The old forums

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The old forums Empty The old forums

Post by MacPhisto/MirrorBallMan Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:29 pm

Is it going to close down, and when is it going to (if it is going to)?

We left quite a bit of valuable stuff. We can't bump threads and it would be sad to see all the hard work go to waste. It's a valuable resource and I always have to dig through the archives and find references.

I spent a lot of time there and made lots of long articles etc so how long do I have to salvage anything I can find that's of use?

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The old forums Empty Re: The old forums

Post by rwo power Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:05 pm

If I understood correctly, the forums will be closed on Wednesday. You need to hurry!
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The old forums Empty Re: The old forums

Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:28 pm

It's actually very disappointing we don't have archives. I think there have been a few really great user-written articles that could be lost, as well as some excellent football debates.


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The old forums Empty Re: The old forums

Post by MacPhisto/MirrorBallMan Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:34 pm

Is there any possible way (I doubt it) that we can just store those pages in archives or something? Does anybody have expertise web knowledge that could help us?

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The old forums Empty Re: The old forums

Post by Ali Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:08 pm

theres a program for you to save website pages if you'd like...
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