Pallavicino: "For De Ceglie no contact with Rome. Juve wants to keep it"

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Pallavicino: "For De Ceglie no contact with Rome. Juve wants to keep it"  Empty Pallavicino: "For De Ceglie no contact with Rome. Juve wants to keep it"

Post by DeviAngel Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:33 pm

Interviewed by, Carlo Pallavicino, agent, Paolo De Ceglie (25), puts an end once and for all the market rumors that his client gave very close to the transfer to Rome, reiterating that Juventus has no intention to sell it "So far there has been no contact with Rome, but anything can happen. The intention of Juventus at the moment is to keep the boy in its staff. Now it is useless to talk of a deal that does not exist. Certainly if the opportunity arose, evaluate the proposals but, again, to date there is no ongoing negotiations with any club. "

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