What happen to Arda Turan?

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What happen to Arda Turan? Empty What happen to Arda Turan?

Post by guest_07 Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:58 am

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to the rest

What happen to Arda Turan?

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What happen to Arda Turan? Empty Re: What happen to Arda Turan?

Post by BarcaLearning Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:31 pm

Yea he was a strange one, one of Atleticos best players when we got him, and he performed decent mostly when with given chances, but just didnt fit in and gel smoothly with our team, much like a lot of other players who came for some reason. He have had many such players in the past few years which is a lot of bad luck or just bad management, natureal team dynamics, I guess a combo of these factors.

At a certain point he just wanst given opportunities anymore which was unfair, but common practice for us now for a few years. Another one I would have definitely kept him simply for his qualities.
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