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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by huntsman Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:42 am

Read this article; written by a Barca Fan. It's about why Real Madrid have lost La Liga this season and will lose the CL in the next few weeks to months. Interesting read i promise.

In 2009 Real Madrid paid €68.5 million to make Kaka their latest Galactico. At that time, the fee made the former Ballon d'Or winner the most expensive transfer of all time.

The Brazilian—considered by some to be still one of the best midfielders on the planet—has since become a bench player who rarely gets called up by Jose Mourinho.

This article will look at what Kaka's role can still be with the club and how he has been completely misused by his Portuguese manager—even to the point of negatively impacting other players on the team.

Transfer bust?
Many see Kaka's time at Real Madrid as a failure, and while that is a completely fair argument, it would be unfair to blame the player for this.

First of all, it is not entirely conclusive that Kaka has been a failure.

His numbers have not been worthy of his transfer fee: Twenty goals in 71 appearances is not bad at all for an attacking midfielder, but it is for a former Ballon d'Or winner who recently turned 30 and cost more than any midfielder in history.

However, Galacticos are never bought only for what they provide to the team. Shirt sales, global expansion of fans and general popularity are all major reasons these superstars are brought to the Bernabeu.

Kaka has not been a wild success, but to say he has been a bust would be a bit unfair. He has bought a lot of revenue to the club and helped expand the fan base.

Plus, when he has played, the South American has proven valuable and useful. It's just getting on the pitch that has been a major problem—which leads me to my next point.

Why doesn't Mourinho use Kaka?

Before we can say that Kaka is still good enough to play for Madrid or still deserves to play, we have to look at more than just the stats or number of appearances to date.

We have to look at his growth over time and the current level of form and fitness.

In his first season, Kaka was a general success. He helped Los Merengues win more points than any other club ever had in Spain. Unfortunately, Pep Guardiola's Barcelona bested that mark in the same year.

The 2010-2011 season saw Kaka miss over eight months to injury, and he never really got back near top form until the next campaign.

Since returning from injury, the Brazilian has gotten consistently stronger and better.

The failure of Kaka...or Mourinho?
It was understandable that Mourinho wanted to take his time with Kaka last season, since his injury was very serious and the team was doing just fine without him.

This term, however, has been a different story. The poor forms of Mesut Ozil and Angel di Maria, specifically, provide plenty of opportunities for Kaka to play and establish himself as a first-team regular again.

And really, the current situation is only a continuation of last spring. Since coming back from a lengthy injury Di Maria has not really been the same player who almost broke La Liga's assist record in a single half.

While the Argentinian—as well as Ozil and even new signing Luka Modric, to a lesser extent—have been in poor form, Kaka has been pretty sensational for most of the time he has been on the pitch, going back to last winter.

Yet, despite the 30-year-old's great health, Di Maria's challenges in regaining his form and despite the continued struggles of the Madrid defense this season, Jose Mourinho continues to misuse Kaka.

The Portuguese coach seems content with letting Madrid's former record signing waste away on the bench—a player who could still start for almost any club in the world.

Mourinho also failing Ozil
Sitting on the bench watching his club and fellow teammates obviously hurts Kaka, especially at the age of 30.

The longer he fails to get consistent action, the more fans are robbed of watching one of the last decade's elite players regain his old form.

But Kaka is not the only player suffering from his absence on the pitch. Oddly enough, it is the man he most commonly comes on for who is also being held back under Mourinho—Mesut Ozil.

On a good day, the Ozil is one of the most elite players on the planet. His vision, passing range and accuracy are almost unrivaled.

Unfortunately, the German international struggles with consistency, especially in big games. He is currently in the middle of the worst slump of his career. As we enter December, Ozil is having his worst season since coming to La Liga and is seemingly falling out of favor with Mourinho.

When the Portuguese coach gets his first-half tactics or squad selection wrong, it is usually Ozil he blames and takes out of the game.

The 24-year-old is certainly struggling, but the reason for that goes beyond an extended dip in form.

Ozil not fitting in

The problem for Ozil is that he does not quite fit into Jose Mourinho's defensive, width-reliant counter-attacking game—or perhaps it is more accurate to say that his support does not fully suit him.

In the current set-up, Ozil is simply being held back.

