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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Jay29 Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:46 pm

Social media has certainly changed the landscape of football journalism, but at its core I think it's always prioritised the narrative over the facts. Narrative is a very powerful marketing tool that's all the more easier to control now that companies have constant access to people via social media.

In the UK, there are too many publications vying for the same market. The Sun, The Daily Mail, The Mirror, The Telegraph, The Guardian, The Times, The Daily Star, The Express... and that's just the newspapers. There are countless online publications as well. They're scrapping over the same resources trying to attract the same audience. The most successful (the tabloids, typically) are the ones who spin the best narrative and then perpetuate that narrative by asking managers and players loaded questions. If the story is that Mourinho is losing it then you can be sure a lot of these papers will want proof of that. And of course, the narrative around Arsenal for a decade now has been that they're soft, don't defend well, don't work hard enough, weak minded, etc.

But since they're also fighting with online publications, it's not enough to put a funny headline or something anymore. Now you have to convince people to click on your article instead of the 100 other articles on the same subject. Headlines used to be factual, but now they're leaving out more and more information to make people curious.

One trick a publication I used to work for did was disguise news about women's football as news about men's football. They would put out headlines like "Arsenal looking to sign Spanish striker" but the actual piece would be about the women's team signing some Spanish striker nobody's heard of. But it works because it's about an Arsenal transfer and "Spanish striker" is ambiguous enough to make people wonder who it is. Technically, the headline isn't untrue, but it's vague enough to be misleading.

I hated this because it damaged our reputation. We wanted people to come to us for quality features and analysis but nobody thought of us a reliable place for that. Instead, they saw us as yet another content farm, because we pumped out 30 clickbait articles a day. We did that because a top story on News Now (a news aggregation service) could pull in 100,000 views if you baited enough people. News Now was responsible for 70% of the revenue. I ended up leaving because my editor called my writing boring when I couldn't package a story about Wenger buying whiskey in Sweden as anything more than useless fluff. (Then they removed my name from a lot of my better articles and credited them to the site instead. Rolling Eyes)

The alternatives to this are paywalls and donations. The Times have been behind a paywall for years but they produce good articles, so it's worth it. The Guardian ask for donations because they want to keep producing quality journalism without resorting to petty clickbait. They're my number one source for football journalism these days because they actually have integrity. Their audiences are smaller but they're proving you can be successful with a quality product.

/rant. Need to stop there because I've a lot more to say about the exploitation of young journalists just looking for a chance to be published and "exposure bucks", but that'd turn into an essay Laughing

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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Twoism Thu Sep 06, 2018 2:27 pm

I miss Sam and his Twitter duty
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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by urbaNRoots Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:44 pm

I’m disappointed that an Arsenal man like Tony Adams can’t get excited about Emery’s work so far.

You could kinda understand these guys while Wenger was still here, the same relatively unsuccessful thing over and over again is not going to excite people, but what has Emery done, not to deserve the benefit of the doubt so far? We’re in a two win run and have an “easier” run of games until November, this is the time when you can show up and give your support instead of the same crap they say when we dare lose a game.

I suppose you have to be a bitter c*nt if you want to become a successful pundit in the UK.
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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Twoism Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:07 pm

Tbh Tony philosophy is dinosaur and it shown through out his coaching career even way back in the early 2000s, he has nothing to show for and alll his teams are muscle and no brain. Sol and lots other ex players have a more patient and positive assessment toward Unai so Tony is the the odd one.
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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by boyzis Thu Sep 06, 2018 6:22 pm

You lot will never admit it but i kind of agree with Tony Adams here. Its been 6 weeks now and emery has been making the wrong team selections etc. All the players are making the same mistakes and no improvement other than a renounced sense of football optimism amongst the fans. Thats all. We won two matches but could easily have conceded 4 or more.

It some time feels it still wenger who is in charge. I am 100% sure arteta would have stopped those goals going in. Rest time will tell. This is my opinion. I think emery just has not been that good.

