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Post by M99 Mon Dec 08, 2014 4:02 pm

From NeoGaf.

Here's a bit of info I sorted up in hopes of making some things a bit clearer. It's all gathered from actual info from interviews, trailers etc.

What is No Man's Sky?
- In a nutshell, the goal is to earn money, get the best gear and survive the trip to the center of the galaxy. Yes, you can explore planets or stay in one forever, but if you're asking for a goal, a purpose, that's it.

Why would I want to get to the center of the galaxy?
- It's the main goal of the game, the only objective. Apparently, there will be "a compelling reason to head towards the center of the galaxy, as well as an ending that will provide you with a sense of closure. But there will be a reason to continue playing after that ending". Remember that Minecraft, Don't Starve, DayZ or even Dark Souls don't have a clear goal, they throw you into the world without telling you what to do next. 90% of Dark Souls is melee combat and walking, sounds pretty boring if you think about it that way, doesn't it.

What are the main incentives? Why would I want to play this game?
- As was mentioned, leveling yourself by ways of earning money and gear while trying to survive in a harsh environment is the main incentive, like in a vast number of games, or at least it's the main gameplay mechanic pushing you forward. The other incentive is of course pure exploration, which is enough for a lot of people but technically it might not be. You engage in a number of activities, both on the surface and in space, earn money, improve and buy gear and reach the center of the galaxy. Of course, getting money will be challenging, it will often put you in dangerous situations and you will probably die a lot.

So what do I do, what activities are there?
All of these activities earn you money, some more than others:

- Exploration (discovering and naming of creatures, plants, locations, crashed ships, structures, artifacts, portals to dangerous planets)
- Resource Gathering (gather and sell minerals from a fictitious periodic table of elements using a multi-tool for scanning, a mining laser for gathering)
- Trading (buy resources cheap from one space station, sell them to another for profit)

- Destroy Guardian Robots (gathering and killing too much alerts robots that hunt you down, you have weapons and grenades at your disposal)
- Escort and Defend (escort ships on their journey, defend them from enemy attacks)
- Destroy Ships (destroy trader ships, lone or groups of traveler NPCs, choose sides in huge fleet battles or evade them altogether, kill the local police)

There is also one "core thing" you can do for every solar system, and this "thing" is of great significance, fundamentally changes that solar system and players can choose whether or not they want to do that.

*Note: They've mentioned that killing creatures doesn't actually earn you money (discovering and scanning them does), but you can do it nevertheless.

How does exploration actually work?
- You have a galactic map with all of the stars revealed. Clicking on a star shows its basic solar system data, with more info if someone's already been there and shared it. You hyperjump to the selected solar system and then target one of the planets. As you enter the orbit, your ship's computer scans the surface and shows you essentially question marks, points of interest detected on the surface. These points of interest can be any of the aforementioned activities that earn you money while on the surface as well as trading posts, portals etc. Basically, you get rewarded for revealing what the question marks are and then do the stuff related to said activity, whether it is scanning of new species, mining resources, a dangerous trap, jump to new worlds, kill some robots etc. You can freely explore the entire planet if you want, and you'll probably find some nice things out there as well, but a few of the key locations will be marked with these "question marks".

Just imagine Far Cry 4, but instead of the towers revealing icons and those icons depicting exactly what the missions are, you reveal icons just by arriving at the planet and discover what the icons are by actually going there.

What do I do with all this cash I earned?
- Well, the main goal is to survive the trip to the center of the galaxy, so you want to make sure you can actually pull this off. There are three main things you can upgrade:
- Suit - (shields, carrying capacity, jetpack, degree of survival in toxic, corrosive, radioactive, acid and other environments)
- Weapons - (improve scanning range and type, resource gathering, laser beam, plasma grenade, energy shot, for space there are different weapons with different specialties like lasers for shields, plasma for hull damage, torpedoes for heavy damage but with slow projectiles)
- Ship - (buy new ones actually, but they can have different stats defined into three classes: Fighter, Trader and Explorer, different engines, stealth tech, different types of weapons for different occasions)

