Coronavirus Impacts Thread

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Coronavirus Impacts Thread Empty Coronavirus Impacts Thread

Post by Zagadka Tue Mar 24, 2020 1:14 pm

Didn't want to mix this with main Corona thread as it's most updates and health related...

but this CV will for sure have some long-lasting effects in all aspects of our lives and society. Hell! even lifestyle and job market will shake up big time after this.

Let's discuss them here. I have a list of them, but feel free to share what's on your mind and your predictions.

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Coronavirus Impacts Thread Empty Re: Coronavirus Impacts Thread

Post by Babun Tue Mar 24, 2020 1:30 pm

Less demand due to less money in the pockets => lots of bankruptcy of small to middle sized companies => unemployment => even less demand => more bankruptcy => more unemployment

Civil unrest and wars may be the possible results, years of depression..
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Coronavirus Impacts Thread Empty Re: Coronavirus Impacts Thread

Post by Zagadka Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:05 pm

Can see social unrest unraveling within the next 10 days in places that have been under full quarantine for 2-3 weeks already.

WTF happens to small businesses? Seriously?

My city has soooo many small businesses in restaurants, bars, pubs, clubs....surely not all of them are gonna go bankrupt?

I wonder what the rate of suicide and depression is these days.

I'm starting to worry about social and economic-aftermath disaster of the virus more than the virus itself...

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Coronavirus Impacts Thread Empty Re: Coronavirus Impacts Thread

Post by Unique Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:38 pm

Zagadka wrote:Can see social unrest unraveling within the next 10 days in places that have been under full quarantine for 2-3 weeks already.

WTF happens to small businesses? Seriously?

My city has soooo many small businesses in restaurants, bars, pubs, clubs....surely not all of them are gonna go bankrupt?

I wonder what the rate of suicide and depression is these days.

I'm starting to worry about social and economic-aftermath disaster of the virus more than the virus itself...
i saw trump talking about that as well.

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Coronavirus Impacts Thread Empty Re: Coronavirus Impacts Thread

Post by Myesyats Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:59 pm

Sucks for a lot of people who live paycheck to paychek but its a big blow for materalistic attitudes and capitalism which makes me kinda love it.

I hate this "in pursuit of money" life. It is psychologically draining. All people do nowadays is work, work, work
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Coronavirus Impacts Thread Empty Re: Coronavirus Impacts Thread

Post by Unique Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:05 pm

Myesyats wrote:Sucks for a lot of people who live paycheck to paychek but its a big blow for materalistic attitudes and capitalism which makes me kinda love it.

I hate this "in pursuit of money" life. It is psychologically draining. All people do nowadays is work, work, work
spot on buddy. dont spend your life making money because you cant spend your money making life Thumbs up

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Coronavirus Impacts Thread Empty Re: Coronavirus Impacts Thread

Post by Myesyats Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:37 pm

Honestly i could get a UBI $1,000 a month and not work again easily, saved up enough already anyway for many years
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