Meanwhile look at sari how well he is grooming chelsea and the players seem to retain ball much longer than usual. Meanwhile arsenal can't seem to play from the back. Sad.

Plus. We didn't really sort out ramsey contract and no width in the team is shocking.

We have a dm and we don't play him. Why. Look a city united madrid barca psg liverpool spurs chelsea u name it every club has a dm. We don't.


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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by boyzis Thu Sep 06, 2018 6:39 pm

i mean look at ramsey he keeps running forward and has zero sense what his position demands from him.

If i was the manager i would stick my **** into him and tell him **** up. He should work for the team. Rotating the ball with XHAKA his midfield come back to defend often. make runs when necessary not at every ****** opp.

Mustafi, Monreal, Bellerin shambles.

Ozil nonperforming player

XHAKA= Ball watcher





scratch  :facepalm:


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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Jay29 Fri Sep 07, 2018 11:12 am

The reason Ramsey keeps making forward runs because he's been told to. It's literally his job in the team. If he had "zero sense what his position demands from him" he would not be picked. Emery has used him as a 10 or an attacking 8 in every game so far because Ramsey has attacking quality and leads the press, but he isn't as strong in the build-up or positionally.

Here's a list of other tactical changes Emery has made, successful or otherwise:

-- Centre backs dropping deeper and splitting during the initial phase of the build-up, with a midfield dropping between them. Under Wenger, the centre backs dropped deep but didn't split, and the midfielders pushed up the field instead of offering themselves as a deep option for the ball.

-- Two midfielders behind the ball in and out of possession to ensure better circulation of possession and cover for the defence. Under Wenger, Arsenal only kept one, sometimes even none, in those situations. Ramsey was often the second mifielder and tasked with making attacking runs.

-- Improved positional play, creating better coverage across the pitch during the build-up phase. Wenger's Arsenal was entirely free form in every phase of play, creating chaos that worked for and against us.

-- Wide players make more in-to-out runs in between opposition centre backs and full backs. This is how we created all those chances against Chelsea. Wenger gave his wide players freedom to come into central areas but whether they made runs or not depended on the personnel.

-- Full backs are asked to be more aggressive with their runs and end product. See: Bellerin so far this season. Wenger preferred his full backs to be walls for the team to pass off rather than crossers.

-- The team's defensive shape is narrower, which has resulted in better defending of the centre but worse defending on the flanks. At least one part of the defence has gotten better.

-- Man marking on set-pieces instead of zonal marking. Mixed results so far.

-- More emphasis on tackling and winning the ball back. Wenger preferred his defence to wait and intercept the ball rather than engage and tackle. This is represented in Arsenal's defensive stats this season so far: a big increase on tackles attempted, and a decrease in the number of interceptions. Guendouzi already averages 2.8 tackles per game.

And just to add to all this, some of things Emery has done in-game:

-- Subs before the 70th minute to address tactical issues in the team. Hasn't been afraid to take off the so-called stars of the team. A huge difference from Wenger's sub style.

-- Against Chelsea, his team dropped deeper in the second half because they were too stretched, but they were too deep. This is something he acknowledged after the game.

-- At half-time against West Ham, Emery recognised that the right back zone was being exploited due to a lack of cover from the midfield. He swapped Guendouzi for Torreira and the problem disappeared. Arsenal went on to win the game 3-1.

-- Against Cardiff, he recognised Ozil was struggling to get into the game and that the team weren't moving the ball well enough. In the second-half, he moved Ozil deeper so he'd be more involved in the build-up. He took control of that half and played the pass into Lacazette, who then set-up Aubameyang for our second goal.

It's incredibly naive to think that six weeks is enough time to improve players with a lot of flaws. Emery has to correct several seasons worth of bad habits that have been deeply ingrained into these players. He might not succeed with these players and will have to replace them with better ones. But one thing I know for sure is that no coach in the world is going to make Mustafi, Bellerin, etc. into good defenders without a lot of work and a lot of time.

You mentioned Sarri's Chelsea but they're a flawed team as well. They keep the ball a lot more than they used to, but their possession is often lacking in penetration, they've downgraded in quality in goal and, as we proved against them, are vulnerable at the back just as we are.