Doesn't sound all that difficult. What are the obstacles, where's the difficulty?
- If your ship is destroyed, you respawn after death without your ship and cargo but you still have your hard earned money and suit upgrades. If you get killed while on foot, naturally you loose what resources you had on you and respawn near your ship, still having your money and suit upgrades.
- Planets have different atmospheres, radiation, toxic and corrosive environments, liquid hazards like acids and alcohols so you need to upgrade both your suit and ship to survive in these harsh environments.
- Some planets have robot guardians that attack you if you exploit (as you should) the planet's natural resources, kill off wildlife etc. In other words, the robots punish you for doing everything you can to survive and improve your gear.
- Participating in conflict between factions will win favors with one over the other, meaning one faction will give you wingmen for support or trader discounts while the other will actively attack you if you're in bad relations with them.
- Attacking outposts and space stations enrages the local police. You don't get rewarded for attacking space stations but you do for killing cops (or any ships for that matter).
- Fuel is used for interstellar (hyperspace) travel and is very expensive. An easier way of getting fuel is by mining for resources, or you could do any of the other activities to earn cash and spend it on fuel. Fuel also takes up cargo space so you need to balance that if you want to do trade runs.
- Hazardous planets (or maybe all of them?) deplete your suit's oxygen levels so you need to be mindful of this when embarking on longer journeys through the inhospitable terrain.
- Portals to other planets can be extremely dangerous (you can only use them on foot) but can also give larger rewards, since you're basically warping to a high level area while you're still at a very lower level. Also, each portal requires a different weapon or combination of weapons to activate.

So will all of this actually be fun or worth it?
- Well that depends, it might get boring quickly or the variety of combinations might keep things fresh at least for a few dozen hours. People play Destiny, Far Cry 4, Dark Souls or Don't Starve, games which have extremely repetitive and annoying elements for a lot of people but are still loved by a great many people. My point is, No Man's Sky clearly has gameplay, and while exploration is directly encouraged and essential, it's not the only thing you can do in the game. It's not a walking simulator by any stretch. You earn money, have a goal you can pursue, upgrade your gear, engage in combat, have a lot of dangerous situations etc. That being said, it might turn out to be a boring game, it depends on balance, how interesting the activities are and a number of factors, one of which is the player himself. It's not a game for everyone, but those are rare anyway.

I hope this clears some things to some people, especially with posts saying there is no gameplay and such. Also, I recommend reading the NMS wiki archive on reddit that has all of this info and more.
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Mon Dec 08, 2014 4:24 pm

Just played Bayonetta 2 demo, suffice to say I'm buying it Laughing

Can't believe I never played this or the original, utterly fantastic.
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Post by LeVersacci Mon Dec 08, 2014 4:27 pm

First one was goat. Loved it. Although I rage quitted at last boss beacuse it was total bs Laughing

Shame the second one didn't come on PS4/XB1
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Post by Jonathan28 Mon Dec 08, 2014 5:00 pm

The Witcher 3 delayed to May 19th, 2015

PR wrote:Dear Gamers,

Ever since we started working on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, we knew it would be an ambitious game. We wanted, and still aim, to give you an incredible experience, an epic adventure in a vast, completely open fantasy universe.

The sheer size and complexity of The Witcher, key features of the title, have had a decisive impact on production. Now, nearing the end of our work, we see many details that need to be corrected. When we release the most important game in our studio’s history, we must be absolutely sure that we did everything we could to limit any bugs to a level that will allow you to enjoy the game thoroughly.

With this in mind, we took another look at current workloads and what they mean for the team. Even though everyone is working at full speed, we concluded that we need another 12 weeks, so we are shifting the release date of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to May 19th, 2015.

We owe you an apology. We set the release date too hastily. It’s a hard lesson, one to take to heart for the future. We know what we want to do to make Wild Hunt one of the best RPGs you will ever play. And we continue to work hard to achieve just that. So, we apologize and ask for your trust.

Thank you for the all support you show us on a daily basis. We truly do appreciate it. It has fueled us in our passion since the start and will continue to do so.

