why is there a 100% chance of thiago motta leaving?

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why is there a 100% chance of thiago motta leaving? Empty why is there a 100% chance of thiago motta leaving?

Post by zarola Fri 10 Jun - 2:51:25

Goal.com says he's leaving 100%, not 99...! Why the hell would he leave...
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why is there a 100% chance of thiago motta leaving? Empty Re: why is there a 100% chance of thiago motta leaving?

Post by Guest Fri 10 Jun - 2:57:38

Not a 100% chance lol, and never listen to goal.com and their none sense. Mostly everything they say is wrong or never come true. However Motta might leave... :coffee:


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why is there a 100% chance of thiago motta leaving? Empty Re: why is there a 100% chance of thiago motta leaving?

Post by zizzle Fri 10 Jun - 8:35:28

i wouldnt mind him leaving if we replace him with a more consistent player
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why is there a 100% chance of thiago motta leaving? Empty Re: why is there a 100% chance of thiago motta leaving?

Post by ThatOneTwo Fri 10 Jun - 10:52:38


he wants to stay,
i hope we dont sell players against their will.
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why is there a 100% chance of thiago motta leaving? Empty Re: why is there a 100% chance of thiago motta leaving?

Post by guest1 Wed 7 Sep - 16:40:36


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why is there a 100% chance of thiago motta leaving? Empty Re: why is there a 100% chance of thiago motta leaving?

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