I remember Guardiola's first season at Manchester City and what a mess they were. Didn't press well, were very vulnerable to counter attacks, and lacking penetration with their attacks. They sneaked into fourth place on the final day of the season. A summer later, they put together a record season, guys like Stones and Otamendi went from accident prone to solid defenders, and everything else clicked.

I see Arsenal in a similar state. They won't be as successful as City, but what Emery is trying to implement will take at least a season to set in.

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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by boyzis Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:10 pm

Jay29 wrote:The reason Ramsey keeps making forward runs because he's been told to. It's literally his job in the team. If he had "zero sense what his position demands from him" he would not be picked. Emery has used him as a 10 or an attacking 8 in every game so far because Ramsey has attacking quality and leads the press, but he isn't as strong in the build-up or positionally.

If you remember wenger started playing coqulein cazorla ramsey in the midfield. Ramsey had just been back from long time injury and he was eased into the team. Wenger accidentally discovered that this was his best midfield. Arsenal went on and finished 11 games un-beaten streak.

I bring the above fact just to let you know that was the time ramsey matured into his position and he scored a few goals by getting in good position. Although he was just moving the ball around and not making pointless runs like he does now. The media got to him. Now he wants to get forward on every position.

You say he is good at no 10. Tell me just one decent performance he had as a no 10.

Again i have a problem with him running forward because its not good tactically. We know ozil does not track back often. Ramsey also does not track back. This exposes our deepest midfielder. Who is not that good at defending. The opposition attackers move into this space and exploit us.

Tactically when ozil and ramsey play together its a suicide for the whole team.

Kross, dyabla, modric and many other players know what is the time to run and make that decisive runs. They know that the midfield needs support and requires them to be the third man. Ramsey should learn this. Emery should teach him this.

Jay29 wrote:
Here's a list of other tactical changes Emery has made, successful or otherwise:

-- Centre backs dropping deeper and splitting during the initial phase of the build-up, with a midfield dropping between them. Under Wenger, the centre backs dropped deep but didn't split, and the midfielders pushed up the field instead of offering themselves as a deep option for the ball.

XHAKA does not drop back. Our back four crumble under pressure. When other team pushes up we knock the ball forward and loose possession.

Building up play from the back required 100% effort from the two deepest mids but they are no where. Emery surely could have fixed it with a simple instruction of how to make your self available for a pass.

Jay29 wrote:
-- Two midfielders behind the ball in and out of possession to ensure better circulation of possession and cover for the defence. Under Wenger, Arsenal only kept one, sometimes even none, in those situations. Ramsey was often the second mifielder and tasked with making attacking runs.

the sad thing is the two midfielders are not able to circulate the ball. points at chelsea who until last season were not possession based team they are incredibly direct

Jay29 wrote:
-- The team's defensive shape is narrower, which has resulted in better defending of the centre but worse defending on the flanks. At least one part of the defence has gotten better.

there is no improvement in the defense all the team is not aware of what to do and how to defend

Jay29 wrote:
-- Man marking on set-pieces instead of zonal marking. Mixed results so far.

poor man marking and conceded on set pieces again and again. cardiff could have scored a bundle. no improvement what so ever

Jay29 wrote:
-- More emphasis on tackling and winning the ball back. Wenger preferred his defence to wait and intercept the ball rather than engage and tackle. This is represented in Arsenal's defensive stats this season so far: a big increase on tackles attempted, and a decrease in the number of interceptions. Guendouzi already averages 2.8 tackles per game.

still arsenal dont defend from the front. they dont know how to defend as a team. XHAKA still relies on positional play. he does not get into the tackling mode. when he does he gets a foul.

Jay29 wrote:
And just to add to all this, some of things Emery has done in-game:

-- Subs before the 70th minute to address tactical issues in the team. Hasn't been afraid to take off the so-called stars of the team. A huge difference from Wenger's sub style.

