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State of Arsenal

The Verminator
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State of Arsenal - Page 2 Empty Re: State of Arsenal

Post by kiranr Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:17 am

I dont think Arsenal will ever spend some money and revise their salary structure without a change at the board and management level. I mean the fact that the CEO of a top football club can get a bonus for not winning anything in any competition that they participated in definitely indicates a systemic problem that can be solved only by changing the overall system.

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State of Arsenal - Page 2 Empty Re: State of Arsenal

Post by Sri Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:28 am

kiranr wrote:I dont think Arsenal will ever spend some money and revise their salary structure without a change at the board and management level. I mean the fact that the CEO of a top football club can get a bonus for not winning anything in any competition that they participated in definitely indicates a systemic problem that can be solved only by changing the overall system.

To be perfectly honest, he got his bonus for achieving his targets for that financial year as a CEO. The transfer policy, the funding, player valuations - these are not his job. And nor did he implement the current wage structure. As a 'CEO', as in the case in any other organization, his job targets are strategic and 'off-field'.

So in my opinion, its not a justified argument. I still maintain that I think Ivan Gazidis is doing his job well enough individually.

The club management, as a whole, is failing though. Its not a faulty individual but a faulty system at play. And scapegoating an individual for a collective failure, as is also prevalent in most organizations, rather unfortunately, is not short of a 'pitchforks & torches witchhunt' philosophy.

Again, this is just my opinion and I have long since given up trying to educate this view in other gooners.

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State of Arsenal - Page 2 Empty Re: State of Arsenal

Post by kiranr Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:37 am

I used the CEO just as an example in this case. I am not trying to make him a scapegoat in the issues that are plaguing Arsenal currently.

Every job in Arsenal football club should be geared towards securing the best possible result in every competition it participates. That is the end goal/target. Ideally, it shouldn't matter that the CEO did well in securing good financing deals from sponsors if the club does not achieve its goal and hence he should not be paid a bonus in such a scenario. This is just my opinion.

Apart from that, it is just the general nature in which the board members and the management have talked about Arsenal and their goals, it just does not seem as though the top officials are focused towards achieving the best result for the club.
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State of Arsenal - Page 2 Empty Re: State of Arsenal

Post by sportsczy Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:55 am

thing is that Arsenal is a private for-profit organization. It's not a community-owned or non profit organization, like Madrid and Barca for example. So in the end, it really comes down to the goals of the owners in private enterprise. In Arsenal's case, it's about making money and trying to win.

In organizations like PSG and City, it's more about winning and less about the money aspect. Milan was like PSG and City because Berlusconi didn't care about Milan's losses until his recent troubles. Same with Inter. Roma is more like Arsenal. Etc.

Just the way it is.
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State of Arsenal - Page 2 Empty Re: State of Arsenal

Post by kiranr Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:11 pm

I am aware of that Sports. But it just seems that the board and the management have gotten lost in the top 4 target and CL participation target they setting for themselves every year lately. I don't think this was the case earlier. I think Arsenal genuinely tried to compete for trophies in 07, 08, 09 etc.

But since they have been achieving top 4 consistently, the management has gotten so comfortable with it that they stopped trying for the title and this, i feel, has seeped into the players as well, which is why it seems like there is a lack of belief around Arsenal this season.

This is just my opinion though and i could be wrong, like i am often.
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State of Arsenal - Page 2 Empty Re: State of Arsenal

Post by sportsczy Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:25 pm

I think they've become over-dependent on Wenger's ability to the detriment of proven player talent... when Wenger can get them to the CL with a bunch of kids with inexpensive salaries, why should they go for more?

Now they're facing the awful truth... Wenger was a decade ahead of his time in terms of international scouting. Now, all the big clubs and some of the secondary clubs have caught up to him.

So Arsenal must now either behave like an elite club or become truly a secondary organization.
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State of Arsenal - Page 2 Empty Re: State of Arsenal

Post by boyzis Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:47 pm

Ramsey is the root of all problems whenever he plays arsenal loose matches. If wengers continues to play him like this it will only get worse not only for the player but for arsenal football club. The solution is simple loan him out to spanish league where he rediscover his game and comes back strong playing for arsenal.
Yesterday for 60 mins he was on the field arsenal couldnot muster even a single shot on goal. after he went of arsenal manager 28 shots on goal. speaks alot.
I am with wenger but he is to stubborn to go against his principles. there is no problem at arsenal. there is only one problem and that is playing ramsey.


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State of Arsenal - Page 2 Empty Re: State of Arsenal

Post by boyzis Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:51 pm

I will go on and say that arsenal can win something this season. each and every competition they take part in. all arsenal need is

1. One Defensive Mid Fielder
2. One Striker (20 Goal Striker)



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