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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Mon Dec 08, 2014 5:06 pm

Oh *bleep* off
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by VendettaRed07 Mon Dec 08, 2014 5:07 pm

Great Leader Sprucenuce wrote:Just played Bayonetta 2 demo, suffice to say I'm buying it Laughing

Can't believe I never played this or the original, utterly fantastic.
GOAT Hack and Slash series. Seriously nothing is better. The fluidity of the combat and style is unmatched.

Both games are well worth playing. Love how the second one comes with the first included to. They are actually a bit different in terms of the game progression and level design.

I'd suggest playing and beating the first one before going on to the second one. It makes playing the second a little more satisfying and gives it a bit better context; and even though the stories are really out there and a bit nonsense at times, playing the first does make the second one make a bit more sense, where without playing it would seem just like a bunch of mumbo jumbo
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by M99 Mon Dec 08, 2014 5:25 pm

Gameplay from Shovel Knight:
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Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:21 pm

Another exclusive for next year that interests me although it may not everybody....

Playstation Experience happened over the weekend, and many gamers were left wondering, "Where is the new Ratchet and Clank?" There are still a lot of misconceptions about the game, and while Insomniac Games may not have had any time on the material stage, they've taken to Twitter's virtual one to offer some tidbits of information regarding the upcoming title.

One fan tweeted at the developer, asking Insomniac if they could make a new Ratchet and Clank - not a remake - for the Playstation 4. Insomniac quickly informed the fan that the new Ratchet and Clank is a complete reimagining:

"It's a complete re-imagining. NOT a remake."

Another person asked why Insomniac wasn't going to release the game in Q1 of 2015. Apparently, the user thought that Insomniac had made a statement declaring that the game would be out in early 2015. Here's what they had to say:

"2015. We never said Q1"
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Post by Juveman17 Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:12 pm

M99 wrote:From NeoGaf.

Here's a bit of info I sorted up in hopes of making some things a bit clearer. It's all gathered from actual info from interviews, trailers etc.

What is No Man's Sky?
- In a nutshell, the goal is to earn money, get the best gear and survive the trip to the center of the galaxy. Yes, you can explore planets or stay in one forever, but if you're asking for a goal, a purpose, that's it.

Why would I want to get to the center of the galaxy?
- It's the main goal of the game, the only objective. Apparently, there will be "a compelling reason to head towards the center of the galaxy, as well as an ending that will provide you with a sense of closure. But there will be a reason to continue playing after that ending". Remember that Minecraft, Don't Starve, DayZ or even Dark Souls don't have a clear goal, they throw you into the world without telling you what to do next. 90% of Dark Souls is melee combat and walking, sounds pretty boring if you think about it that way, doesn't it.

What are the main incentives? Why would I want to play this game?
- As was mentioned, leveling yourself by ways of earning money and gear while trying to survive in a harsh environment is the main incentive, like in a vast number of games, or at least it's the main gameplay mechanic pushing you forward. The other incentive is of course pure exploration, which is enough for a lot of people but technically it might not be. You engage in a number of activities, both on the surface and in space, earn money, improve and buy gear and reach the center of the galaxy. Of course, getting money will be challenging, it will often put you in dangerous situations and you will probably die a lot.

So what do I do, what activities are there?
All of these activities earn you money, some more than others:

- Exploration (discovering and naming of creatures, plants, locations, crashed ships, structures, artifacts, portals to dangerous planets)
- Resource Gathering (gather and sell minerals from a fictitious periodic table of elements using a multi-tool for scanning, a mining laser for gathering)
- Trading (buy resources cheap from one space station, sell them to another for profit)

- Destroy Guardian Robots (gathering and killing too much alerts robots that hunt you down, you have weapons and grenades at your disposal)
- Escort and Defend (escort ships on their journey, defend them from enemy attacks)
- Destroy Ships (destroy trader ships, lone or groups of traveler NPCs, choose sides in huge fleet battles or evade them altogether, kill the local police)

There is also one "core thing" you can do for every solar system, and this "thing" is of great significance, fundamentally changes that solar system and players can choose whether or not they want to do that.