-- Against Chelsea, his team dropped deeper in the second half because they were too stretched, but they were too deep. This is something he acknowledged after the game.

-- At half-time against West Ham, Emery recognised that the right back zone was being exploited due to a lack of cover from the midfield. He swapped Guendouzi for Torreira and the problem disappeared. Arsenal went on to win the game 3-1.

-- Against Cardiff, he recognised Ozil was struggling to get into the game and that the team weren't moving the ball well enough. In the second-half, he moved Ozil deeper so he'd be more involved in the build-up. He took control of that half and played the pass into Lacazette, who then set-up Aubameyang for our second goal.

every manager would have made the changes but what if the luck runs out ???  Emery needs to change the team play and tactically from the start. i heard he is good at video analysis but what is the end result. conceding so many goals.

Jay29 wrote:
It's incredibly naive to think that six weeks is enough time to improve players with a lot of flaws. Emery has to correct several seasons worth of bad habits that have been deeply ingrained into these players. He might not succeed with these players and will have to replace them with better ones. But one thing I know for sure is that no coach in the world is going to make Mustafi, Bellerin, etc. into good defenders without a lot of work and a lot of time.

I am agreed to give him time if there are glimpses of positivity. sadly i have seen a very few.

Jay29 wrote:
You mentioned Sarri's Chelsea but they're a flawed team as well. They keep the ball a lot more than they used to, but their possession is often lacking in penetration, they've downgraded in quality in goal and, as we proved against them, are vulnerable at the back just as we are.

I remember Guardiola's first season at Manchester City and what a mess they were. Didn't press well, were very vulnerable to counter attacks, and lacking penetration with their attacks. They sneaked into fourth place on the final day of the season. A summer later, they put together a record season, guys like Stones and Otamendi went from accident prone to solid defenders, and everything else
I see Arsenal in a similar state. They won't be as successful as City, but what Emery is trying to implement will take at least a season to set in.clicked.

in the long run it will depend on how the team will move play. Sarri didnt even had a pre season however there is a impact. guardiola team and klopps team took time and signings. but they were not making tactical mistakes. they were trying to change the style of play and embed a new game plan. Emery is doing the same but i am afraid arsenal dont have the budget to compete and get the best players.

emery didnt adapt his style to his squad. he wants the squad to adapt to his playing style. meanwhile he is making the wrong team selections to help him. moreover, he is also not properly guiding the team of what he requires from them.


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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Jay29 Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:08 pm

Just a few points to make:

-- Whether Arsenal are doing something well or not doesn't counter my original point that changes have been made. "Emery hasn't changed anything tactically" is simply an incorrect statement.

-- I didn't say that Ramsey was good as a number 10. I said that Emery was playing him there because he recognises his attributes as a midfielder.

-- Arsenal haven't conceded "again and again" from set-pieces. They've conceded once from a set-piece situation.

-- Fixing bad habits takes more than just "simple instructions".

-- Our problems playing out have more to do with bravery and confidence than with structure. Anxiety under pressure born from a lack of confidence in their own technique is what causes us to play out slowly. Again, not fixable with mere instructions or in six weeks.

-- Chelsea's results have been better than ours but are deceptive. Sarri's impact looks much greater than it is due to the radical change in playing style. But things have not been perfect for them. Had Arsenal's finishing been sharper, they'd have been 5-2 down in that game at Stamford Bridge. They needed a late pen and an own goal to beat Newcastle. Needed 70+ mins to break down Bournemouth. I don't know how familiar you are with xG, but at the moment their xG is 6.65 while their actual goals scored total is 10. That's almost four goals more than they should have scored.

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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by boyzis Fri Sep 07, 2018 9:36 pm

-- Whether Arsenal are doing something well or not doesn't counter my original point that changes have been made. "Emery hasn't changed anything tactically" is simply an incorrect statement.

The changes that he has made are simply not good enough. They are also not suitable for arsenal with the players he has. My argument is that he is radically trying to play a style of football and arsenal don’t have the players to play or he did not instruct them how to play in that way.

