Palestinian state, are you with or against?

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Should the UN recognize a Palestinian state? (State why)

Palestinian state, are you with or against? - Page 7 Vote_lcap91%Palestinian state, are you with or against? - Page 7 Vote_rcap 91% 
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Palestinian state, are you with or against? - Page 7 Vote_lcap9%Palestinian state, are you with or against? - Page 7 Vote_rcap 9% 
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Palestinian state, are you with or against? - Page 7 Empty Re: Palestinian state, are you with or against?

Post by The Messiah Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:54 am

Yuri Yukuv wrote:So you are seriously telling me you can go to downtown beirut and tell people there is no god?

Can you go to center of beirut and openly preach that jaja and nasrallah shud be brought to trial and executed?

If you become an atheist or a buddhist can you run for office? Im pretty sure you cant as the positions are allotted according to religion.

Schindler's list is banned in lebanon for gods sake for cultivating sympathy to jews.

Your pm was murdered because he talked too much, many more followed from the parliment I think it was 14 over two months. The assailants are now in power.

The palestinians live in apartheid where they cant own land, cant leave their camps without much trouble and live in much worse conditions than the rest of the country.

Women cannot give lebanese nationality to her offspring.

The point is Israel is illegally occupying Palestine land, we are not here to talk about freedom of speech if Palestine chooses not to be democratic, then that's the system they want, which in other words means democracy, government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Selfishness is not wanting to live the way you want to live, but wanting others to live how you want to live.

However you most understand that the most important thing here is fixing the ongoing injustice instead of trying to find faults in other Arab states and trying to ignore the vital point, which in turns distracts people from the truth.

Even if Palestine were cannibals, barbaric, monsters, Zombies or whatsoever the case maybe it still not sufficient to justify the fact that Israel is occupying their land forcefully.

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Palestinian state, are you with or against? - Page 7 Empty Re: Palestinian state, are you with or against?

Post by Senor Penguin Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:12 am

imalegend wrote:US had officially cut UNESCO's funding....

The United States is cutting funding to the U.N. education and science agency UNESCO after the agency voted to accept a Palestinian bid for full membership, the U.S. State Department said Monday.
"Today's vote by the member states of UNESCO to admit Palestine as member is regrettable, premature and undermines our shared goal of a comprehensive just and lasing peace in the Middle East.," said State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.
"The United States will refrain from making contributions to UNESCO," she said.
Who gives a sh*t about the US? As long as we have this ...

Palestinian state, are you with or against? - Page 7 Newsmain.full4609

... we'll be alright!


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Palestinian state, are you with or against? - Page 7 Empty Re: Palestinian state, are you with or against?

Post by VivaStPauli Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:24 pm

zizzle wrote:unless the Americans want to see the UN headquarters move to Beijen they wont stop funding the UN, its just a bluffing attempt that isnt fooling anyone

The US haven't been providing the funds to the UN they promised for 20 odd years, actually.

So you'd be surprised. :flower:
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Palestinian state, are you with or against? - Page 7 Empty Re: Palestinian state, are you with or against?

Post by zizzle Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:32 pm

eventually another super power would step in to fill the gap...eventually
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Palestinian state, are you with or against? - Page 7 Empty Re: Palestinian state, are you with or against?

Post by Yuri Yukuv Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:31 pm

You guys do know that we were not part of UNESCO from 1984-2003 right???
Yuri Yukuv
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Palestinian state, are you with or against? - Page 7 Empty Re: Palestinian state, are you with or against?

Post by milanfan7 Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:20 pm

Yuri Yukuv wrote:You guys do know that we were not part of UNESCO from 1984-2003 right???
We as in whom? I cant make out the flag under your avatar.

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Palestinian state, are you with or against? - Page 7 Empty Re: Palestinian state, are you with or against?

Post by Yuri Yukuv Wed Nov 02, 2011 7:08 pm

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Palestinian state, are you with or against? - Page 7 Empty Re: Palestinian state, are you with or against?

Post by Le Samourai Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:56 am

TBH placing Israel at their current location based on a 2000 year old work of fiction is the worst thing the UN has ever done.

Could you imagine what would happen if everyone claimed their original lands ?

Could you imagine an America with no Christians/Caucasians , Africans , Chinese etc.?

The Land Israel now occupies is in no way theirs, at least not more so Than America belonging to Spain or Spain belonging to Rome for that matter.

Giving Israel their was a spit in the face of History. People have fought for that land for Centuries....especially Jerusalem....and the Muslim's won it ... fair and have it taken from them like if they did nothing for it.....It hurts my soul.

This one idiotic decision by the UN has been the root cause of so much war and Pain , it's *bleep* pathetic.

Israel should be located simewhere like Mongolia where a large influx of People would not cause war...

*bleep* Hitler......gave the Jews too much international sympathy with his idiotic Holocaust.

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