*Note: They've mentioned that killing creatures doesn't actually earn you money (discovering and scanning them does), but you can do it nevertheless.

How does exploration actually work?
- You have a galactic map with all of the stars revealed. Clicking on a star shows its basic solar system data, with more info if someone's already been there and shared it. You hyperjump to the selected solar system and then target one of the planets. As you enter the orbit, your ship's computer scans the surface and shows you essentially question marks, points of interest detected on the surface. These points of interest can be any of the aforementioned activities that earn you money while on the surface as well as trading posts, portals etc. Basically, you get rewarded for revealing what the question marks are and then do the stuff related to said activity, whether it is scanning of new species, mining resources, a dangerous trap, jump to new worlds, kill some robots etc. You can freely explore the entire planet if you want, and you'll probably find some nice things out there as well, but a few of the key locations will be marked with these "question marks".

Just imagine Far Cry 4, but instead of the towers revealing icons and those icons depicting exactly what the missions are, you reveal icons just by arriving at the planet and discover what the icons are by actually going there.

What do I do with all this cash I earned?
- Well, the main goal is to survive the trip to the center of the galaxy, so you want to make sure you can actually pull this off. There are three main things you can upgrade:
- Suit - (shields, carrying capacity, jetpack, degree of survival in toxic, corrosive, radioactive, acid and other environments)
- Weapons - (improve scanning range and type, resource gathering, laser beam, plasma grenade, energy shot, for space there are different weapons with different specialties like lasers for shields, plasma for hull damage, torpedoes for heavy damage but with slow projectiles)
- Ship - (buy new ones actually, but they can have different stats defined into three classes: Fighter, Trader and Explorer, different engines, stealth tech, different types of weapons for different occasions)

Doesn't sound all that difficult. What are the obstacles, where's the difficulty?
- If your ship is destroyed, you respawn after death without your ship and cargo but you still have your hard earned money and suit upgrades. If you get killed while on foot, naturally you loose what resources you had on you and respawn near your ship, still having your money and suit upgrades.
- Planets have different atmospheres, radiation, toxic and corrosive environments, liquid hazards like acids and alcohols so you need to upgrade both your suit and ship to survive in these harsh environments.
- Some planets have robot guardians that attack you if you exploit (as you should) the planet's natural resources, kill off wildlife etc. In other words, the robots punish you for doing everything you can to survive and improve your gear.
- Participating in conflict between factions will win favors with one over the other, meaning one faction will give you wingmen for support or trader discounts while the other will actively attack you if you're in bad relations with them.
- Attacking outposts and space stations enrages the local police. You don't get rewarded for attacking space stations but you do for killing cops (or any ships for that matter).
- Fuel is used for interstellar (hyperspace) travel and is very expensive. An easier way of getting fuel is by mining for resources, or you could do any of the other activities to earn cash and spend it on fuel. Fuel also takes up cargo space so you need to balance that if you want to do trade runs.
- Hazardous planets (or maybe all of them?) deplete your suit's oxygen levels so you need to be mindful of this when embarking on longer journeys through the inhospitable terrain.
- Portals to other planets can be extremely dangerous (you can only use them on foot) but can also give larger rewards, since you're basically warping to a high level area while you're still at a very lower level. Also, each portal requires a different weapon or combination of weapons to activate.

So will all of this actually be fun or worth it?
- Well that depends, it might get boring quickly or the variety of combinations might keep things fresh at least for a few dozen hours. People play Destiny, Far Cry 4, Dark Souls or Don't Starve, games which have extremely repetitive and annoying elements for a lot of people but are still loved by a great many people. My point is, No Man's Sky clearly has gameplay, and while exploration is directly encouraged and essential, it's not the only thing you can do in the game. It's not a walking simulator by any stretch. You earn money, have a goal you can pursue, upgrade your gear, engage in combat, have a lot of dangerous situations etc. That being said, it might turn out to be a boring game, it depends on balance, how interesting the activities are and a number of factors, one of which is the player himself. It's not a game for everyone, but those are rare anyway.