He had a whole pre season and could have tried to purchase the best players. He could have properly addressed the weaknesses in the team. I am simply not convinced what he has done is good enough. It still feels like it’s the old arsenal playing and they are making the same mistakes they did in the past.

-- I didn't say that Ramsey was good as a number 10. I said that Emery was playing him there because he recognises his attributes as a midfielder.

If a coach like Mourinho, Pep was there they would have better utilized him. Everybody knows that he has a high work rate. But so, does Kante that does not mean a coach ask him run forward every time arsenal get the ball without any sense. Leave his defensive duties. Destroy the balance of the team.

A coach’s job is to make sure the players are given instructions they will follow and it will suit the team more than the player. If he wants ramsey and ozil in the same team than he has to accept the consequences that will have on the team and address them accordingly. Which he has not done. The same was my argument with wenger and same is with emery.

-- Arsenal haven't conceded "again and again" from set-pieces. They've conceded once from a set-piece situation.

Every time Cardiff Newcastle etc put the ball in the box arsenal looked like conceding from the corners set pieces etc. Look at the half chances created by these teams. Arsenal is lucky to only concede once like you say. But hiding the weakness of the team is accepting the defeat.

-- Fixing bad habits takes more than just "simple instructions".

Some times you just have to go back to the basics and that’s what they need. I don’t want fancy attacking play, build from the back. Just tell a player his role for the team. Play players in their proper positions. Play a balanced team. Every player will perform.

-- Our problems playing out have more to do with bravery and confidence than with structure. Anxiety under pressure born from a lack of confidence in their own technique is what causes us to play out slowly. Again, not fixable with mere instructions or in six weeks.

When arsenal faced Barcelona they were defending with 2 lines of four. They really were defending for their lives. All the premier league teams know how to defend. Their wide players don’t just stand and let the attackers pass by them easily.

Again it’s the basics that the problem fix the basics first. A pre season with most of starting 11 is a dream of every club. Most of the players are already playing with each other so I don’t see much problem.

-- Chelsea's results have been better than ours but are deceptive. Sarri's impact looks much greater than it is due to the radical change in playing style. But things have not been perfect for them. Had Arsenal's finishing been sharper, they'd have been 5-2 down in that game at Stamford Bridge. They needed a late pen and an own goal to beat Newcastle. Needed 70+ mins to break down Bournemouth. I don't know how familiar you are with xG, but at the moment their xG is 6.65 while their actual goals scored total is 10. That's almost four goals more than they should have scored.

Stats are misleading. I never trust stats. If it was for stats arsenal could have signed Zlatan, Ronaldo etc. Look at the positives in the team. People used to say Benzema is not good now look he is coming back to his best WHY? Because stats are misleading.


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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Jay29 Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:46 pm

He had a whole pre season and could have tried to purchase the best players. He could have properly addressed the weaknesses in the team. I am simply not convinced what he has done is good enough. It still feels like it’s the old arsenal playing and they are making the same mistakes they did in the past.

Why would one pre-season be enough to improve the team to the extent it no longer makes the same mistakes?

This is why I said it's very naive to think six weeks is enough time for this team to significantly improve. I have not seen a single team go from broken to competent after just one pre-season. There are always problems that stick around.

Look how long it took Klopp to build a Liverpool team that could potentially challenge for the title. It took three years until he found the players that'd take his team to another level. Look at Pochettino in his early years at Tottenham. He didn't have that team playing as it is now overnight. He needed at least a year to weed out the crap and bad eggs first. Even City, with all their wealth, took a season before buying a new keeper and three new full backs.

Why should Arsenal be an exception to this? Emery is in the same position as those guys were. He has his style, but he doesn't have all the right players yet. The club doesn't have the funds to get them. So he has to work with what he has, but there are problem players in this squad. He can't get rid of all those players at once. He has to spend this season filtering them out of the team, and then move them on once it's apparent they don't fit.

The only way he can understand his players is through competitive games. Pre-season will have told him very little about how his players respond to pressure, how they perform over a long season, how to deal with various challenges, how they respond to his methods, and so on. It'd be irresponsible of him to make judgments of his players without at least six months of working with them.

