Players sign petition against Under-21 European championships in Israel Hitskin_logo

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Players sign petition against Under-21 European championships in Israel

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Players sign petition against Under-21 European championships in Israel Empty Players sign petition against Under-21 European championships in Israel

Post by Casciavit Sat 01 Dec 2012, 16:45

Footballers from Europe's major leagues have condemned Uefa's plans to hold the tournament in the region after the Israelis' assault on Gaza over the last month.

Players from Europe's major leagues have signed a petition against Israel hosting the Under-21 European championships next year.

The statement which the players have signed condemns the Israeli assault on Gaza, describing it as 'yet another stain on the world's conscience', and expresses 'solidarity with the people of Gaza who are living under siege and denied basic human dignity and freedom'.

Eden Hazard, Yohan Cabaye and Abou Diaby are among several Premier League players to have pledged their support to the campaign, which also criticises Israel’s continued detention without charge of two Palestinian footballers.

Former Manchester United star Eric Cantona wrote to the tournament organisers earlier this year over the detention without trial of Palestinian footballers.
“Racism, human rights abuses and gross violations of international law are daily occurrences in that country,” he wrote. “It is time to end Israel’s impunity and to insist on the same standards of equality, justice and respect for international law that we demand of other states."

The Palestinian Football Association president, Jibril Rajoub, also wrote to Uefa president Michel Platini earlier this year to say Israel was in breach of Fifa regulations because of its treatment of Palestinian footballers.

Platini has so far rejected the call to move the competition away from Israel.
He said: “You know better than anyone that it is not by punishing people and isolating them that we achieve our aims. It is through dialogue that solutions are found."

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Players sign petition against Under-21 European championships in Israel Empty Re: Players sign petition against Under-21 European championships in Israel

Post by gondov Sat 01 Dec 2012, 16:58

Israeli treatment of Palestinians is disgusting to say the least, however I'm with Platini on this one. Both sides are to blame in this conflict and it would appear as if UEFA are picking a side if they sanction Israel.

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Players sign petition against Under-21 European championships in Israel Empty Re: Players sign petition against Under-21 European championships in Israel

Post by norton Sat 01 Dec 2012, 17:12

i Both sides are to blame in this conflict

It's like saying that the blacks were equally to blame in Apartheid South Africa. It does not compute.

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Players sign petition against Under-21 European championships in Israel Empty Re: Players sign petition against Under-21 European championships in Israel

Post by gondov Sat 01 Dec 2012, 17:44

Israelis take the largest portion of the blame but Hamas dont do themselves any favors either.

Compare Hamas leaders to the likes of Mandela, Biko, Sisulu, Archbishop D. Tutu, Tambo, etc.

The ANC rarely targeted civilians and when they did,the decisions weren't from the top.
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Players sign petition against Under-21 European championships in Israel Empty Re: Players sign petition against Under-21 European championships in Israel

Post by norton Sat 01 Dec 2012, 18:19

I believe you are reading history written by the victors. As far as Oliver Tambo

But this is a football forum so let's just agree to disagree.

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Players sign petition against Under-21 European championships in Israel Empty Re: Players sign petition against Under-21 European championships in Israel

Post by gondov Sat 01 Dec 2012, 18:25

norton wrote:I believe you are reading history written by the victors. As far as Oliver Tambo

But this is a football forum so let's just agree to disagree.

It is understood the bomb had been placed in a blue Alfa Romeo car outside the multi-storey building, which houses the South African air force headquarters.
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Post by shamr9pato Sat 01 Dec 2012, 18:35

HITLER IS TO BLAME.. he drove the jews out forcing them to form israel..
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