I hope this clears some things to some people, especially with posts saying there is no gameplay and such. Also, I recommend reading the NMS wiki archive on reddit that has all of this info and more.

Nice info Smile
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by Dante Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:00 am

Ok. I just finished Bioshock Infinite . (huge) Spoilers in case there's any madman like me who hasn't actually played this game to this day .


One of the best games ever .
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Post by RealGunner Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:05 am


Thoughts on this?

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Post by M99 Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:22 am

Did anyone here play Alien: Isolation?
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Post by Dante Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:31 am

The lowest config , for that kind of money?! NOOOOOO. R9 270 ? I have a better GPU than that ffs , and you get worse for 1700$ ?! No. Regardless of how good it will be , because it will be , if i want to pay 1700 for a pc , the GPU WILL be that of the 4700 one , the GTX 980. You can make it work with 1500 , maybe less than that.

Are you filthy rich? Only the last one is worth it going by specs and it is simply overkill , meant solely for 4k . For 4700$ , you're getting absolutely the best there can possibly be . It's a wet gaming dream.

But unless you want to run Cod : 2019 3 times at the same time , you don't really need to spend all that unless money is never an issue.

One could still get DRR4 ram , new generation CPU from Intel , GTX 980 which blows any console graphics out of the galaxy , X99 motherboard , 750power supply , windows , hardrive and a good case with added air cooling and with that build a freakingly good PC for 1500 , more or less , that will play even at 4k easily and impossibly well.

But , let's say money is never an issue. The 4700 is crazy . It will get on windows in like 8 secs. You could play for hours and the PC will be cool . You could play games in that 4700 PC that will come near the PS5. It is that good. The rest i wouldn't really bother . I mean 1700 for a R9 270 , piss right off , alienware and fancy stuff and what have you. No.
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Post by Twoism Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:12 pm

@M99 I did and enjoyed it but that doesnt say much since I'm big fan of Alien. The game did lots of things right and got some terribly wrong as well.

Atmosphere is excellent, u're truly hopeless and invulnerable against everything. Hide, run, overwatch and proceed with caution. There are lots of reference from the film if u looking around. The story is simple but get to the point, u're daughter of Ripley and come to investigate mother emergency signal. The AI is really good, the alien is freaking deadly to the point, u could throw controller to the wall. The best thing of this game is alien design, scary and unpredictable. The weapon has purpose, each type for each enemy and like other horor game, u have to preserve all u can.

The bad: pacing, it could be god damn slow at time, u will get bored multiple times through the game. I have one section when I have to hide for 10 minutes doing nothing cause alien refused to go elsewhere. The objective set up is dull and boring, go here and get that, all fetching. The AI, while damn good, there is problem with no pattern in stealth game, u will encounter cheap death when u do nothing wrong, just Alien decide to pop up at most unexpected time.

Overall if u're fan of Alien, it's must buy, this is as close to 1st Alien film as u can get in game. If u're not hardcore fan, probably wait for discount or free on PS plus in the future because u will get bored of this game and want to pick up something else between playing. I'm a fan and have to force myself to finish it due to terrible pacing
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Post by Thimmy Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:58 pm

Just completed Injustice: Gods among us. Pretty cool game. I think the combat is a bit too slow for my liking, but it's an entertaining game, nonetheless. It was definitely a lot better than I had expected it to be. We need more free PS+ games like these.
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by gb Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:50 pm

Dante wrote:Ok. I just finished Bioshock Infinite . (huge) Spoilers in case there's any madman like me who hasn't actually played this game to this day .


One of the best games ever .

My man! BioShock Infinite is easily the best and most memorable game I have played to date. I didn't play BioShock 1or 2 so I came in with an open mind and it blew me away.
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Post by Dante Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:11 pm

yes , it was too good Proud Can't wait to get my hands on the next Bioshock .

I am probably going to play the previous 2 as well , Infinite more than convinced me the series is worth it. Infinite's DLC has that city Rapture which is in the bottom of the ocean and it's quite an amazing feeling to get to play in such a background.