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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by RealGunner Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:18 pm


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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Sina Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:55 pm

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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Hapless_Hans Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:49 pm

RealGunner wrote:

On Lucas Torreira: @Romain_Molina believes the reason he didn't start immediately in this Arsenal team is Emery believes new signings need to earn the right to play & respect from their new team-mates - accept the pre-existing hierarchy. He did the same w/ Felipe Melo at Almería.

Which is why Guendouzi was starting sin his place... scratch
Sounds legit

Torreira didn't start right away because he joined late and wasn't match fit.
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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Sina Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:58 pm
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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Jay29 Wed Dec 19, 2018 10:21 pm

We'll be finding out plenty about him in the second half of the season, now that the new manager novelty has worn off.

These last few days are a reminder of what a mess we still are and how much work has to be done. I won't blame Emery for this because he inherited a lot of it, but at the moment I'm not quite seeing the vision he has for us besides running more.

I think he needs to pick a formation and stick with it. Changing it for the opposition in certain games is one thing, but changing on a game-by-game basis with different combinations each time hasn't helped our performances. We can't be expected to defend well with a different backline every week.

The major problems so far:

  • A lack of quality at centre back. Sokratis has been a good signing since he at least seems consistent and less error prone than the rest, but he's not the top guy back there. He needs to be the partner to a top guy instead, and we don't have that. Koscielny, 33 and coming back from a serious injury. Mustafi is Mustafi. Holding is injured. Mavropanos... who knows? Don't know if we can rely on him. This position has to be the priority in January and I'd be happy to see the bulk of the budget spent on it.
  • Left back is becoming a problem. Monreal is getting older and I don't think he has the attacking qualities Emery likes. Kolasinac is better in attack, but defensively he's awful. Like an in-shape, muscular Andre Santos. He's so bad defensively Emery won't play him as a normal left back. We need to decide if we're playing normal full-backs (in which case, swap Kolasinac for someone who can defend) or wing-backs (move on Monreal and bring in a wing-back).
  • Midfield creativity. Who'd have thought it? We have good 6s (Torreira, XHAKA, Guendouzi) but no good no. 8s for a 433 to work and two no. 10s (Ramsey, Ozil) who are out the team for various reasons. Ramsey's leaving and Ozil has been left out for "tactical reasons" for a NLD cup match, which surely means he's out of favour and leaving too. Whether it's a new no. 10 for a 4231, or a creative 8 for a 352/433, it's something we need to address in the summer. Short-term, we need Ramsey and/or Ozil in the team.
  • Creativity on the flanks. Iwobi produces one good moment in 10, which isn't good enough. He's too unreliable, as is Mkhitaryan. We used to have guys like Arshavin, Rosicky and Nasri on our flanks who were technically excellent and creative players. We need someone like that again, on top of a new winger (assuming we won't find a player with all those qualities in one on our budget).

CL football will speed up this process, but it's going to be very hard to get this season. Difficult to see us getting top four/winning EL with this creaky defence.

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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by urbaNRoots Wed Dec 19, 2018 10:36 pm

I had the idea that Emery is an attacking minded coach but our attacking game relies too much on individual brilliance so far this season. Meanwhile Emery is trying to fix the defense, which is only fixable in the transfer window. I wish he would concentrate on making us the team that outscores the opposition rather than this balance that he is trying to find.
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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Unique Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:07 pm

urbaNRoots wrote:I had the idea that Emery is an attacking minded coach but our attacking game relies too much on individual brilliance so far this season. Meanwhile Emery is trying to fix the defense, which is only fixable in the transfer window. I wish he would concentrate on making us the team that outscores the opposition rather than this balance that he is trying to find.
klopp has now saved his bacon by finding balance. the problem i had with klopp for 2 years was sorting out the defence. imo any new manager coming into a club should work on the defence first. if the team is tight at the back the rest will come.