He is partnered on both flanks by incredibly gifted wingers, but both Cristiano Ronaldo and Angel di Maria lack the technical or creative quality of the German and rely more on their physical strengths.

Both players are very wasteful with the ball and—in terms of aiding into the attack with a more involved and consistent role—are far too streaky.

Most importantly this season, no one in Madrid's attacking midfield is disciplined, patient or creative enough to break down a stout defense like Ozil.

Without that help, Ozil is left directing play from the middle, only to have his wingers either waste a shot or take the ball out wide just to send a low-percentage attempt into the box.

Kaka's 'Ozil Effect'
One player who works very well with the great German midfielder is Kaka.

After Madrid's last group stage match against Borussia Dortmund, I made the point that Ozil may be better suited for a team like Dortmund or even Barcelona—a team with more true midfielders in attack than a pair of false wingers with less football intelligence from that area.

Many criticized me for even suggesting that Ozil is not fitting in, citing the great assist numbers the Madrid No. 10 had last term and the overall stellar season he had.

What many fail to realize is that the greatest stretch of Ozil's campaign did not come with the current Madrid team.

The German was at his very best with another creative midfield alongside, most often Kaka.

It was the Brazilian's mastery of the ball and ability to control the midfield while slowly and deliberately breaking teams down that saw Ozil gain more freedom.

He would often slide out wide like he does for Germany or stay more centrally while still being awarded tons of space to roam.

Having two world-class midfielders gives so much more tactical variety to Madrid beyond a counter-attack or trying to score within a minute of reaching the final third.

Now Ozil has to fully take on the role of playmaker by himself with neither midfield partner having much to add and comparatively lacking in football intelligence.

Change unexpected

Unfortunately, instead of Mourinho choosing to partner Kaka beside Ozil in midfield, he uses him as the direct replacement, still limiting the team in a similar fashion.

It seems more fans are wising up to the fact that the attacking midfield trio has many limitations, especially against top teams or those with great midfields.

Mourinho remains characteristically stubborn in his tactics and squad selection, though—a problem that greatly cost his team in the second half last season.

This weekend's Madrid Derby would be the perfect opportunity to try using Kaka with, rather than instead of, Ozil. But it likely won't happen.

The German just played another match mid-week, and if the Brazilian plays it would likely only be in his place.
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by chinomaster182 Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:14 am

Huge waste of time reading this, big laundry list of unsubstantiated opinions that just adds to the pit of worthless conjecture thrown around.

A biased person is just that though, if the OP by all means wants to believe Kaka is still world class and the world around him is letting him down then he will definitively find more "facts" to prove his point.

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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by huntsman Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:37 am

It comes as no surprise because if you remember when Madrid were playing their best football when Di Maria was injured last season and then with his return they lost the CL and were about to lose 10 points lead against Barca in La Liga.

The deterioration of Madrid performance continues to this season.

Excellent read by the way. I could have though of many ways to spend my valuable time on, but i am not disappointed in spending some reading this article.
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by VanDeezNuts Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:45 am

chinomaster182 wrote:Huge waste of time reading this, big laundry list of unsubstantiated opinions that just adds to the pit of worthless conjecture thrown around.

A biased person is just that though, if the OP by all means wants to believe Kaka is still world class and the world around him is letting him down then he will definitively find more "facts" to prove his point.

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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by StevieRayVaughan Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:08 am

Looking at the way Kaka has played this year, he looks a lot better. He obviously has no future in Real, given Ozil is just a better player, who is entering his prime. Plus now, Modric is there and also Callejon seems to cover every position in the field. I actually think Mou was being smart for playing Kaka in easy matches, in which he plays well, then his market value will slightly improve.


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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by Real Kandahar Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:23 am

chinomaster182 wrote:Huge waste of time reading this, big laundry list of unsubstantiated opinions that just adds to the pit of worthless conjecture thrown around.

A biased person is just that though, if the OP by all means wants to believe Kaka is still world class and the world around him is letting him down then he will definitively find more "facts" to prove his point.
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by barca 2011 Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:10 am

chinomaster182 wrote:Huge waste of time reading this, big laundry list of unsubstantiated opinions that just adds to the pit of worthless conjecture thrown around.