The first Bioshock is set in Rapture , so i am going to play it at some point as well as the second , once i am done with Infinite's DLC . Fantastic game Infinite , couldn't believe myself when i begun to play it , i didn't even care to try it when it came out.
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Post by gb Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:18 pm

I have yet to buy the DLC's but I will get around to them soon. let me know what you think of them once you beat them
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:21 pm

Doubt there will be another one tbh, the developers in question have left and made their own studio.

Even if there is another one it will probably be shit.
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Post by gb Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:23 pm

Yea, that what I saw when I searched for it on Google. I doubt it would have ever lived up to standards Infinite set anyways. I guess, the next game on my agenda is TLOU which everyone is saying is an absolute masterpiece
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Post by Dante Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:52 pm

Of course . I read tho Irrational Games is no more . 2k will continue with Bioshock , but things are uncertain. It will be a while till we see another Bioshock game and there's always the possibility we won't , i guess? Story-wise they will have to begin from scratch , Infinite DLC leaves close to no room for lose ends.

Also , apparently the 2nd Bioshock game was made by other developers , who then left and went to Arkane Studios , who made Dishonored , a game which i absolutely love and it's similar in background , but not in gameplay . In any case , it will be a hard task for any studio to follow Bioshock Infinite . Sad Irrational is no more , though . I fully hope we get another great Bioshock game and with a bit of luck , the new developers will do it justice .

But again , as i see it , it will be a while and that's the best case scenario.
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Post by M99 Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:36 pm

Thanks for the info Twoism. I have seen Alien Isolation on a lot of GOTY lists and it's 92 on Metacritc. I have seen Alien years ago and like but I'm not a hardcore fan. Will probably skip this.

@Mole: TakeTwo confirmed they would continue releasing BioShock. Obviously it won't be as good without Irrational but meh who knows?


Just wait till you notice the small details. Your mind will be blown further.

Also after playing the first BioShock, you will understand the significance of "There's always a man, always a lighthouse, always a city."
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Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:40 pm

IMO it will be the same as Halo without Bungie, Gears without Epic, Metroid without Retro and so on. Will probably will be a decent game but nowhere near the level of Bioshock and Infinite.
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by VendettaRed07 Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:34 pm

Great Leader Sprucenuce wrote:Halo without Bungie

l can't even believe how shite that series has become. 343 can't even remake the good ones with any sort of competence ffs. The games were right there you scrubs all they had to do was work and they blew it
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General Games Discussion Empty Re: General Games Discussion

Post by Dante Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:21 pm


I did went on to read about stuff i might have missed , or couldn't have foreseen as the game goes on (obvs). I was deeply impressed by the thought given behind this game , but really , the concept is nothing new to me. I am not Sheldon Cooper either , but when it comes down to it , i was amazed with the story and the characters more than with the theoritical stuff the game works with . That being said , this game never seizes to amaze me. Regardless of being able to tell more or less from the start what this would be about , i still missed a lot of things and bear in mind i was paying attention all the time . Infinite was great stuff.

As for any new Bioshock game , will new developers have the same effect and atmosphere built into the game , the same effort? Impossible to tell. We just have to wait and see. One thing this game could do though , is remaster the shooting and all , because it felt like well-polished easily accesible mediocrity when it came to that.

Not sure how romanticized Bioshock Infinite may currently be , but i think this game won't age well. It's fun going by gameplay terms , but when it comes to FPS playing and actually to high standard FPS gameplay , it's certainly not so impressive and far from equal compared with it's storytelling and it's art .

Moal made a good point , however let's not pretend Bioshock did EVERYTHING right. It didn't . Perhaps this particular series may actually need new devs.. just an idea . The idea and what people expect from Bioshock , the engine , everything , the concept , is well known and it will all be available for the new Bioshock..

And from what i read , there's quite the story behind Bioshock Infinite devs. Regardless of any of that , it may or may not be such a bad idea to give it to another studio. It depends , i think this game could use some revolution in gameplay . The rest have to be Bioshock and only Bioshock. Some stealth wouldn't be bad either and defo go more open world if you're going to create something so beautiful.
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