The Matriarchy= Apocalypse

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The Matriarchy= Apocalypse  - Page 10 Empty Re: The Matriarchy= Apocalypse

Post by Myesyats Fri Oct 11, 2019 2:54 am

Because women who are similarly qualified don't earn less for the same job or, at the very least, the difference is barely noticeable

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The Matriarchy= Apocalypse  - Page 10 Empty Re: The Matriarchy= Apocalypse

Post by BarrileteCosmico Fri Oct 11, 2019 3:01 am

I'm sure the Google story is quite common. The gender gap for equal work is actually 2-3%. It would be very odd these days to have a 25% gap for actual equal work, equal certification, equal hours, etc. I have a few friends that work in HR and they tell me they audit for this sort of thing, god forbid they have a potential scandal on their hands. And even the 2-3% that does exist is not necessarily indicative of discrimination.
(also recommend listening to the podcast they link to)

The issue is that women veer towards jobs that pay less but offer more flexible hours. The solution is to make "men's" jobs more "women" friendly by ensuring things like forced parental leave, flexible hours, etc so women don't have to choose between family and jobs as much. (I used quotes as these are clearly very broad generalizations that should not be taken seriously, in case anyone gets confused).

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The Matriarchy= Apocalypse  - Page 10 Empty Re: The Matriarchy= Apocalypse

Post by CBarca Fri Oct 11, 2019 4:29 am

It bothers me when i hear people complain about equal pay for equal work when, as far as I'm aware with respect to recent literature, the pay gap is quite low (underneath 5% consistently).

It was certainly a problem at one point, but now it just seems like a weak point that makes feminists look bad for continually complaining/re-framing an issue that's not really an issue anymore.

There are plenty of ways women get screwed over in this world, it makes me scratch my head when they choose to continually rail against the one they've finally conquered.

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The Matriarchy= Apocalypse  - Page 10 Empty Re: The Matriarchy= Apocalypse

Post by Tomwin Lannister Fri Oct 11, 2019 7:07 am

If equally qualified women genuinely got less money than men for equal work then companies would have about 99% female staff everywhere lmao

This rabid feminist bullshit usually and purposefully doesn't account for hours worked and maternity leave.

Women tend to prioritise careers less than men. Especially any that want children.

I speak from firsthand experience at jobs where women generally avoid over time like the plague.
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The Matriarchy= Apocalypse  - Page 10 Empty Re: The Matriarchy= Apocalypse

Post by RealGunner Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:50 pm

I have never seen or heard any woman complain about pay gap issues over here. Mainly because both men and women are bound by minimum wages or pay scales applied by companies which absolutely do not change because of gender regardless of talent or qualification.

Problem comes due to the issues raised by Tom but even then every sane woman perfectly understands that.

This, like usual, sounds mainly like an American issue.

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The Matriarchy= Apocalypse  - Page 10 Empty Re: The Matriarchy= Apocalypse

Post by Thimmy Fri Oct 11, 2019 7:07 pm

I'm under the impression that it's an argument that's raised more frequently in North America, but I've certainly heard it in Europe as well. A colleague of mine mentioned it a couple of years ago, which surprised me because I generally consider her to be quite sensible. I'm a bit surprised you haven't heard about it in the UK, as I've come across several feminists and journalists on the internet who've used the gender pay gap as an argument to support theories of patriarchy and whatnot Razz

Just among the names who've been mentioned on here, Jordan Peterson, Piers Morgan and Milo Yiannopoulos have argued against/debunked the gender pay gap in the UK. Famous people who've backed it's legitimacy include Emma Watson, off the top of my head. Inequality in wages exists in certain private companies around the world, and that's extremely unlikely to change as people have all kinds of biases. I mean, one might as well expect any given person to appreciate all men and women equally - it's not realistic, and it's not realistic for all of these private companies to be regulated by anti-bias inspectors either.

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