Posting Pictures/Videos/GIF's

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Posting Pictures/Videos/GIF's Empty Posting Pictures/Videos/GIF's

Post by Le Samourai Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:00 pm

Could anyone outline the way to post Videos/Images/Gif's step by step?

Thanks in advance
Le Samourai
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Posting Pictures/Videos/GIF's Empty Re: Posting Pictures/Videos/GIF's

Post by dostoevsky Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:43 pm

Images and by extension GIFs can be posted directly from the quick reply box by clicking on the seventh box from the left above the input text box. It is in between the image of the floppy disk and the chain link, if you hover over them you'll find which one it is anyway.

When you click this, there is an input field where you should post the url of the link. This is the link which will display simply the image if you load it in your web browser. You can test this by right clicking any image on the page and hitting copy image URL - or whatever your browser allows you to do - and pasting it into a new tab to test that the link works. Just copy in the link and press OK.

For videos, you need the advanced reply option, so hit 'Preview' beneath the quick reply box. In the boxes above where you are writing, you will see the same image box, with two added features to the right. One is for a flash video, the other, with the image of a filmstrip, allows you to post videos from youtube, dailymotion and google video. To use these, simply copy the link as it appears in your browser up the top when you're playing the video and hit ok, and it will embed the video in your post, assuming this function is enabled on the video's original page.

I hope that covers everything you wanted. Thumbs up
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Posting Pictures/Videos/GIF's Empty Re: Posting Pictures/Videos/GIF's

Post by Lex Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:00 pm

1: Send Youtube link to Lex' inbox

2: Wait twenty minutes

3: Rejoice :dance:
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