A biased person is just that though, if the OP by all means wants to believe Kaka is still world class and the world around him is letting him down then he will definitively find more "facts" to prove his point.
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by McAgger Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:52 am

Why do I get a feeling a that Huntsmen himself wrote that? hmm
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by barca 2011 Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:55 am

Messiah "Aggerswagger" wrote:Why do I get a feeling a that Huntsmen himself wrote that? hmm
LOL, thats what I thought. His picture sure as hell indicates such.
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by futbol Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:10 am

I agree with 1 thing in that article.

Özil is misused by Mourinho. Which is no surprise since Mourinho's Barcelona complex has turned him into a mediocre tactician who doesn't understand playmakers. He prefers the opposite, the English way of physical raid football, getting the ball forward with 3 passes or a single long ball, attacking space on the break etc. Özil would shine more if he had intelligent players around him who understand how to interchange passes and keep possession. But that's the only thing the article got right.

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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by Onyx Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:45 am

I don't think there's anything wrong with the article. Whenever Kaka has played, he's been alright.

Ozil would do much better in a different system. Currently our system is too direct. There's a massive gap between defense and attack and there's too much hoofing/long balls.

The reason why Kaka shouldn't play is because Ozil is here. He's younger and better.

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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by Pedram Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:08 am

Messiah "Aggerswagger" wrote:Why do I get a feeling a that Huntsmen himself wrote that? hmm
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by barca 2011 Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:11 am

Articles like these just remind me of one thing, regardless of their origin. Pep was "given" his team which won what they won so he's discredited as a top coach (to many on this forum). But when Mou's Madrid beat Barca, pretty much all the credit was given to Mou and HIS Madrid. HE had finally overcome Barca. 2012-13 is just halfway through but I think that if RM don't win La Decima, it'll be considered more of a failure for Mou than for Madrid. :imbutthurt:
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by Die Borussen Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:27 am

Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Didn-t-read-lol-l
Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Cristiano-ronaldo-498-jose-mourinho-smiling-and-laughing-in-real-madrid-bench-2012
Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Kaka

mourinho has never failed btw

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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by free_cat Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:56 am

Messiah "Aggerswagger" wrote:Why do I get a feeling a that Huntsmen himself wrote that? hmm
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by kiranr Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:16 pm

Messiah "Aggerswagger" wrote:Why do I get a feeling a that Huntsmen himself wrote that? hmm
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by Adit Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:19 pm

that was a waste of time,which Barca fan who dont watch madrid wrote it again?
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by S Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:20 pm

Messiah "Aggerswagger" wrote:Why do I get a feeling a that Huntsmen himself wrote that? hmm

And i didnt find this article on bleacherreport either which even more proves the case Laughing
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by Adit Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:20 pm

Idiot wrote:Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Didn-t-read-lol-l

biches rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by VanDeezNuts Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:38 pm

Surag wrote:
Messiah "Aggerswagger" wrote:Why do I get a feeling a that Huntsmen himself wrote that? hmm

And i didnt find this article on bleacherreport either which even more proves the case Laughing

i actually looked it up and it was on bleach report.. not that that is saying much- all i have read from BR is slop, never read an article i thought was interesting.... so far

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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by chinomaster182 Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:47 am

I wonder what the excuse was today, 3 playmakers on the field plus the god himself, dominated possession and absolutely nothing to show for it.

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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by huntsman Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:24 am

The God himself was dragged to play only in the last quarter of the game.
And that's when Ozil started ticking and Madrid scored a goal.

If he started the game, it wouldve been a different story. So your confusion is not justified.
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by huntsman Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:27 am

Vandeez, you will not see it even if it came to hit you in the face. You obviously hate him, and you wont be able to rationally think when you hate the subject of discussion.

His rating was among the best during this game, and every game he played in.

If he started the game, it wouldve been a completely different story; madrid would have easily won.
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Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012 Empty Re: Interesting Article about Why Mourinho has Failed Madrid in 2012

Post by Be/\/ceCALI Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:01 am

Kaka needs more play time.. He can't be expected to be playing like we know he's capable of, if he only gets 20 minutes cameos.. It not only hurts his form, but confidence, and happiness..

It's no coincidence that he still performs very well for Brazil's NT
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Post by the xcx Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:17 am

Thank god he will be gone in January..

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