve_gigi wrote:Wow, even when Marotta's name is never mentioned in a thread people are still accused of Marotta bashing... Rolling Eyes
So you're telling me this topic isn't indirect Marotta bashing? Really? and Marotta's name IS mentioned, it's in the thread title

So how is it bashing him ?

Oh wait. You said the "M Word" twice in your post. Stop bashing him for God's sake !

@Pino: ridiculous, I know.
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by juve_gigi Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:46 pm

jn2002dk wrote:
juve_gigi wrote:Wow, even when Marotta's name is never mentioned in a thread people are still accused of Marotta bashing... Rolling Eyes
So you're telling me this topic isn't indirect Marotta bashing? Really?

Oh, c'mon, you are really stretching it with this one. Looks like some people are just waiting to pounce on every article posted to make it look anti-Marotta.

Cesare Pompilio is a Juventino legend, the fact that someone posted an article about him in a JUVENTUS section doesn't make it Marotta bashing. Where was he supposed to post the article, in the Milan section??

Seriously, this whole Marotta vs. Moggi thing has been blown way out of proportion. You can be a Juventino and hate Marotta. In fact, if you go to Italy the majority of Juventinos there do not like Marotta. It doesn't mean they are any less of a fan than you and me, it just means they don't like the way our team has been run the last 5 years. They are used to winning scudettos not finishing in 7th place.

But at any rate, this is not even a Marotta thread, so I shouldn't be mentioning his name, it is actally totally off topic on this thread.

Like I said, Cesare Pompilio is a Juventino legend and most Juventinos follow him religiously, mostly in Italy. I don't see a problem with posting an article about him and his thoughts in a Juventus section quite frankly...
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by jn2002dk Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:48 pm

JuvenelCuore wrote:
jn2002dk wrote:
juve_gigi wrote:Wow, even when Marotta's name is never mentioned in a thread people are still accused of Marotta bashing... Rolling Eyes
So you're telling me this topic isn't indirect Marotta bashing? Really? and Marotta's name IS mentioned, it's in the thread title

So how is it bashing him ?

Oh wait. You said the "M Word" twice in your post. Stop bashing him for God's sake !

@Pino: ridiculous, I know.
That's your attempt at being clever?
How frakking sad

Not satisfied with causing a forum wipe and making lots of posters leave, you're now working on the remainders huh?
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by jn2002dk Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:51 pm

juve_gigi wrote:
jn2002dk wrote:
juve_gigi wrote:Wow, even when Marotta's name is never mentioned in a thread people are still accused of Marotta bashing... Rolling Eyes
So you're telling me this topic isn't indirect Marotta bashing? Really?

Oh, c'mon, you are really stretching it with this one. Looks like some people are just waiting to pounce on every article posted to make it look anti-Marotta.

Cesare Pompilio is a Juventino legend, the fact that someone posted an article about him in a JUVENTUS section doesn't make it Marotta bashing. Where was he supposed to post the article, in the Milan section??

Seriously, this whole Marotta vs. Moggi thing has been blown way out of proportion. You can be a Juventino and hate Marotta. In fact, if you go to Italy the majority of Juventinos there do not like Marotta. It doesn't mean they are any less of a fan than you and me, it just means they don't like the way our team has been run the last 5 years. They are used to winning scudettos not finishing in 7th place.

But at any rate, this is not even a Marotta thread, so I shouldn't be mentioning his name, it is actally totally off topic on this thread.

Like I said, Cesare Pompilio is a Juventino legend and most Juventinos follow him religiously, mostly in Italy. I don't see a problem with posting an article about him and his thoughts in a Juventus section quite frankly...
No, some people are trying to debate football without inflammatory topics by moronic kids

As for this topic he could have not posted it?
A really simple solution but he didn't do that because here was a guy who supported his hate for Marotta so he couldn't let it slide
I'm sure if you look hard enough you could find someone who posted something to validate your own hatred somewhere on the internet and then claim you're just reporting it. Doesn't make it right though and frankly that's how a child reasons
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by juve_gigi Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:51 pm

Devi, I think we should close this thread ASAP. Thanks.

Forza Juventus!!!

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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by JuvenelCuore Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:55 pm

I bashed Marotta ? Wow, people just are really blowing this out of the water.

Pino said what needed to be said. Cesare is an expert and I was just posting what he said. All I said was "Forza Cesare. Forza Moggi." I did not say anything related to Marotta, and yet I have people attacking me.

But wait, it is MY fault the forum is in shambles. Of course.
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by juve_gigi Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:58 pm

jn2002dk wrote:
juve_gigi wrote:
jn2002dk wrote:
juve_gigi wrote:Wow, even when Marotta's name is never mentioned in a thread people are still accused of Marotta bashing... Rolling Eyes
So you're telling me this topic isn't indirect Marotta bashing? Really?

Oh, c'mon, you are really stretching it with this one. Looks like some people are just waiting to pounce on every article posted to make it look anti-Marotta.

Cesare Pompilio is a Juventino legend, the fact that someone posted an article about him in a JUVENTUS section doesn't make it Marotta bashing. Where was he supposed to post the article, in the Milan section??

Seriously, this whole Marotta vs. Moggi thing has been blown way out of proportion. You can be a Juventino and hate Marotta. In fact, if you go to Italy the majority of Juventinos there do not like Marotta. It doesn't mean they are any less of a fan than you and me, it just means they don't like the way our team has been run the last 5 years. They are used to winning scudettos not finishing in 7th place.

But at any rate, this is not even a Marotta thread, so I shouldn't be mentioning his name, it is actally totally off topic on this thread.

Like I said, Cesare Pompilio is a Juventino legend and most Juventinos follow him religiously, mostly in Italy. I don't see a problem with posting an article about him and his thoughts in a Juventus section quite frankly...
No, some people are trying to debate football without inflammatory topics by moronic kids

As for this topic he could have not posted it?
A really simple solution but he didn't do that because here was a guy who supported his hate for Marotta so he couldn't let it slide
I'm sure if you look hard enough you could find someone who posted something to validate your own hatred somewhere on the internet and then claim you're just reporting it. Doesn't make it right though and frankly that's how a child reasons

Well, like I said I do not see a problem with posting an article about Cesare Pompilio in a Juventus section. That makes no sense to me. You are assuming that Nick is Marotta bashing by posting this article. Only Nick knows that for sure, but I think it is unfair to assume that by him just posting an article. Just my opinion so you are entitled to not agree with me on this one.

Anyways, I have asked Dejan to close the thread so hopefully that happens soon.
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

Post by JuvenelCuore Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:10 pm

I was not attempting to Marotta bash at all. This article is more about Juventus than about Marotta. Besides, Cesare has been saying this since Juventus have declined, before Marotta even arrived at the club.

Notice how people like Surag put me on ignore and neg rep my posts and like posts against me.

But hey, let us throw around the word "fratello" and do a forum wipe, that will make wrongs right again !
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Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !" Empty Re: Cesare Pompilio: "Juventus, give up the whole team, more than Del Neri and Marotta. To return to winning, the gentleman Moggi is needed !"

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