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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Twoism Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:12 pm

In term of results, I dont blame him one bit and it reflects our true level last few games. I agree with Gary Neville point that Unai needs a stable formation, tactics. People see him changing so many times, even minutes to minutes as tactically genius. I see it as a manager still trying to find what works best. People say he push players to maximum level every game and we had few questionable wins, now when players dropped off, those wins could and did become draws or losses.

Unai likes workhorse, his Seville side run and work hard. That’s the reason he prefer Iwobi and Mkhitaryan. Ozil is really not his type at all, the struggle between Ozil and Ramsey and decision to fuck off Ramsey might not be his football idea but purely financial one. Today press conference, he cast shadow of doubt over Ozil situation. As for defense, i never expect him fix it in one year let alone one window.

So now we have to important areas being subpar and inconsistent, the defense and the creativity. I wish the club, Unai and fans expectations work on one area at the time just like Klopp did at Pool. U cant get rid off the whole backline at once, lets slip in solid player one by one and go from there.
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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Jay29 Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:38 am

It's true that he's not a fan of low effort, creative type players. He's disturbingly similar to Mourinho in that sense.

When he was at Sevilla, he had Denis Suarez and Gerard Deulofeu, who were young and very talented players at the time, and ultimately ostracised them both because their work off the ball was poor. His favourite player was Vitolo, a very hard working but unspectacular winger (who is a Spain international and plays for Atleti, so he's not that bad).

There are a few parallels between his early Sevilla days and what he's doing now, actually. In his first full season with Sevilla, it took about three quarters of the season to settle on a starting line-up, and during that time, the football was inconsistent. He had a player in Jose Reyes who was a bit lazy and used to the hero treatment, but Reyes shaped up and became a key part of the team (ball is in Ozil's court to do the same). He even had two excellent strikers who never played together, but always scored (Bacca and Gameiro. Gameiro was the super sub until Bacca left for Milan).

But one thing that was consistent back then was that he always played 4231. Sevilla used to sign 15 new players every summer, but the formation didn't change. So it's surprising that he's using a different formation every week at Arsenal right now.

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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by boyzis Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:35 pm

Wait changing the formations according to the opposition is a good thing and there is no harm in that.

The team will get better. We have a good gk, good strikers, good dm. All we need is one good cb and a wide winger douglas costa type. Lets just give emery time and support. I know he will get better.


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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Eman Fri Dec 21, 2018 7:18 pm

My biggest criticism of the Emery regime is that the guys he hasn't given any breaks are all getting injured now. His hard work style is great but you have to rotate when you have the opportunity (such as Europa League games, League Cup) and he really hasn't done that much. Squad players like Elneny, Niles, Nketiah, even Ramsey haven't been used nearly enough. Hopefully his favourites can rebound with their form over the coming weeks when most of them return from their fatigue-influenced injuries.
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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by urbaNRoots Mon Sep 16, 2019 3:18 pm

So, as the majority of Arsenal fans seem fed up with Emery, I changed the thread title and wanted to ask you, who in your opinion should replace Emery, whether it's in the summer or now?

Some candidates that have been mentioned: Mourinho, Allegri, Benitez, Marcelino, Vieira, Arteta, Rodgers, Howe, Wilder, Farke.
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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Raptorgunner Mon Sep 16, 2019 3:44 pm

Players don't respect Emery, such boring manager.

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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Jay29 Mon Sep 16, 2019 4:27 pm

If they aren't fussed about play style and whatnot, then Allegri is the obvious pick, what with him being without a job and all.

Mourinho would want to come for sure, but I've seen enough evidence recently that he's not a top manager anymore and that it'd likely end in flames, anyway.

Marcelino is available now but he's another reactive coach. Likes to sit deep and counter. Don't know if he's the best fit, although at least he would play Auba and Laca up front together.

Maybe it's time for Arteta, or even Ljungberg? Seems to be the in thing to do.

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New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery? - Page 3 Empty Re: New era manager no 2: Who should replace Unai Emery?

Post by Raptorgunner Mon Sep 16, 2019 6:04 pm

I think Arteta would not be bad choice now.
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